Chapter 14

Because he's my Minho
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Minho sat on the couch in his office, he didn’t know what to do since that night he couldn’t make it to Yuri.  He tried his best to make a reason not to do it. Honestly, he still doubted Yuri’s feeling and also if he did it, maybe the baby might get hurt because yeaaa actually he wanted Yuri so much.


Rested his head, he held it while thinking what should he do. A sudden knock interrupted his concentrate.

He looked at the door and said lazily, “Come in”.

There he was, his assistant made his way towards Minho, bowing politely while brought a tab in his hand.

“Good afternoon, Sir. I’ve got our people to check some information. And here is the list along with the information”. He handed him the tab  then excused himself to leave.


Minho checked the list of the doctor’s recommendation of childbirth preparation. He read it carefully one by one, guessing which one fits Yuri.  He eliminated some of it, then collected some which sounds appropriate.


1.       Childbirth preparation class  -   “Yuri will be freaked out on it” he mumbled.

2.       Prenatal Yoga  -   “Hmm maybe, sounds good to her”

3.       Waterbirth  -   “What the hell is it? God I’m going crazy for sure!”


“Molla!” he threw the tab aside. “Aaaaaaaarrrgggggghhhh” he groaned in frustratation. “Yuri what should I do?”




Finally Yuri took a prenatal yoga as Minho suggested her, and of course it should be under doctor control as well. It helped Yuri a lot to relax physically and mentally. At least, it worked.

She became less fearful of childbirth but there was still a little fear left inside her.




Delivery Time


“MINHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!” she screamed as loud as she could, making Minho jolted in shock in his working room. He ran up the stairs, rushing in the bedroom only to find Yuri sat on the couch while weeping and holding back her pain. She clenched her jaws “Ouch!”. The pain was so intense it was making her feel sick.

“Hold on, baby. We need to go to the hospital” Minho said immediately he lifts her in his arms as she putting her arms around his neck rushing down the stairs.


“Minho pali.. I swear... It hurts”.

Minho got the driver and they drove off to the hospital. The whole ride, he hugged Yuri while busy between comforting her down and concentrating on the phone to inform their parents.

“This hurts! It really frickin’ hurts” she whimpered in pain.

“Baby, I know. Calm yourself down. Manage your breath!” He soothed and bent to kiss her head.

“Minhooooooo...” she said in every minute while clutching on her husband’s shirt, trying to beat her pain out, her uncontrollable sobs making Minho really hated seeing Yuri this so much pain.


They arrived in the hospital, they wheeled Yuri headed the delivery room. Minho waited outside worriedly, making his pace back and forth.

“Hyung!”, “Minho”, there Ki Bum and Taemin approached him. As soon as Ki Bum got Minho’s text. He reached out there with Taemin.

“How is Yuri?” Ki Bum asked as well Taemin flashed the questioning gaze.

“She’s inside now”

“Chill out, she and your baby will be fine” they assured him.



Inside Delivery Room

Her waters broke and the contractions are coming every 2 minutes. As the contraction grew stronger, doctor said “Mrs.Choi, you’re 10cm dilated. It’s time to push”


They prepared everything as Yuri’s fear was getting worse. She felt the contractions were lasting longer and coming more frequently.

“I’m afraid, doc” she said weakly.

“Everything is fine. Just concentrate on your breathing, Mrs.Choi” the doctor assured nicely.


She couldn’t take it anymore as another strong contraction hit her.

“Minho, I want Minho. Ouuuucccchhh!!!!! Nurse, please let my husband in” Yuri whimpered.


They let Minho in, guiding beside her as Yuri felt a bit relieved seeing him now. She was gripping Minho’s hand and stare at him helplessly.

“You’ll be fine baby. Just do your best, we’ll see our son soon” he assured her even though he knew that Yuri hurt so much, but he should remain to calm.

“I’m scared, Minho. I’m not doing this. Please take me home!” she said nonsense, Minho should hold his laugh back. Until the doctor ordered her to make a big push.


“Okay a strong push, Mrs.Choi”

Yuri took a deep breath obeying what doctor told her.

“Good. One more!”


She pulled in a deep breath and forced herself to push again, again and again. Her grip onto Minho’s hand loosened as she was too exhausted.

She was hissing, breathing through her teeth, and she could feel sweat trickling down her neck. She came to the worst frustration.

With exhausted voice she was staring at Minho, stated weakly “I can’t do it”. Tears began swimming down her face.


“You’re doing good, honey. Please, focus. A little more” he said gently. He brought her palm up to kiss her fingers reassuring her to go on.


The softness of his voice was enough for her. She nodded weakly and taking some strength.

She focused on breathing again as doctor told her to keep pushing.


“Mrs.Choi, on the count of three, push. Okay!”



She felt weak as she looked up at Minho again, in trembled voice she mumbling “M..Min

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Chapter 24: Please update again!!!
Pavithrathiyagarajan #2
Chapter 24: I read this story more than ten times hoping that you will update ... Please write more stories whenever time permits
Pavithrathiyagarajan #3
Chapter 24: Please update soon ! Im waiting for more than 2 years
minhoyyuri24 #4
Chapter 24: Please update! <3
minhoyyuri24 #5
Chapter 24: Please update! <3
Chapter 24: update please...
erickyul #7
Chapter 24: update please thanks
siputatocarol #8
Chapter 24: New reader here, and I absolutely LOVE the way you constructed the story, update soon! And good luck for your studies c: x
iloveyul #9
Chapter 24: update soon please