Chapter 17

Because he's my Minho
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Suddenly Yuri was feeling uncomfortable, she wondered what it was. Her gaze turned around to the gigantic window, the weather was terrible outside.

“It must be so cold outside” she mumbled. Out of sudden she remembered Minho didn’t take his coat, jacket or warm clothes with him. He just went out with his black V neck shirt.

“He should still be here. Better I catch him”. She got up, grabbing Minho’s jacket from closet then rushed out to get Minho.


Once the elevator door opened, the wind sending chill all over her body, she stepped out of it. She searched where Minho was.


For her surprise, she froze in place for a moment watching a woman hugging Minho right in front of her.

Slowly, she stepped back. She had no idea why she felt hurt so bad inside. Her heart began to increase in speed, her eyes slightly watering. She was shocked, confusion, jealousy and anger all over her.

“Is it what you called ‘friend’?” she hissed to herself.

Couldn’t fight back her tears, finally she burst into flood of tears, bringing her palm up to cover preventing her weeps out, she pressed it tightly. She couldn’t stand seeing the view in front of her, immediately she ran inside elevator back to the room.





“, what the hell are you doing!!” he pushed away from Dara. Once they broke from hug Dara still tried to get him.

“I want you. That’s final!” she said in persistence.

He gripped her arm firmly as annoyance and anger were all over him.

“Let go of me!” she managed to break away from his grip but failed.

“Stop your nonsense. Listen to me and you listen to me very well. I’m a married man. I’m not the old Choi Minho. I love my wife and son. And just so you know, you’re nothing compared to my wife. She’s not !” He said it firmly. Dara surely tested his patience to the end.

“I WILL GET YOU FROM THEM!!” she shot back at him.

Minho smirked at her before managing his words, “You are disgusting, do you know that?”.

“I don’t intend to come here to be insulted, Minho!”

“You went to a wrong place then”. Casually he answered.

“Damn your arrogance. I’ll make sure you’ll pay for this.”

“You and your hopeless threat. Do whatever you want but if you ever dare to harm a hair of my wife or son, hell will be with you. I promise you that. So stay out of our life. Do I make myself perfectly clear?”

His furious eyes and the deadly warn stabbed her enough. Feeling rejected and humiliated she shook his grip off with all of her might until he released it.

“You son of Choi Minho!!!!!” she cursed then stomped her feet away from him. It was quite relieving for Minho, he held the urge to let out the worst of his anger towards Dara. But his sanity still got onto him, she is a woman after all.

He let out his anger groaned angrily by kicking an invincible item on the ground before got in the car to drive around and get some fresh air.




Meanwhile Yuri was crying next to Mason, she hugged her son while trying to not wake him up. She knew Mason loves Minho so much, how could it be if Minho left them for the woman who hugged him before. The thought of it scared her so much. She kissed the sleeping Mason and kept crying and crying.


Yuri’s POV


I don’t understand why I let myself crying over something that I shouldn’t care about. Sooner or later I know that Minho would get fed up waiting for me and he just fall in love with someone else. And here I am, I shouldn’t have any single reason to get mad and jealous because I don’t even know that I really love him or not. But why I could be so fearful of losing him? Do I really love him or I’m just addicted to his presence? It seems like the most selfish thing I ever do, wanting to keep you by my side without knowing whether my heart belongs to you or not.

How do you describe a feeling when you actually can’t describe it in reality?


I assure myself that it’s okay, it will be okay because sometimes friendship even lasts longer. The more I assure myself that it’s okay but I can’t deny that it hurts me more. The thought of Minho and that woman now might be doing more than just a hug keep bothering my mind. T.T


Minho what makes you so ing special to me?<

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Chapter 24: Please update again!!!
Pavithrathiyagarajan #2
Chapter 24: I read this story more than ten times hoping that you will update ... Please write more stories whenever time permits
Pavithrathiyagarajan #3
Chapter 24: Please update soon ! Im waiting for more than 2 years
minhoyyuri24 #4
Chapter 24: Please update! <3
minhoyyuri24 #5
Chapter 24: Please update! <3
Chapter 24: update please...
erickyul #7
Chapter 24: update please thanks
siputatocarol #8
Chapter 24: New reader here, and I absolutely LOVE the way you constructed the story, update soon! And good luck for your studies c: x
iloveyul #9
Chapter 24: update soon please