Chapter 3

Maybe We're Perfect For Each Other


Finally, school for today is over! Thank goodness I drive though. I got in my car and saw Kiseop waiting for his unni.




I yelled as I waved my arm like an idiot until he saw me.


“Come here!”


I yelled and he ran towards me. I pointed at the car and he just raised his eyebrow.


“Get in the car, Seoppie.”




“Cause I’m taking you home!”


I said and smiled. He glanced at me then at my car then back at me and laughed.


“Yah! Don’t be rude! I’m being nice to you!”


“I know. It’s just that; I’ve seen you drive and you are not the best driver, ever.”


He said and I hit him on the arm. I threw my backpack on the backseat and got in the driver’s seat then glanced at him.


“I’m waiting, Lee Kiseop.”


I said and he got in the car.


“Safety first, Seoppie!”


I said and before he could even put on his seatbelt, I drove off and he started freaking out.


“Yah! Drive slowly!”


“Huh? I am driving slowly!”


“No you’re not! You’re a crazy driver!”


He said and my jaw dropped then glanced at him and pouted.




I asked with a sad look on my face and batted my eyelashes.


“YAH! Concentrate on the road!”


“No! You said I’m crazy driver! You’re mean, Seoppie! Very mean!”


I said and hit him on the arm. I realized that I wasn’t holding the steering wheel and Kiseop immediately controlled the wheel while I hit him.


“You meanie! How could you call me crazy, huh?! You’re mean! Mean! Meanie!”


I said then stuck my tongue at him. I stepped on the breaks and folded my arms while he just laughed.


“Oh wow, how did I ended up being friends with a girl like you?”


He said and I hit him again. He tried to say sorry but all I did was pout.


“Aaww don’t be sad, toki. Did I mention that you’re the cutest and bestest friend I have ever had?”


He said then pouted. Ugh! I hate it when he uses his looks to get away with everything!


“Fine. I forgive you.”


I said and smiled then he ruffled my hair and I pushed his arm away. As soon as we were home, I realized something…


“Toki, you were supposed to take me home.”


My best friend said. I faced him and laughed a bit.


“Sorry Seoppie…I forgot. Hey! You can stay here for a while, though! I bet Min-Ji unni misses you!”


I said and his face turned red. Huh, is he sick again? I placed my hand on his cheek then on his neck.


“Are you sick, Seoppie? You’re red.”


I said as I checked for his temperature. He moved my hand away from his face and I pouted.


“Yah, if you’re sick then tell me okay?”


I said and he nodded. Before I ran upstairs, I pushed him on the couch then ran up to Min-Ji unni’s room.



Hmm? What to do? What to do? Where’s Min-Hee anyway?? I stood up and walked upstairs then saw Min-Ji’s room. I was about to walk past her room when I heard them talking.


“Unni, I saw him today!”


I heard Min-Hee say. I stopped and quickly hid then listened.


“Really?? Did you say anything? Or did you just stare at him??”


“Eh unni! Don’t be mean to me! So what if all I ever do is stare at him, huh? I’m sorry if I don’t have the confidence at all.”


She said then I peaked inside Min-Ji’s room and saw Min-Hee pouting. Oh, the infamous pout. She always does that and of course, people fall for it; even me. I glanced at Min-Ji and I could feel my face heating up. Come on, Kiseop. Stop staring at her! I hit myself and continued to listen to them.


“You have to tell Kevin that you like him, seriously.”


Wait, what?? Min-Hee likes Kevin?! Is that why she was so quiet a while ago?? I tried not to laugh and quickly ran downstairs. As soon as I got to the living room, I started laughing. No wonder she was so quiet! Huh, I guess if I hung out with Kevin more, then she’ll be quiet. Okay, that was mean but still. Suddenly, an idea popped in my head. I heard her walk out of her sister’s room and she ran towards me.


“Seoppie! Are you sure you’re not sick?”


She asked as she sat next to me.


“I’m fine. So…”


I asked and she looked at me with a clueless expression.




“You like Kevin, huh?”


I said and smirked. Her face turned bright red and her jaw dropped a bit. Oh yeah, I heard everything, toki.


Author's Note:

Isn't it weird that most of my girl characters before were the badass types who usually don't care while this girl character is so cute and childish? Hehe, I just want to pinch her cheeks!
...I'm so random. OTL


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Update soon please!!!
update love this story very much
Up♥ate soon please. I love this story much!
Raeah96 #4
Hey have you abandoned this fanfic? Please update soon. ;)
update soon! <br />
emiex145 #6
omggggg minheeee ~<br />
<br />
youknow this story ish just too cute ^^ hehes .
bad minhee! LOL so rebellious XD<br />
but omg your stories are daebak *O*
deathxtarr #8
*O*<br />
<3<br />
re-reading it all over again ;)
She can't go on another date with Kevin it might make Kiseop :( <br />
Update soon :P AMD