Chapter 9

Maybe We're Perfect For Each Other


I waited for Kiseop in front of a restaurant near a beach and I glanced at my watch again. 10:27 a.m. 3 more minutes and he should be here. Suddenly, a yellow Camaro stopped in front of me and the windows rolled down.




I asked as I looked inside the car and saw him smiling at me. Whoa! He has a car?!


“Seoppie?! You have a car?!”


I asked and he nodded.


“Yep! Got my license yesterday so.”


“Awesome! You know what you should do?”




“Park your car so we can go to the beach!”


I said and he laughed. I watched him park his car then ran towards me and gave me a hug.


“Did you miss your boyfriend?”


He asked then smiled. Slowly, my head tilted to the side and my mouth opened slightly.


“I have a boyfriend?”


I asked and he laughed.


“Yes, me!”




I said, as my eyes grew bigger. He’s kidding, right?! He laughed harder and I hit him on the arm.


“You know what…I don’t think I want to help you anymore.”


I said and walked away but he ran towards me and wrapped his arm around me.


“I’m kidding. So question…why are we here?”


He asked as he scanned the beach. Good question, Kiseop. Good question.


“Because unni loves the beach. It’s better if you take her on the beach. It could be any time of the day.”


I said as we walked towards the beach. Before we reached the sand, I stopped and took off my shoes.






“Take off your shoes.”


I said, as I dropped my shoes on the pavement and started running. I stopped running and sat on the sand. Suddenly, I felt someone sit next to me and I smiled at Kiseop.


“Jeez, don’t run away like that.”


He said as he rested his head on my shoulder and I started writing on the sand.






“Don’t stutter when you’re on a date with unni, okay? Also…don’t talk fast or glance at the ground. Forget the fact that she’s older than you. Hold her hand or put your arm around her shoulders. Also, hug her when she feels cold, okay?”




He just mumbled and I glanced at him. Eh?! Is he really paying attention?! His eyes are closed!


“Yah! Are you paying attention?!”


“Of course!”


He said with his eyes still closed. Aish, whatever. He is a meanie. I continued to write on the sand and smiled as soon as I finished.








I said as I waited for him to open his eyes and pointed at the sand. He read what I wrote on the sand and smiled; Kiseop + Min-Hee = best friends forever! ^_^


“You did something wrong.”




I said as I re-read what I wrote but didn’t find anything wrong. What did I do wrong?? I watched Kiseop erase the plus sign and change it to a heart. My eyes grew bigger and my jaw dropped a bit. He glanced at me and laughed a bit.




I yelled but he shook his head and continued to laugh; he was laughing so hard, he fell back and I hit him. How could he be so mean to his best friend?! As I was hitting him, an old couple passed by and laughed.


“Aren’t they just the cutest?”


I heard the old lady said. I stopped hitting Kiseop and glanced at her with wide eyes.


“Eh…halmeoni, we’re not dating.”


I said and they continued to laugh.


“It’s true! He’s my best friend!”


I argued and yet, they continued to laugh.


“That’s how my husband and I started. We were just best friends and now…we’ve been married for almost 50 years.”


My eyes grew bigger and I clapped my hands together.


“Really, halmeoni?? 50 years??”


I said and she nodded, causing my smile to grow bigger.


“One day, you two will realize that you’re perfect for each other.”


The old lady said and waved goodbye then they both walked away. Kiseop and I, perfect for each other? Eh, halmeoni’s just teasing! I glanced at what I wrote and realized that he still hasn’t changed the heart to a plus sign.


“Lee Kiseop…you are seriously a very mean boy.”


I said as I pouted and folded my arms. He just grinned and wrapped his arm around my shoulder.


“It’s weird that you just notice now all the people saying how cute we are.”


He said and I immediately looked at him. Just notice now??


“People have been saying that for some time now.”


“H-h-how come I never heard them?!”


I asked and he just pinched my nose.


“Because you’re clueless.”


He said and I slapped his hand away from my face. Aish…I don’t like being clueless…


“Oh! When are you going to ask unni??”


I asked with a smile on my face. He laughed at me and I raised an eyebrow. Why is he laughing now?!


“Wow…you can’t stay mad forever, huh?”


“Ehh…answer the question, Seoppie!”


“Hmm…I’ll ask her a day after tomorrow and if she says yes, then the date will be on Friday.”


“But…isn’t Friday my date with Kevin?”




He said and smiled.


“Don’t worry, I’ll make unni say yes!”


I said as I smiled back at him and gave him a high five.


Author's Note:

BUWAHAHAHAHA~ Just one more chapter and it's...DUN DUN DUN DUN~ the date! Sorry if I haven't updated much. :|

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Update soon please!!!
update love this story very much
Up♥ate soon please. I love this story much!
Raeah96 #4
Hey have you abandoned this fanfic? Please update soon. ;)
update soon! <br />
emiex145 #6
omggggg minheeee ~<br />
<br />
youknow this story ish just too cute ^^ hehes .
bad minhee! LOL so rebellious XD<br />
but omg your stories are daebak *O*
deathxtarr #8
*O*<br />
<3<br />
re-reading it all over again ;)
She can't go on another date with Kevin it might make Kiseop :( <br />
Update soon :P AMD