Chapter 13

Maybe We're Perfect For Each Other


Rock. I have to find a rock! Why aren’t there any rocks?! I need rocks! I used my phone as a flashlight and continued to look for a rock…or rocks. I tried yelling out Kiseop’s name but he won’t open the door, reply to my texts or answer my calls. I sighed to myself and squatted in front of the house gate. Pabo. I’m such a pabo. I forced myself to think that unni does like Kiseop. If she never liked him then…why did she say yes when he asked? Did she feel sorry for him? If she never liked him, she should’ve just said no. I stared at the ground and sighed. This is not the right time to blame yourself, Min-Hee. Your best friend needs you! I stood up and glanced at the fence. Maybe I could climb over the fence? I hope he doesn’t freak out when he sees me. I threw my bag over the fence and stretched my arms and legs. I’ve never done anything this crazy before but for the sake of my best friend, I’ll do anything. Aren’t I just the most adorable and nicest best friend ever? ^^, I jumped then held on the top of the fence and I pulled myself up. As soon as I was on top, I jumped and landed on my feet. Yay! I’m inside! I grabbed my messenger bag and walked towards the back. There’s a sliding door at the back and he usually doesn’t lock it; maybe it’s unlocked! I slowly opened the door and smiled as soon as I realized that it was unlocked. Kiseop’s house is pitch black; there aren’t any lights on and it’s so quiet inside. So scary~!




I whispered but it was still quiet.




I whispered again and stepped inside. Omo~ where’s Kiseop??




I whispered louder but still no movement or noise. I wonder where the lights are? I tried to look for the light switch then I tripped and fell. I was expecting to fall and land on the floor but instead, I fell on something else…something harder than the floor…?




I heard a voice and I screamed. No! No! No! Thief! Thief!


“Thief! Thief! Thief! ! ! !”


I said as I kept hitting the person. I hope Kiseop’s safe! I need to tell him to lock the sliding door! I immediately stood up and ran away from the person but I ran into the wall and felt the light switch. Yes! I the lights and saw Kiseop on the floor, rubbing his forehead. Oh! I found him!


“Seoppie…what are you doing there?”


I asked and he glanced at me.


“Really?? I live here.”


“No, silly ducky! What are you doing on the floor?”


“I heard noise so I went downstairs and I guess you fell on me then started hitting me and calling me or something.”


He said and rubbed his forehead again. Eh…did I hit him that hard? I walk towards him and squatted in front of him so I was on his eye level. I glanced at his forehead and saw a bruise on the side. I looked down and saw Kiseop staring at me. Our faces were a few centimeters away from each other and I could feel my face heating up. Omo~ what’s wrong with me?? I glanced back at his forehead and saw my hand holding the hand that was rubbing his forehead a while ago. I immediately let go of his hand and sat in front of him.


“Are you okay, Seoppie?”


I asked and he just shrugged. We stayed in that position for a couple of minutes and without thinking, I pulled him closer and hugged him.


“I know you’re sad. I’m sorry that you’re sad.”


I whispered and hugged him tighter. I buried my face on his neck and he pulled me closer to him.


“Don’t be sorry, toki. You were just trying to help.”


He said and I pulled away. I stared at his eyes and frowned; I can’t help but feel sad.



“What happened?”


She asked and I didn’t say anything.




“I don’t want to talk about it.”


I mumbled and she didn’t bother to ask any more questions. We were still sitting on the floor and I glanced at her. She was staring at the floor and drawing shapes on the floor with her finger. I sighed and grabbed her hand, causing her to jump a bit.


“What happened was…”



I glanced at my watch and bit my lower lip. Why am I so nervous?? Oh I know…I’m going on a date with a girl I like! Okay Kiseop, just breathe…breathe…breathe…I drove to Min-Ji’s house and knocked on the door. The front door opened and Min-Ji smiled at me.


“Hey kiddo.”


She said and I smiled. Oh crap! The flowers! Damnit!




“Oh! Yeah sorry, let’s go.”


I said and she locked the front door then followed me to the car. I opened the car door for her and she saw the flowers.


“Aaww! For me??”


She asked and smiled. I could feel my face burning up then I immediately looked down and nodded.


“Aaww! Thanks!”


She said and hugged me. I jumped a bit and tried not to panic; she’s hugging me! What should I do?! Before I could do anything, she let go of me and got in the car. I sighed and ran to the other side and drove off.


“So where are we going??”


She asked.


“It’s a surprise!”


I said and smiled. From the corner of my eye, I saw her smile and smell the flowers. I really hope this date will be successful. The light turned red and it was really awkward. No one was talking at all.




“How’s college?”


