
Fate Binds Us


Hye mi's POV :

The class had finally ended, for the students’ greatest pleasure, since they all gathered to the door, leaving only a small amount of people in the classroom. 
Luhan was about to stand up, when he saw me taking a piece of paper out of my bag.
'What is that?' He asked me.
' My time table' I answered my eyes busying themselves taking a peek at it. 
Luhan leaned to check it out too.
' Cool, that's your first day and you already don't have classes this afternoon !' He said fascinated.
' Yes ! But I still have another course I should attend, and I'm already tired' I laughed.
He checked his and found out that he was free this afternoon too.

' Do you want to go out with me ? Let's eat lunch together and why not go for a walk near the Han River?' he asked, all excited. He had so many plans, as if he was thinking about it all night.
' I don't know, we'll see' I said looking at Suho's direction unconsciously. 
I wonder if he had already planned something for us to do. If not, I'll go with Luhan for sure.
Suho was busy talking to some friends. He was so friendly to everyone, and so kindhearted. 
Luhan had already disappeared, buying us drinks, he said.
I put my head on the table and closed my eyes, when I suddenly felt someone patting my back.
I lifted my head up to finally see Suho standing next to me. He had a worried expression drawn on his face.
' What's wrong?' He asked.
' No, nothing's wrong. I just want to sleep' I said.
' You scared the hell out of me' He sighed giving me that caring look that got me melting. 'I thought you were sick or something' He added.
' You just broke the rule' I said.
' I know, but it's your fault' He blamed me.
' No it's not ! I just laid my head on the table, can’t I?' I looked so serious that he started laughing.
' You look so cute when you're serious' He took his hand out of his pocket to my hair but I stopped him. 
' Yah ! Everyone is looking our way' I whispered, my eyes darting in people’s direction feeling a bit embarrassed. 
' You'd better go for now, let's text each other' I suggested.
He nodded and got back to his seat.
After a few minutes Luhan came back. He put a can of juice in front of me. 
' I knew you'd feel sleepy, that's why I brought you Orange juice' Luhan said.
' Thank you' I smiled at him. He always knew how to make me feel better. “You’re the best”
I took the can and opened it.
I drank a gulp before taking my phone to send a message to Suho who was already holding his phone waiting for my message.
~ What are your plans for tonight? ~ I typed.
I immediately got an answer saying that he was not going to meet me because he had to practice tonight.
' Okay, let's go out this afternoon' I said, turning back to Luhan.
' What about lunch?' The latter asked me.
' I don't think having Lunch with you is possible' I was actually sure that the only thing I could do with Suho was having lunch together, since he perhaps had class this afternoon.
The course started, our teacher was a cute and young one, she was teaching us acting.
She gave us a small test of expressions, sad, happy and angry.
Suho went to the board, trying his best as expressing his task. He was so good at it. When he was doing the 'happy' face he was just smiling at me, and everyone could tell that he actually was happy. He had that y eye smile plastered in his face. I blushed and lowered my head, putting my both hands on my face.
When I looked up, and found that Luhan was looking at me weirdly again, he didn't take his eyes off of me. I felt like something was definitely bothering him, making him change his expression literally. 
I looked back at Suho who was going back to his seat. 
It was Luhan's turn, and he was so good at being sad that I felt like crying. Was he really sad? I really wanted to know why he was feeling that way.
When my turn came the teacher didn't stop praising me, and I was thankful to her. I bowed before going to my place.
'Okay guys, all of you were great. I really enjoyed three performances here. Suho, Luhan and Hye Mi's' she paused ' I think you guys are going to be the main characters in a play we'll be presenting soon' she said smiling at me.
' I didn't choose the play yet, and I would like Hye mi to help me choose one' she said proudly.
' Hye mi' She exclaimed looking at me ' Do you have any proposition right now?' She asked me.
' No teacher, but I'll make sure to find a good one' I said with a determinate expression. 
And right after that, the bell rang.
' Okay then I'll count on you' she said picking up some sheets on her desk. 
Students were already ready to go out.
I took my notebook and put it in my bag. Luhan was still next to me, waiting for me, but Suho came to me when all the students left. 
' Let's meet in front of my car' he said waving.
'Okay' I nodded 
I looked at Luhan. I thought Suho was really acting mean to him since he didn’t even greet him, though Luhan is older. It felt like they hated each other. I could feel the cold looks they were giving each other. It was scary... Why were they like that, seriously ?
' I'll be going right now' I stated.
' Yeah' he simply said.
I waved at him and headed to the door. 
The hallway was already empty, no one was there. When I stepped outside the academy I could see Suho parking in front of the door.
He lowered the car window and told me to get in.


