Chapter 12

Maybe We're Perfect For Each Other


It’s Friday. It’s Friday. It’s Friday! I woke up way before my alarm clock went off and a smile was already visible on my face. I skipped towards my bathroom and even sang in the shower. I am that happy! I wore an oversized shirt and some pajama shorts and ran downstairs.


“You’re in a good mood.”


My sister said as she placed a plate on the table. I pulled the plate closer to me and started eating.


“Today’s Friday.”


I said and continued to eat.




“I have a date with Kevin.”


“Oh that’s go—WHAT?!”


My unni yelled and I almost choked on my food.




I asked and she just stared at me.


“You have a date with Kevin?!”




I said and smiled.




She yelled and I tilted my head to the side. Did I not tell her??


“I…didn’t tell you?”


I asked as I tried to remember the past few days. Oh! I guess I didn’t tell her! I giggled and pouted at my unni.


“Unni…I’m sorry for not telling you. Forgive me?”


I said and smiled at her. Slowly, her frown turned upside down and she ruffled my hair.


“Aish, if you weren’t so darn cute I would’ve hit you already.”


She said and I hugged my sister.


“So what are you going to wear?”


“A gray oversized shirt, shorts and black flats but the shirt is so huge that it’s like an off-shoulder but it’s so cute!”


I explained and she just stared at me.


“Wow, I don’t even know what to wear for my date with Kiseop.”


My unni said and I grinned. I’m so happy for Kiseop! He has a date with unni today! Suddenly, the thought of him kissing me popped in my head. Eh?! Why am I even thinking of that?! Such bad thoughts! I hit myself on the head and I saw my sister staring.


“Have you gone crazy?”


She asked and I sweetly smiled at her and shook my head.


“Bad dream.”


I lied and she continued to stare at me. I’m such a horrible liar; she probably figured out that I was lying.


“Yah, Jung Min-Hee. Tell me the truth, what’s going on??”


She asked and I shook my head. Of course unni knows that I’m lying! She continued to stare at me but I kept smiling and giving her clueless looks; I’m starting to think that my clueless look is an advantage.




She started and phone started vibrating.


“Oh! Hold on, unni!”


I said as I checked my text message.


Hey, can you help me with something? – Seoppie.


I read the text message and smiled. Thank you, Seoppie! I felt someone behind so I slowly turned around and saw my unni staring at my phone screen. I jumped a bit and she arched her eyebrow.


“Are you sure you don’t like Kiseop?”


“Eh, unni! He’s my best friend!”


“Uh huh, because smiling like an idiot while reading each other’s text message is what best friends’ do.”


She said and I pouted. Unni is so mean! I pressed reply and started texting.


Sure! ^^ What is it??


I’ll tell you later. Come out!


I read his reply and looked outside. Omo! His car is outside! What is he doing here??


“Unni! I’m going with Seoppie for a while, okay??”


“Okay! Oh! Don’t smile like an idiot when you’re with him, okay??”




I whined and she started laughing. Aish, so mean! I grabbed my shoes and ran towards the car. I got in the car and hugged Kiseop.


“Where are we going?”


“Getting flowers.”


“Oooo~ for unni??”


I asked and he smiled a bit. It is for unni! I glanced outside and saw the park. Suddenly, I remembered our kiss and I could feel my face heating up, not to mention my heart started racing and I started to feel nervous. No! No! No! No! I shouldn’t be nervous! I asked him to help me and he did. Kiseop is such a good best friend! I wanted to say something to break the silence but what could I say? Knowing me, I might say something stupid.


“Why so quiet, toki??”


He suddenly asked as he tried so hard not to laugh. I pouted and punched his arm.


“Red roses.”




“Unni loves red roses. I guess she’s just like every other girl in this world.”


I said then he glanced at me and smirked.


“Don’t look at me like that! I don’t like red roses!”


“You love pink calla lilies. Almost as cliché as red roses.”


“No, it’s not! Have you ever met a girl who loves pink calla lilies besides me?”


I asked and he just shrugged. I leaned closer to him and poked his cheek.


“Seoppie, you’re taking unni to the beach, huh??”


I asked and his face turned red.


