Chapter 15

Because he's my Minho
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After discharged from hospital, their parents came by to visit their new grandson. How happy they were to see such an angelic tiny baby became theirs now. He’s a part of Choi and Kwon. But as much as they wanted to stay in Korea for quite a while to be with Mason. But still, they couldn’t leave their jobs. 2 days were enough for them as they promised to come over as often as possible.

The following day, it was Siwon’s turn to see his newborn nephew. He came along with Tiffany.


And these past few months had been extra busy for Yuri and Minho as new parents. Got lack of sleep, trying hard to figure out what the baby needs, and also got freaked out whenever Mason cried uncontrollably. It was tiring but they enjoyed it as new duties. Although they hired a nanny, as good parents they didn’t depend on her too much. They spent a lot of times with Mason, when their sleeps got interrupted by their little boy’s cries still they had responsibility as parents.

“Tired?” Minho asked Yuri who held Mason. He bent down to kiss him.

“No” making the slowest tone, she mouthed the word trying to not wake him up.


“Mrs.Choi, let me put him on the bed. I think you need to take some rest, you look so tired”. The nanny offered her nicely, because she knew Yuri got lack of rest for the past few weeks. She took mostly nanny’s duty except for changing his diaper in midnight or bathing him. Yuri was still afraid to bathe him so she left it to the nanny.


“Sssshhhh…” She made a sound while gently handing him to her. The nanny excused herself out from the room. Closing the door immediately made her way to the baby room.


“Anyway, Siwon hyung and Tiffany noona are going to get married next month-”.

“Yea I know-”.

“But there’s something I wanna tell you”

“What is it?” she was eagerly ready to hear.

“After the wedding, I must go back to States, baby. I should continue my degree there”.

Her face turned into frown, so he would leave her again? Honestly, she didn’t want it. Being far away from Minho only makes her got into trouble.

“How long? You’ll leave me with Mason here?”

“2 years maybe, I wish I could make it 1,5 years as I can’t depend SM here on appa or Siwon hyung for quite long time. I want you to come along with me”.

She smiled nodding, signaling that she agreed with it.


Laying herself down comfortably on the bed along with Minho she moved closer to him to be held.

“How was work?” she asked.

“I had a long meeting today. How was your day? Mason’s doing well?”

She let out a sigh “Hu’uhm. He cried a lot today, I still can’t figure out whether he’s hungry, sleepy, need to be held and so on. It stressed me out. I’m not a good mom”.

“Aniyo, you’re still in process to get used to it”.

“I guess...”

“You take home yoga also, Yul?”

“I take home yoga in Wednesday and Friday. Why?”

“I think your body’s almost getting back to the old shape. y!”

“Aaaaiiissshhh how much y I am, you wouldn’t dare to touch me!” she rolled back leaving Minho behind.

He played along, hugging her from behind, nuzzling his nose closer to her neck and inhaled the sweet scent of her. “So you want me to touch you, don’t you?”

“Hu’uhm. You won’t dare anyway!” she dared lazily closing her eyes as a slight sleepiness came over her.

He chuckled then whispering something to her “You forget that I’m a man, baby?” his voice was so gentle sending a chill through all over her body.

“I don’t!” she shot back.

“Then why still doubting me?”

“Because I’m not y enough compared to your chicks”

“Nope, you got the best body” he moved closer making soft trailed kisses on her neck.

‘God…Minho, stop it!’ She screamed inside. She loved the way he responded whenever she .


“Then what should I do to dare you?”

“Hmm.. someday, as soon as I hear those 3 words from you. I won’t let you go”.

She rolled back to face Minho.

“Okay then, I love you Minho. I don’t want you touching those creepy chicks anymore. Just see your wife here if you need ‘something’”.

He chuckled hearing it “You don’t love me, you’re just jealous”.

She pouted in disappointment, she didn’t know why but Minho was right, she was just jealous. Always jealous. She couldn’t imagine this perfect body of him being owned by any woman except her. Never ever ever!

“For your information, I never went out with any chick”.

It relieved her so much to hear his words. A smile began to grow on her face.

“Didn’t you get enough already for deleting some stupid contacts on my phone, huh?” She instantly shut her eyes tight feeling mortified inside. Finally she got caught. ‘Ottokae..Ottokae? Is Minho mad?’ she got panicked.

“I.. I..” stuttered on her words she got cut off.

“It’s okay baby. I love your jealousy”.


“Sorry..” she apologized.

Planting a light kiss on his cheek, she slowly trailing her fingers along his face.

“I don’t want this cheek being held by anyone” slowly she caressed his cheek while Minho just enjoyed every movement she made.

She continued grabbing his forearm wrapping it around her waist, she looked at it then looked back again at him “Your protective arms belong to me, right?”,

Then began trailing her fingertips along his forehead, nose, his perfect jaw line and ended on his lips.

They looked at each other for a moment. There was an awkward silence.



Minho’s POV

‘What’s in your eyes, Yul? Why are you so hard to figure out’. She still looks at me, I don’t know that’s the mixture gaze of desire, fear, or maybe love?

Tch, love? Such

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Chapter 24: Please update again!!!
Pavithrathiyagarajan #2
Chapter 24: I read this story more than ten times hoping that you will update ... Please write more stories whenever time permits
Pavithrathiyagarajan #3
Chapter 24: Please update soon ! Im waiting for more than 2 years
minhoyyuri24 #4
Chapter 24: Please update! <3
minhoyyuri24 #5
Chapter 24: Please update! <3
Chapter 24: update please...
erickyul #7
Chapter 24: update please thanks
siputatocarol #8
Chapter 24: New reader here, and I absolutely LOVE the way you constructed the story, update soon! And good luck for your studies c: x
iloveyul #9
Chapter 24: update soon please