Sehun's POV :

I barely slept that night, the sensation I felt that moment didn't stop popping out in mind. 
My sleep was interrupted because of those visions. I managed to sleep a bit before the alarm's sound woke me up.. It was 6:30am already, it was the first time I wake up after the second alarm I settled just in case I don't hear the first one.

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I laid on my bed for quite a moment, my arm on my eyes.

'Hyung ! Wake up... Wake up~ ' an angelic voice found my ears while shaking my arm.
'Yoogeun-ah ! Why didn't you wear your clothes already ? I taught you how to do it, didn't I ?' I managed to say.
'It's ugly when it's not you who helps me wearing it' he paused 'mum doesn't have fashion sense...' He continued.
'Fashion sense ? Who taught you that word ?' I asked him as I played with his black silky hair.
'Girls in my school, always talk about that' he answered. 'And when you come with me at school, they don't stop talking about you... They always say that you have fashion sense and that you're handsome' he mumbled.
'Really ? They say that ?' I said, a smile forming on my lips.
'But... They keep on saying that I'm your opposite' he said lowering his head, playing with his fingers.
I got a shock, is my brother getting bullied at school ? I felt so bad to hear that.
'We are brothers ! You look like me, and you have more charms' I stated getting up, and lifting him up heading to the mirror.
'Wouaaa~ we really really really look alike !' I said.
'Really ? Yes,you're right !' He smiled.
'Your classmates need to wear glasses right ?' I laughed, he nodded.
I headed to his room to help him wear his clothes. 
'Sehun-ah ~ thank you ! I will take him to school today.' My mother in law said.
'Ani, I'll do it !' I opposed.
'I want hyung to take me there !' Yoogeun stated.
'Alright, as you like !' She said tapping yoogeun's head.' You need to take your breakfast, come with me' she added tending her arm so that he can grab it, but didn't before I nodded.
'Go with your mum, I'm going to wear my clothes' I said heading to my room.
Today is a special day, I was diligently choosing my clothes and I ended up wearing this :

I wanted to be handsome, and good looking, that's why I didn't care about the weather, even if it was cold I didn't wore a lot of clothes.
I went downstairs and found yoogeun waiting for me.
I immediately took his hand and talked with him all the way to his school.
'If someone says something bad to you, you should tell me huh? I'm your hyung and I'll protect you, so if someone bothers you don't even hesitate to tell me !' I told him as we stopped in front of the door.
'Ne hyung !' He nodded and hugged me.

I left the place and got ready to go to the place where Hye Sung and I decided to meet. Yesterday night, we didn't stop texting each other and since we didn't have class the day after, we've decided to go on a date.

I went near Hye Sung's house, took my phone from my pocket and texted her in order to let her know that I'm already ready to go.

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She immediately showed up.

She was wearing warm clothes, unlike me... I was already freezing, but I couldn't do anything about it.
'Annyeong~' she waved and took my hand.
'Oh ! Your hands are so cold.' She surprisingly said as she took my hands to warm it.
That feeling again... My heart was violently shaking.
I was so embarrassed because I should be the one warming her.
'Wait... I'll be back !' She said as she let go of my hands and walked to her house.
I waited a little bit and she showed up again with couple gloves and a scarf.
'It's Hye Mi's gloves' she stated before stretching on her tiptoes to put the scarf around my neck.
'I'm lucky to have you' I mumbled.
'What ? I didn't hear you' she said as she approached me.
I took the opportunity to kiss her cheek and murmured with a deep voice 'I love you'.
She chuckled as she slightly tapped my chest.
'I'm already sick of that word !' She laughed.
'Fine, I'm not going to say it anymore' I said as I walked forward.
She caught up with me and held my hand.
I looked at her and she was prettily wearing the hairpin I gave her when we were young. She always wear it.
I took it from her hair.
'Yaaa ! Do you know how much time it took me to wear it ?' She pouted.
'It's not pretty, I need to buy you a new one !' I said her hair.
'And why is your bag so big?' I added.
'Let me take it !' I said taking it from her
She was silent, as if she was shocked because I said that it wasn't pretty.
'What's with your expression?' I approached her pouting face,
'It's just ...' She said calmly.
'Oh my ! You scared me !' I said.
'Arasseo arasseo ! Mianhada huh ? Mianhae' I said giving her a hug then putting it back prettily on some strands.
She sighed before coming back to her normal state.
'Oh ~ why am I so jealous ?' I putted my hands on my head and look up at her.
'Jealous ? Why ? There's nothing to be jealous about though...' She putted her finger on her candy mouth and switched to look at me.
'This hairpin ... It make me feel jealous, jinjja !' I said jokingly.
'It's because my lovely boyfriend gave it to me when we were young that I like it that much' she said touching it with a hand and pointing at me with another.
'Your boyfriend ? Do you have a boyfriend already ? And why are you pointing at me ? It's not like I'm your boyfriend right ?' I joked
' If you're not my boyfriend ... What am I doing here ?' She said going back home.
'Kajimaaa ~ ' I held her.
'I'm your soulmate ! Don't you dare leaving me huh ?' I added, holding her little hand and caressing it. 

