The taxes

The Prince and The Thief


People would think that everything would be just fine, because of all those things I gathered that day, but there was this thing called for “taxes”. In our case, it was more like a tax on how many beatings we should have every week if we did not pay enough.

               “Kibum! Where’s the money for this week?!” his familiar voice said, as he stood in the doorway of our house, with his two bodyguards. I did not like this at all. No one did.

               “How much?” Key asked, sounding completely cold against that man, whose name was “Manhae”. He was the boss in town, he was the richest. He had his gang, so no one dared to stand up against him. He got his money from the other lawless, by threatening money out of them. People like us. But we also knew that he got a lot of money from those drugs he sold to the kids. That was the part I hated the most.

               “How much can you expect from at couple of thieves?” Manhae asked and tried to be funny. We didn’t laugh, but his bodyguards made small fake grins. Manhae went to Key, who was counting the money. Manhae leaned over Key from behind, and Key shivered immediately because of Manhae’s disgusting breath, which was touching Key’s neck, but Key didn’t dare to say anything, he knew that he was too weak against Manhae.

               “Get away from Key!” my appa shouted as he walked in the house, Jonghyun. He was Key’s boyfriend, and my appa. He wasn’t that tall, but he had so many muscles, that you would not like to have a fight with him.

               Manhae immediately withdrew from my umma, and directed his gaze towards Jonghyun.

               “The taxes of this week does not come by itself,” Manhae said with a wry smile, and then he finally looked at me.

               “Unless you want to pay in a different way? Your ‘son’ is really cute,” Manhae said and I gasped a little, backing away and feeling the shivering down my spine.

               “Here!” Key exclaimed and gave Manhae all the money and jewelry he had asked for. It was all those things that I had gathered that day. Manhae just gave his bodyguards a smile.

Then he sent us one last glare.

He sent me one last glare.

               “See you next week. I should have at least this much again, or that little boy is going to pay. Understood?” he said with a grin and left our house with his “friends”.

               “U-Umma…” I said, frightened, and my tears began to gather in my dark brown eyes. Key embraced me in his arms while he cuddled my hair gently.

               “I won’t let him hurt you, Minnie. We’ll protect you, okay?” he whispered quietly, but I could hear that he was scared as well. He was weak, just like me. The only person here, who was strong enough to have a chance against them, was Jonghyun. My appa.

               “Omo!” Key suddenly said with big eyes. I looked at my umma, so did Jonghyun.

               “What?” we asked with curious glares, as Key obviously got an idea that might save us all. Save me.

               “I heard that the Prince is coming to town tomorrow… But he probably got too many guards for us to do anything,” Key sighed.

               “If he’s that rich, he might as well give a little to the poor,” Jonghyun mumbled, and of course he meant us. I said nothing, while I just thought about everything. If I tried really hard, would the Prince fall for my cute face?

               If I failed I knew the consequences: Prison. I heard that the Prince’s heart was cold as ice, but then it was indeed good that my face always could make people warm-hearted. So maybe I could melt the ice?

               Of course just until I get some of his stuff, and then the same procedure: Run!!

However I knew that Key and Jonghyun would not let me do it, since it would be too dangerous. I didn’t really care. I would like to repay them for what they had done for me. I would make them happy, make them proud of me!

Since I failed making my real parents proud…

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Chapter 12: That Mr.Lee are too much -_- my dearest bias ! huhu...
lucius #2
Chapter 16: i just thought that...
* Guard walking around *
G: 'Waz this? Oh my, live ~? ㅋㅋㅋㅋ~'
* fappity fap fap * c__c'
Chapter 16: LOL it would be funny if taeminnie caught them xD ohh gosh >< you need to update!! Please and thank you ~ ^.^v
Munkoe #4
Ohh! I really LOVE this story!! please.. update soon :)
luciole #5
I need more 2min :( update soon ^^
They better get dressed before anyone finds them....
is always good even in the most awkward of places like behind bushes in a palace's gardens. Now let's hope they don't get caught... well at least still
Waterdroplet #8
Let's hope no one heard those two or catch them behind the bushes O///O
Can't wait for the next chapter!