Chapter 7

Maybe We're Perfect For Each Other



Aish, where is she? She’s late! Typical Min-Hee. I looked at my watch again then glanced up and saw Min-Hee running towards me.


“Seoppie, I’m sorry I’m late! I woke up late.”


She said and fixed her attire. She’s wearing a short dress with blue stockings and purple Vans.


“OH! We match!”


She said as she pointed at my blue shirt and purple Nike shoes.


“Oh yeah, huh?”


I said and she linked her arm with mine.


“Seoppie, why did you want to meet here anyway?”


She asked as she looked around. I told her to meet me at the amusement park because we have a lot to do. She asked me to help her since she thinks that Kevin might not like her.


“Cause…I don’t know? Too lazy to think of some other place.”


“Ohh! Okay! So, what does Kevin like in a girl?”


She asked as she took out a bright pink notepad with a matching bright pink pen and stared at me with wide eyes.


“A girl with soft hands…”


I started and she wrote it down on her notepad then she looked back at me.


“Uhm…nice girl…?”


I said then she continued to write on her notepad.


“Long fingers, cute smile, eye smiles.”


She continued to write then she stared back at me and blinked.




I said and she smiled.


“I can do aegyo!”


She said as she threw her notepad and pen inside her bag and stared at my innocently then stuck her tongue out. I laughed at her and she smiled again. Sometimes I wonder if her jaw ever hurts from smiling too much. We were walking around the amusement park when a group of guys whistled at her.


“Hey cutie.”


One guy said and she glared at him.


“Stay away, mean boy!”


She yelled, causing the guys to laugh. She pouted and hid behind me then the guy walked up to me.


“Who are you supposed to be, huh? Her boyfriend?”


“No. I’m her best friend. Stay away from her, got that?”


I said as I walked closer to guy but he glared at me and I stepped back. Oh crap, I don’t think I can fight all of them! The group of guys walked towards us then I grabbed Min-Hee’s hand and started to run. Thank goodness she’s wearing shoes, if she was wearing heels then I have to carry her and run. I looked back and saw the group of guys running after us so I carried Min-Hee on my back and started running faster.


“They’re gone!”


She yelled and I stopped. We both fell on the floor and she started laughing.


“Seoppie! You’re such a coward!”


She said and poked me on the side. I smiled at her and she pinched my cheek.


“How can you be such a coward, huh??”


She asked and I stuck my tongue out.


“I’m not a coward!”


“You just ran away from a group of guys!”


I opened my mouth but nothing came out so she laughed again and she rested her head on my shoulder.


“Thank you though. For trying to act tough.”


She said and she stood up then extended her arm. I grabbed her hand and she tried to pull me then we continued to walk around.


“Okay so first…”


I started but she cut me off.


“Seoppie! Look!”


She said as she pointed at the Gyro Drop. My eyes grew bigger as I stared at the people on the ride screaming and laughing. Crap, I feel scared…really scared. I’m scared of heights and she knows that!




I said as I slowly walked backwards but Min-Hee pulled me back.






She said and smiled. I pouted and tried to get her attention but she ignored me. Slowly, I took her hand off of mine and ran.


“YAH! Seoppie! Come back!”


She yelled as she ran after me. I looked back and saw running towards me so I started to run faster then I remembered that Min-Hee could run fast. No, she’s not a runner; sports are not her thing. She’s a klutz so if she ever plays sports, she ends up hurting herself. Quietly, I prayed for her to at least fall so she won’t run after me. I know it’s mean but I don’t want to get on that ride! She managed to catch up with me and she jumped on my back.


“Seoppie, stop running!”


She yelled as we both fell on the ground; face first. We hit the ground and she laughed.


“Seoppie…am I heavy, huh?”


She asked as she poked my cheek. I tried to get up but she hugged me and didn’t even get off my back. I glanced at my back and she stuck her tongue at me.


“Please get up.”


I said but she shook her head.


“First, promise me we’ll get on that ride.”


She said and I swallowed the dry lump that formed on my throat then slowly nodded.


“Second, promise you’ll neverrun away from me.”


She said with a serious face and I nodded. She smiled again and pulled me up; before I could even run away again, she grabbed my arm and pulled me to the line of the Gyro Drop. I started panicking, as the line got shorter. I could feel my heart is about to drop and I’m about to faint any minute. We got on the ride and I started praying; please don’t let me die…please don’t let me die! I still want to graduate college! I felt something on my hand so I looked down and saw Min-Hee’s hand on mine. I looked up and she smiled at me.


“Seoppie, don’t be scared.”


She said then the ride started. Everyone started screaming and laughing while I closed my eyes and silently prayed. Please let this ride end; please let this darn ride end before I die! I continued to pray when I realized something. I slowly opened my eyes and we were on the ground; the ride ended already?? A smile was about to form on my lips but immediately faded when we went up again and I screamed. I thought the ride is over?! I continued to scream until the ride was over. Min-Hee glanced at me and she started laughing. I tried to get up but I felt weak and I fell on the ground. I’m alive? Really?


“Seoppie, are you okay?”


Min-Hee said as she squatted next to me and pouted. Am I okay? Is that really her question? My face was on the ground and my brain was blank.




I mumbled and she bit her lower lip.


“Seoppie…I’m sorry.”


She said as she poked at my cheek. Just moving my eyes, I looked at her and she pouted. Darn, I really need to stop falling for that pout! I pouted too and she smiled.


“Come on! No more rides, just help me with my problem.”


She said as she pulled me up and removed the dirt on my clothes. We started walking and she was really quiet. Huh, this is a first!


“Why so quiet?”


I asked, not even looking at her.


“I don’t know? Maybe because I feel bad for dragging you to that ride?”


She said and I smiled a bit then wrapped my arm around her and pulled her closer.


“Don’t be sorry.”


I said as I looked down at her and smiled. She smiled back at me and she wrapped her arm around my waist.


“Oh yeah, don’t be too quiet when you’re with Kevin. He might think that you don’t like him. Also, don’t stutter or stare at the ground.”


I said and she nodded.






“Do you think I’ll survive this one date with him?”


She asked as she stared at the ground.


“Of course! Just be yourself! Wait…he might think you’re weird if you be yourself.”


I said and laughed then she punched me on the arm. We continued to walk until she something caught her eye and she stopped. She pointed at something and I followed her gaze then saw what she was looking at. Oh great…


Author's Note:

HI! ^_^ Sorry for not updating yesterday :| I went somewhere so...hehe

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Update soon please!!!
update love this story very much
Up♥ate soon please. I love this story much!
Raeah96 #4
Hey have you abandoned this fanfic? Please update soon. ;)
update soon! <br />
emiex145 #6
omggggg minheeee ~<br />
<br />
youknow this story ish just too cute ^^ hehes .
bad minhee! LOL so rebellious XD<br />
but omg your stories are daebak *O*
deathxtarr #8
*O*<br />
<3<br />
re-reading it all over again ;)
She can't go on another date with Kevin it might make Kiseop :( <br />
Update soon :P AMD