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'Jeongmal? Soul...mate' She stood on her tiptoe to achieve the same level as me, exactly my lips.
I was so nervous because I felt her breathing on my mouth, what a soft sensation, I closed my eyes letting her do whatever she wants to me. 
She slightly touched my lips with hers, I was disappointed till she held my neck and kissed me hardly. Her lips were the softer thing I've ever touched, the softest... She was breathing so fast while kissing me, I firmly held her waist and lowered my head to make our position comfortable, and after being close, I moved one hand from her waist to put it behind her head. It was a long kiss... I was thinking how awkward it would be when we'll stop it, but I didn't care ! The only thing I knew is that I have to live this moment fully, and show my love to her by kissing her back.
I was so into it that I didn't know I hurt her, I accidentally bitted her lower lip, I could feel blood on my tongue... Ouah~ even her blood is tasty, OMG am I transforming to a vampire? .. 
She slightly pushed me and touched her lip, yes, it was bleeding... OMG how embarrassing, I don't even know how to kiss ...
I used my thumb to wipe the blood that was on her lips.
' I'm sorry' I said feeling guilty.
Even if she got hurt she was smiling at me, her eye smile was killing me.
I paused, putting my finger on her lip and turned to see a lot of kids with their parents looking at us, they were like watching a drama, mouths opened widely and eyes fixed on us.
I was embarrassed. I could feel the others being jealous of our relation, the elders must wish to come back to their youth and kids might be thinking of their future.
I took my finger off of her and held her hand to escape of that situation, I couldn't stay there for a long time because there was some neighbors... They were maybe wondering how a calm boy as me can do such an act.
We run till the bus station, we went on and sat in the bottom, since no one was there,we took our ease to be close to each other.

Hye Sung's POV :

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I gave him a intense kiss... It was a good one till Sehun's teeth made this little mistake. I'm now sure that he haven't done this to any other girl, it's funny how he doesn't know how to kiss.. I'm unexperienced too, but still I'm way better than him. He held my hand, placed his head on my shoulder. He was like a little kid who needs someone to love him, and I'm sure he needs it, he might have suffered without his mum, just thinking about it made my eyes watery. I took his cold hand -that was already holding mine- and put it between my two hands to warm it up, after warming it a little bit, I moved a hand on his blond hair, stoked it softly, I wanted him to feel that he has someone by his side, that even if he had a hard time in the past I will try my best to make him happy.
'I will always be by your side' I whispered.
No answer...
'You didn't fall asleep, did you ?' I asked not moving from my comfortable position. Still hearing no answer, I started poking his cheek and receive no response.
I took my phone in order to use it to see him trough the self camera, as I expected, leaning on my shoulder with his eyes closed and breathing deeply. I smiled and didn't bother waking him up since he was so cute comfortably sleeping, I didn't stop looking at him... I had the idea of taking a pic of him, and I did ! I took a lot of selcas ! I looked at it for awhile and fell asleep my cheek on the top of his head.