“H-h-h-how’d y-y-y-you kn-kn-know?”


He stuttered and I smirked.


“Because I told you before that unni loves the beach.”


“Well aren’t you just a smart girl.”


He said and patted me on the head then the car stopped. I glanced outside and saw the flower shop. I was about to open the car door when the door opened by itself and I saw Kiseop standing outside.


“Come on!”


He said and smiled. We linked arms and walked inside the flower shop. Whoa~! So many flowers! I ran towards the flowers and stared at each one. Whoa! Pretty colors! I smelled the flowers and smiled. They smell so good! I looked at each flower when a pink calla lily suddenly appeared in front of me. I turned around saw Kiseop holding a pink calla lily and he gave it to me. I smile formed on my lips as I stared at my favorite flower and I smiled at him.


“Thank you!”


“No problem.”


He said as he ruffled my hair and laughed a bit.


“I already ordered the flowers and I’ll pick them up later.”


He said and I nodded. We left the shop and he drove me home. I waved goodbye and ran towards the house. As soon as I opened the front door, I saw unni grinning at me.


“He bought you a flower.”


She said, still grinning.


“It’s not what you think, unni!”


I whined and pouted.


“What exactly was I thinking, dongsaeng?”


She asked and smirked. I opened my mouth but nothing came out. Ugh! So mean! I stormed to my room and placed the flower in a vase. I lay on my bed and closed my eyes; yes, I am excited for the date but I’m so tired! I guess I used all my energy this morning. I don’t really know how long I was asleep but when I opened my eyes, I glanced at the clock and I fell off my bed. 5:00?! I have to get ready! I have an hour and a half before Kevin comes! I jumped off my bed and ran to the bathroom. I started fixing myself and checked the clock. 5:45. Oh no! 45 minutes left! I grabbed my outfit and started looking for accessories. Necklace or no necklace?? Ring or no ring?? What about an anklet?? I continued to argue with myself until I heard my phone vibrate. I checked the text message and my eyes grew bigger.

I’m here! ^^, - Kevin <33


Kyaaaa~! He’s here! I grabbed my messenger bag and ran downstairs. I opened the door and saw him smiling at me. I smiled at him and he handed me a bouquet of pink calla lilies. Whoa! How did he know?!


“Kiseop told me you love pink calla lilies so.”


He said and I smiled. We got in the car but before he drove off, he grabbed a handkerchief in his back pocket.


“Close your eyes.”


He said and I just stared at him. Why does he want me to close my eyes? He laughed a bit and I tilted my head to the side.


“It’s a surprise so close your eyes.”


He said. Oh! Okay, now I understand! I closed my eyes and I felt something wrapped around my head. I opened my eyes but all I could see was darkness. I felt Kevin’s arm trying to reach something on my right side and I heard the seatbelt click. Aaww! He’s so sweet!


“Are you ready, Minnie?”


He asked and I nodded then the car drove off. I wonder where we’re going? I wonder what Kiseop told him? Hmm? I’m so nervous and excited at the same time! I sat quietly in the car when his voice startled me.


“Why so quiet?”


“Oh! Uh…I don’t really know what to say so.”


I said and I heard him laugh.


“So how are you??”


“I’m good! You??”


“I’m good, too!”


“That’s good!”


I said and smiled. It was quiet again and I yawned a bit.




He asked and I laughed a bit.


“Sort of. I was too hyper this morning.”




“Yeah but I slept a few hours ago so.”


“Oh okay!”


He said and I nodded. I don’t know how many minutes or hours it took us to arrive at our destination but I was really happy when he said that we’re here. Finally, I can stretch my legs! Kevin held my hand and I slowly got out of the car. I could feel my face heating up and I tried not to freak out.


“Okay, 1…2…3.”


He said and the blindfold fell on the ground. My eyes grew bigger and I smiled. Lotte World! I hugged Kevin but immediately let go of him. Ugh! I’m such a dork!


“I heard you love theme parks so.”


“Wow! This is so awesome! Let’s go!”


I said and dragged Kevin inside. As soon as we were inside, I glanced around and started jumping. So excited! So happy! Kevin just smiled at me and I smiled back.


“Where do you want to go??”


