The Nightmare Begins

The Prince and The Thief


               I stepped into the bathroom, which belonged to my room. I hadn’t seen it yet. It was huge! Same colors as my room, just a little warmer. There hang huge mirrors everywhere, exotic flowers and plants, and a enormous bath! I felt like I was in Heaven.

               “When you finished your bath and changed clothes, then meet me in the kitchen,” Onew said to me with a smile, before heading out of the bathroom. I released a relieved sigh. Luckily he didn’t plan on staying while I was taking that bath.

               The bath was filled to the egde as I stepped into it and sat down with my body. I was so ashamed over my body. It looked like a girl’s before puberty, I was completely flat, I didn’t have one single muscle on my chest or tummy, not even on my arms. My legs were strong because of all the running, but still really skinny. That’s why the most people thought that I was a girl when they saw me for the first time, and the second time, and maybe the third time. And my skin was milk white, clean on the outside, though I already had so many scars on the inside that never would go away.

               Were the really no one, who could make my scars go away? Those scars I have in my soul? Those scars that do that I never dare to love or be loved? My first love from my parents was a lie. Could I even trust love anymore? Or did it just want to use me once again?

               “Ah! Time to get ready!” I said, even though I loved the clean water that surrounded my body.

               I went into my room again, just wearing a towel, before I started to change into the uniform that was lying on my bed. I thought that I would probably look like an idiot in it. I didn’t look good in formal clothing, though it was the clothing for a servant. A servant for the prince. I felt like throwing up just by thinking of it.


               ”Onew hyung!” I hummed as I stepped into the kitchen of the castle. The main kitchen, that is. There was more than one kitchen in this huge castle. Onew turned around to face me and smiled happily as he saw me in the uniform. It looked perfect on me, I admitted that. It was just my size, which was a little strange, since they really didn’t know my size at all.

               “Aegyo! Okay… Your first task is to serve the breakfast for the prince. He is about to wake up in just seven minutes, and he usually gets the breakfast served on his bed,” Onew said and looked at his watch. Of course. Breakfast on the bed. He was so spoiled. I hated him.

               ”Give him this tray,” Onew gave me a bit tray of silver, definitely pure. I still didn’t understand why Onew helped me though. It was my job, and he was still a prince, just like Minho. Why did he help me?!

               “O-Okay,” I stuttered and tried to balance with all those things that were placed on the tray. Pancakes, soup, scramble eggs, and a lot of other stuff. I just stared at the pancakes. I loved pancakes!

               “Omo! Is that banana milk?!” I suddenly said as I saw the banana milk and I immediately forgot about the pancakes.  

               “The finest you can get! Minho doesn’t really like milk, but he needs it. It’s healthy, right?” Onew smiled and I gave a nod as I kept balancing with the tray all the way to Minho’s room. It was easy to find, I just had to follow those hallways with the most guards.

               As I finally stopped, it was by an enormous door. Why was everything so huge in this castle?! I felt like an ant! A really small ant! I gave a sigh and knocked Minho’s door, and then stepped inside his room, which was dark, because the curtains still was closing off the sunlight.

               I put the tray on a table close to Minho’s bed, and went to the curtains next to Minho’s bed. I looked at the sleeping prince, who was sleeping shirtless. His blanket of silk did nearly cover to his navel and down.

               Seriously… What the ?! He could at least wear a damn shirt when I had to wake him up!!

               Still, I couldn’t stop staring at his sixpack, which made me a little bit jealous. I then decided to pull the curtains away, so he would wake up from the bright sunlight.

               I smiled inside, before my own nightmare began. 





Omoo~ Wonder if Minho is gonna be mad at Taeminnie for waking him up like that... Or watching his [HOT] body as he sleeps... 


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Chapter 12: That Mr.Lee are too much -_- my dearest bias ! huhu...
lucius #2
Chapter 16: i just thought that...
* Guard walking around *
G: 'Waz this? Oh my, live ~? ㅋㅋㅋㅋ~'
* fappity fap fap * c__c'
Chapter 16: LOL it would be funny if taeminnie caught them xD ohh gosh >< you need to update!! Please and thank you ~ ^.^v
Munkoe #4
Ohh! I really LOVE this story!! please.. update soon :)
luciole #5
I need more 2min :( update soon ^^
They better get dressed before anyone finds them....
is always good even in the most awkward of places like behind bushes in a palace's gardens. Now let's hope they don't get caught... well at least still
Waterdroplet #8
Let's hope no one heard those two or catch them behind the bushes O///O
Can't wait for the next chapter!