-2hours later-

I woke up as Sehun's head fell on my lap.
I looked around after rubbing my eyes.
It was a different place, it was like we were in a mountain. 
I got scared, I freaked out so I've woken up Sehun, he cutely rubbed his eyes before standing on his then standing !
'Where are we ?' He asked.
'Eottokhae? I don't know this place ' I panicked.
'I really have no idea' he stated.
'Ajuhshi ! Where is this place ?' Sehun asked the conductor.
'This is the ... Mountain ! It's a nice village, have fun !' He said pointing at the exit door.
Sehun turned to me, surprised he was speechless for a moment and then took my bag.
'Gaja !' He said tending his arm to me.
I held his hand, and since I was with him I stopped worrying, I felt secure with him around me.
'Ne' I said lowering my head.
Sehun was in front of me, so he helped me climbing down.
'Gomawo' I said.
'My pleasure princess' we laughed shyly.
'Where are we going now ?' I asked.
'Well.. I don't know this place so let's just visit the place first' he answered.
'Oh ! Look there... A restaurant !' I said excitingly. 
'Aigo ~You feel hungry ?' He my hair. 'Let's go to eat !' He continued taking my hand and putting it up.
He was acting like a child and at the same time as an oppa. Even if we have the same age, he makes me feel so protected. 
We went in. This restaurant is specialized in fish, my favorite food ! I was so happy and excited to try it.
I told Sehun to order something for me, because we have the same taste, in addition to my laziness to read the menu.
After some minutes I was so happy seeing what Sehun ordered.
'We're going to eat together' he said approaching me.
'Come over here' I said tapping next to me.
'Before eating I want something...' He said.
'What is it ? What do you wanna order, this time I'll do it for you !' I said tying my hair up.
He approached me, I could feel his breath on my neck.
'Sehun-ah ~ stop it ! They're watching us' I murmured.
'I don't care ! They don't know us' he whispered before kissing my neck.
I couldn't do anything but covering my face with my hands.
'Saranghae !' He said with his deep voice before taking his chopsticks.
'Na do saranghae' I said shyly.'next time don't do it in front of everyone ! It's embarrassing in front of everyone.' I added discovering my face.
'I will try.. to resist ...' He said busy eating.
'Yaaa ! Eat slowly ! You will have an indigestion' I said. 
He didn't hear me, he was still eating with a incredible speed.
I laughed and started eating.
'Ouch !' I said touching my lip.
He immediately turned to see me pouting because I'm unable to eat, my lip was hurting a lot, and the hot food harmed it ...
'Does it hurt a lot ?' He said putting down his chopsticks, turning 90 degrees and approaching my lip.
'Um, it hurts...' 
'Eottokhae? What am I supposed to do ?' He panicked, hesitating to take a handkerchief or to blow on my lip. How cute ~
He started blowing on it.
I laughed and it hurt more.
'Mianhae huh ? Ajjhumma ! Ajjhummaaaa ! What to do when someone is hurt in his lip and can't eat huh ?' He asked the ajjhumma of the restaurant.
I shook my hand so that he can stop worrying that much... But he was already talking to her ! I face palmed. 
'Arasseo ajjhumma ! Give me a juice straw.' He ordered.
'Ah wae geuraesso ? It's really embarrassing...'
'It's okay ... I'm really sorry huh ? I didn't mean to do that earlier ... Aigoo I'm a bad kisser...' He hit his head as everyone looked our way after hearing 'bad kisser'...
It's the most embarrassing day in my whole life... 
All the words that Sehun said and made me feel embarrassed kept popping ... It wasn't good for my health... I was literally going crazy.
-after finishing eating and going out-
'Aaaaah' Sehun sighed.
'I feel good !' He added.
'Oh ! Look over there !' Sehun excitingly said.

Hye Mi's POV:


We went to a restaurant, he ordered soup, meat, and some other dishes I didn’t even remember their names.
Suho was happy, I could feel it, he was smiling all day and he even started feeding me. It was embarrassing at first, but I ended up doing the same. 
'Say ah' he said bringing his chopsticks in front of my mouth.
I ate whatever he gave me and I did the same. Everyone around us were looking at us, some were envious, and the others were like ' Oh, a newly married couple', or ' They're so cute', and even: ' Oppa, feed me too'