She asked.


“Good! I love my classes.”


“Really? That’s cool!”


She said and it was quiet again. I have to talk or else she’s going to think I’m a loser! I opened my mouth but nothing came out at all. Waeeee?! Why can’t I say anything?! Finally, we arrived at the beach and I saw her eyes get bigger.


“The beach?!”


She asked and I nodded. I got out of the car and opened the car door for her then opened the trunk.


“Is a picnic at the beach okay?”


I asked and she nodded then smiled. She linked her arm with mine and dragged me to the beach. She found a spot and I unfolded the huge blanket then unpacked the basket.


“So…why do you like me?”


She asked and I froze. Can I tell all of you a secret? I don’t know why I like her. It’s just that…I started liking her but I have no reason why.








But before I could finish my sentence, she cut me off.


“What do you like about my sister?”




“Oh come on, I don’t mean it like that.”


She said and rolled her eyes.


“Oh. Well…Min-Hee’s really cute and sometimes she’s sweet. She can be really childish and uses aegyo a lot! Also, she can get clueless and it’s so cute that she has no idea what’s going on. She gets amused easily and she smiles a lot. It’s so easy to make her smile and her smiles can be contagious; especially her laugh. Lastly, it’s so much fun to .”


I explained and she just smirked at me.


“W-w-what?” I stuttered.


“You should’ve seen the look on your face when you said all those words. You had this huge smile on your face.”


She explained and I could feel my face heating up. I guess she noticed it because she laughed and pinched my cheeks.


“You are such an adorable kid.”


She said. Of course…she only thinks of me as a kid. Great, my date was ruined.


“Do you like someone?”


I asked and she raised her eyebrow.




“Just asking.”


“Oh. Yeah I do.”


“And it’s not me, right?”


I asked and she frowned.


“I’m sorry. I know you like me but trust me; I’m not the girl you like.”


“Oh. Will you tell me who you like though?”


I asked and she punched me on the arm. Wow, she punches harder than Min-Hee!


“Why would I tell you??”


“Because…I could help you!”


I said and she stared at me then sighed.


“Fine. I like Soohyun.”


She said and my jaw dropped a bit. Another secret I have to tell all of you~ Soohyun hyung likes Min-Ji noona but of course, he’s too scared to tell her. He barely talks to her and gets nervous whenever he’s around her.


“I think you should tell Soohyun hyung.”


“Why? It’s not like he likes me anyway.”


“Just tell him, please?”


I said and pouted. She smirked then pinched my cheek.


“Fine, I’ll tell him later.”


“Nope! Tell him now!”


I said as I stood up and pulled her up.


“Are you sure? We’re still on a date, you know?”


“I know but still, tell him now.”


I said then she nodded. I watched her call Soohyun hyung and she told him to meet her here at the beach.


“Well, I told him to come here.”


“Okay! I’ll wait until he comes.”


I said and smiled.


“Are you sure?”


“Yeah, I’m sure!”


“Okay. Thanks a lot, Kiseop.”


She said and smiled. I smiled back and suddenly, Soohyun hyung ran towards her.


“So…I’m gonna go now. Bye.”


I said and ran to my car. I looked back at them and sighed to myself. I got in and drove home. Great, why did I ever think that she would like me?? I’m such an idiot!


“Seoppie~ you should’ve called me!”


Min-Hee said and pouted.


“You were on your date with Kevin! Speaking of him, what happened anyway? Why are you here? Why are you not with him??”


“I told him that I had to leave.”


“Why would you do that?!”


I yelled and she punched me on the arm.


“Because you’re my best friend and you need me!”


She said and smiled. My heart started beating fast and I started feeling nervous then I suddenly thought of what Min-Ji noona said. No! I cannot like her! I can’t! She’s my best friend! Ugh! I glanced at her and she was still smiling at me. Maybe Min-Hee’s sister is right…she’s not the one I like; I like my best friend.


Author's Note:

Hehehe...sorry for not updating in a very, very long time! School is killing me. -_-' I don't like school~ T_T
Also, I'm sorry if you don't like this chapter.

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Update soon please!!!
update love this story very much
Up♥ate soon please. I love this story much!
Raeah96 #4
Hey have you abandoned this fanfic? Please update soon. ;)
update soon! <br />
emiex145 #6
omggggg minheeee ~<br />
<br />
youknow this story ish just too cute ^^ hehes .
bad minhee! LOL so rebellious XD<br />
but omg your stories are daebak *O*
deathxtarr #8
*O*<br />
<3<br />
re-reading it all over again ;)
She can't go on another date with Kevin it might make Kiseop :( <br />
Update soon :P AMD