He asked and I glanced around. Where should we go first?? Oh! Giant Loop!


“Giant Loop?”


I asked and he nodded. We ran to the ride and immediately stopped when we saw a long line. Oh no! Why are there so many people??


“Eh?! So many people!”


I said and pouted.


“Do you want to go to the ice rink?”


He asked as he pointed at the huge ice rink.


“Uhh…I can’t skate.”


I mumbled and he grinned.


“Me either. Let’s go!”


He said and we went to the ice rink. We put on our skating shoes and we slowly entered the rink. Oh no! So slippery!


“Just hold on to me, okay?”


He said and I nodded. We were slowly moving and I was holding on to Kevin’s arm. We would fall a few times but we would just laugh and try again. A couple passed by and we stared at them. The guy was skating backwards while leading his girlfriend, who didn’t know how to skate. Suddenly, Kevin tried to skate backwards and he held my hands. I could feel my face heating up and I looked down. We were still trying to skate when Kevin fell backwards and he pulled me, causing me to fall on top of him.




I said and his face turned red.


“U-u-u-uh…s-s-s-sorry M-m-m-minnie…”


He stuttered. I immediately stood up and looked away.


“I think the line is short now.”


I said and he nodded.


“Yeah, let’s go.”


He said and we went back. We grabbed our shoes and walked towards the Giant Loop. It was really awkward between us and I had no idea what to say. Ugh! Say something Min-Hee! You’re ruining the date! I opened my mouth and tried to say something but nothing came out. Ugh! Pabo!


“Hey, if you’re scared, just hold on to me okay?”


Kevin said and smiled. I smiled back and nodded at him. Okay, must do something! I linked my arm around his and smiled. We got on the ride and I was starting feel excited. Omo! Omo! Omo! This is so exciting!!


“Are you excited??”


He asked and I nodded.


“Really excited! Are you excited, Kevin?”




He said and smiled. Before I could even say anything, the ride started and everyone was screaming. I started laughing and even screamed. This is so much fun! I put my hands up and screamed louder until I felt someone hold my hand. Oh no…please don’t tell me…I glanced at my hand and saw Kevin’s hand holding mine. My eyes grew bigger and I screamed; not because of the ride, but because he was holding my hand. The ride ended and he was still holding my hand. I was staring at our hands and he immediately let go of mine.




He mumbled and I shook my head.


“D-d-d-don’t b-b-b-be s-s-s-sorry…”


I stuttered and he smiled. I glanced at the ceiling and saw hot air balloons. Huh, they have hot air balloons inside? Isn’t that kind of…weird?


“Do you want to ride in a hot air balloon?”


He asked and without thinking, I nodded. He dragged me towards the hot air balloons and thank goodness there was no line! We both got on and the ride started. I looked down and saw the entire park. Whoa! This is so cool!


“Are you having fun?”


He asked.


“Yes! This is the best date ever! …well, it’s my first actually but it’s the best!”


I said and smiled then my phone started vibrating. I looked at Kevin and noticed that he was looking down so I checked my message. Oh! It’s from unni! I wonder why she texted me??


Guess what?!




I have a boyfriend! ^_^


Really?! Who?! Kiseop?!?


Omo! Omo! Omo! Unni has a boyfriend! It’s Kiseop! Definitely Kiseop!


Nope! Soohyun! ^_^ I’ve always had a huge crush on him!


I read the text message and my jaw dropped. Soohyun?? Kiseop’s friend, Soohyun?? Oh no! I have to find Kiseop!


Author's Note:

I'm sorry for not updating in a very long time! T_T

Please forgive me!

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Update soon please!!!
update love this story very much
Up♥ate soon please. I love this story much!
Raeah96 #4
Hey have you abandoned this fanfic? Please update soon. ;)
update soon! <br />
emiex145 #6
omggggg minheeee ~<br />
<br />
youknow this story ish just too cute ^^ hehes .
bad minhee! LOL so rebellious XD<br />
but omg your stories are daebak *O*
deathxtarr #8
*O*<br />
<3<br />
re-reading it all over again ;)
She can't go on another date with Kevin it might make Kiseop :( <br />
Update soon :P AMD