We soon finished eating, leaving our table and quitting the restaurant.
'Let's walk' Suho suggested.
' Okay' I nodded.
He soon wrapped his hand around mine, letting his thumb wander over my palm and the back of my hand, caressing them wholeheartedly. I felt my heart rate starting to race, giving me that crazy feeling. I fast put my hand against my chest silently begging my heart to stop beating that violently.
' What's wrong?' He suddenly spoke. Too suddenly that I got scared. He laughed at me.
I pouted, slightly punching his shoulder trying to make him understand that it was no fun, and then sighed. 
' You were lost in your thoughts !' He paused ' What were you thinking of?' He asked.
' Nothing' I said lowering my head.
I could feel him approaching, slowly closing the gap between our bodies.
' No, tell me or I'll kiss you now' He whispered his lips teasing the shell of my ear, hot breath making me shiver.
' Kiss me' I said confident. 
He laughed before taking my head between his hands; I closed my eyes, ready to be kissed. But as I felt his lips touching my forehead, I immediately opened my eyes.
' Not here, I'm afraid that someone might see us' he said, arranging some strands of hair, that had lost their way, behind my ear.
I pouted and walked forward without him. 
'Yah ! Wait for me' he said running to me, trying to catch me. 'Are you craving that much for my kiss?' He asked smiling.
I blushed because of what he just said.
' Ani...' I pouted, crossing my arms against my chest, faking a mad face. ‘Forget' I added.
He wrapped his hands around my waist then buried his face in the crook of my neck, trailing wet kisses all along.
' People might see us' I said trying to remove the arms that were linked to my waist.
' It's time for me to go babe' he said as he looked down at his watch.
I looked at him with my puppy eyes.
'Awn' he said pinching my cheek.
He hugged me and kissed behind my ears. ' I'll call you tonight' he said hugging me tighter.
' okay' I responded, looking down all sad.
' I love you' he said cupping my chin lifting it slightly to look at my eyes. He gave me a sad smile before leaving.
He was now far from me. I sighed then walked home. 
While I was walking I thought about Hye Sung, I was wondering where she was, I haven't seen her at school the whole day.
I got suddenly cut off my thoughts as I heard my phone ringing. I picked it up, not caring to see who was calling.
' Hye mi' 
It was Luhan.
'Yes?' I responded.
' where are you?' He asked.
' I'm going home' I said.
' Why? Are you feeling tired?' He asked worried.
' No, it's not that at all, I don't have anything to do, that's why' I sighed.
' Then why don't you come to see me?' He asked.
' Okay' I answered.
He gave me the address we were supposed to meet in.
I took my phone, using the GPS location app so I could actually know where it was.
It wasn't far from my house, so I didn't bother myself to take a taxi or anything. I liked doing things in my own way.

I just arrived to the restaurant after what it felt like two seconds of walking… And realized it was closer than what I though.
As I walked in, the first thing I noticed was the music lounging from the front, with a soft yet powerful piano sound and a mesmerizing voice which really made me feel something… I was relaxed, but at the same time, so intrigued. As I walked to the front, I was taken aback when I saw who was at the origin of that amazing music. It was Luhan. I should’ve thought about it… The sweet voice sounded so familiar to me.
I stood next to him, not caring about the audience at the restaurant looking at me in such a weird way. No, I didn't care about them at all. I was amazed. He was so handsome while focusing on his singing.
He looked up at me then we smiled at each other. The song ended, every single person there was amazed by his voice. People were clapping and he was bowing and thanking them, standing still next to me.
' Hey' he said.
I couldn't say a word though. The answer wouldn’t form on my tongue. I was still in shock! I looked at him, straight in the eyes.
He looked like an angel.
'Did you like it that much?' He asked surprised by my reaction.
' Yes, you're the best' I said putting my thumb up.' I never knew about your singing abilities' I added.
'So I guess I did well at hiding them…?' he laughed. 'From now on I'll sing for you more' he said walking to a table next to us.
' I'll be glad to hear you singing again' I said sitting in front of him.

We talked for hours, and I could feel that he was better than this morning; he wasn't weird around me anymore. I was wondering whether I should talk about it or not, but I decided to not bring the subject up, he'll go back to the same state he was in this morning, so I just forgot about it and continued talking to him normally.
While talking to him, I felt warm, he was sweet and nice to me even after all I did to him before... Letting him there alone was a bad thing to do. I realized I couldn’t imagine my life without him, he helped me a lot when I needed someone to be by my side, I was really thankful to him for every second of the precious time he gave me.
It was already 9pm. Time passed by so fast, but we really enjoyed our time together.
We didn't get enough of that day yet, so we decided to go to Han River, since we were not familiar with Korea yet.
We sat in a tent where they were serving some soup.
' Kris Hyung said it was tasty' he paused ' let's try it' he smiled at me.
I nodded.

Surprisingly he ordered two bottles of soju as well.
' You know I can't drink right?' I asked him, not sure of what he was going to do about it.
'It's all for me' he said looking down at them, avoiding my eyes for a while.
He just smiled at me and poured some in his glass.
' I just felt like drinking.' he said after finishing his glass. Then, he poured some more.
I sighed, since I couldn't do anything else but let him do whatever he wanted.
He was a good drinker. He was almost done with his second bottle but he still wasn't drunk… I supposed.
I finished eating my seafood soup, Kris was right, it was really tasty. 
Luhan ordered another bottle.
' Luhan!' I started; looking at him worried.
'What?' He said looking at me with saucer eyes
He lowered his head, and then started searching for something in his pocket. He took out some cash and put it on the table. 
He stood up after taking his bottle.

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'Let's go' he looked at me, offering his hand, suggesting me to hold it. 
My hand went unconsciously to his.
We walked to a little garden facing the magnificent river, where we sat and started contemplating the view. We were quiet. I could hear Luhan drinking from the bottle. I really didn’t know why he was acting like that, and honestly, it was freaking me out.
I let myself fall into the ground.
'The stars are shining today' I said looking at the beautiful sky, trying to start a conversation.
He eyed me, sighed then looked up at the sky.
I closed my eyes. 
I stayed like that for a moment before I could smell the strong smell of soju.
I opened my eyes to find Luhan's head in front of mine. He leaned closer and closer, I tried to sit but Luhan stopped me from moving.
'Sometimes, I wonder if you think of people who are ready to do anything for you. You two are dating, but is he willing to give you his heart?' I was surprised by his words

'Because I am, though you don't love me as I actually do, I'm to die for you' he continued.
We were looking at each other as many thoughts were rushing into my mind, making me go dumb. I wasn't afraid from him or anything, I just couldn't push him away from me, and even if I tried, I knew I wouldn’t succeed.
He was now confessing to me… Does he love me? 
‘Luhan, wha...' I couldn't finish my phrase when he intertwined my fingers with his and rushed his lips onto mine. My heart was racing, and my eyes were wide open.
I was shocked, I couldn't move. I actually couldn’t even try; my body was reacting in a weird way, never allowing me to pull free. I didn’t know what was happening to me.
I was now kissing him back, what the heck was going on with me?
I knew shouldn't be doing that! I placed my hand on his chest and pushed him with all my strength, but he didn't move an inch. I tried my best to stop the kiss but couldn't. If it would continue like that I’m afraid I might screw up and do something wrong.
I knew he was running out of breath, and so was I. I thought I would suffocate.
'Luhan' I whined, while pushing him. 'Why are you being like that?' I finished in a hurry. 
We were still close from each other. He didn't answer me, but I could see that his eyes were watery, and he started crying silently. I didn’t know what to do anymore.
' I love you' tears were running down his cheeks as they fell on mine as well.
He was playing with my hair; he lowered his head burying it on my chest. He was now sobbing.
My heart was hurting at the sight, as much as I was surprised. Was that the effect of being drunk?
‘Luhan? What's wrong with you?' I asked him. 
I was pretty sure he didn’t hear me since he was sobbing hard into my chest. I felt so bad for him, and I was feeling guilty, since I was pretty sure I was making him that way.' I'm sorry' I said caressing his hair. ‘I love you too, but not the same way' 
I pushed him slightly so that I could sit down instead of lying.
He sat down too and lowered his head; he was blushing, but still crying.
I could tell that he wasn't that drunk at the end, just by looking at his eyes.
I got on my knees and hugged him. He placed his head on my shoulders, wrapped his hands around me and put his head into another position so that he could feel comfortable. I was feeling his slow unsteady and heavy breathing against my neck.
It felt weird being in such a situation with him. I felt sorry for him.
' It hurt me seeing you kiss another boy in front of me' he said in a shaky voice that made my eyes watery.
I couldn't say anything. I still couldn't believe what just happened.

Luhan’s POV:

The kiss I've always dreamt of just happened, it was my first kiss, and I couldn't stop kissing her since I got a taste of her lips. She even kissed me back. She said she was sorry for not loving me back. I actually always knew it. Of course, she was thinking of Suho all the time, our conversations always revolved around him, so it was normal for me to know how much she actually did love him.

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Chapter 19: Omg Hye Sung Spent the night with SeHun!!
Oh I see Hye Mi is falling in love with LuHan! I can tell ^_^
Thank You Author-nim :D
Can't Wait for next update ^o^
Chapter 2: i so love ur FF but waae u stopped writing ;__;!!
i wanna know what gonna happen in the end *.* !!
-YoncaLuHan- #3
more hye mi and lu han please :))
More chen and hye sung please!!!

KoreanKitKat #5
Hmmm seems interesting ^^
Update soon!