Chapter 5

Maybe We're Perfect For Each Other


I glanced around and tried to find the guys then noticed that they were too busy staring at the arcade games. Okay, now I can leave. I slowly walked away then immediately ran out of the arcade store and tried to find Kevin and Min-Hee. Yes, I’m going to spy on them and I know it’s wrong but I’m worried, okay? Knowing Min-Hee, she might do something stupid or act stupid and childish. I walked around the amusement park and heard a very familiar laugh. I followed the sound and saw Min-Hee and Kevin looking at stuffed animals. Oh! One of her many weaknesses.


“Oh! What about this one??”


She asked as she picked up a stuffed Hello Kitty then showed it to Kevin, who was busy holding at least 5 different stuffed animals; there was a panda one, a frog, a dog, a bunny and a simple teddy bear.


“Do you like Hello Kitty?”


Kevin asked.


“Duh, she loves Hello Kitty. Is it not obvious at all?”


I mumbled as I kept watching them from afar. Min-Hee just nodded and smiled then Kevin tried to grab the stuffed toy but she shook her head.


“You’re bringing so much, do you want me to help you?”


She asked and brightly smiled at him. Huh, I guess she can actually act normal around him. Kevin shook his head and she pouted.


“Are you sure?”


She asked as her eyes got bigger and she batted her eyelashes. Ha! I bet Kevin can’t resist that face! Kevin’s face turned a little red and he just nodded.


“Y-y-yeah I’m f-f-fine.”


He stuttered and she smiled again.


“Okay! Come on, I’ll pay!”


She said as she dragged him to the cashier but he pulled her back and she looked at him.


“I’m paying.”


Kevin said but Min-Hee just laughed. Aish, you’re not supposed to laugh! I hit my forehead with my palm and shook my head.


“It’s fine. I can pay!”


She said but Kevin insisted. I watched them argue about it then Min-Hee just sighed and puffed her cheeks. She always does the blowfish face if she’s bored, annoyed or if she lost. Right now, I bet she lost. Kevin paid for all the stuffed toys and she kept jumping like a little girl.


“Aaww she looks so happy.”


I heard someone say behind me then I slowly turned around and jumped after I saw the guys.


“What are you guys doing here??”


I whispered and looked back if ever Kevin and Min-Hee saw us.


“The better question is, what are you going here? Are you spying on your girlfriend, huh?”


Soohyun hyung asked then the guys started teasing me.


“She’s my best friend.”


I said as I pushed the guys away so I can leave but they didn’t move and continued to tease and laugh.


“Psh, best friend? You two act like you’re dating. Seriously, if I don’t even know either of you, I would think you two are dating.”


Kibum hyung said and the others agreed with him. I just scoffed and managed to get away from them.


“So you like her, huh?”


Soohyun hyung asked and I jumped a bit.


“Nope. I don’t like her. I like someone else.”


I said then thought of Min-Ji and smiled a bit. I looked up then saw the guys staring at me like I’m some weirdo.




“You look like an idiot just smiling by yourself, hyung.”


Dongho said and I glared at him.


“Ooooh, maybe Kiseop’s thinking of the girl he likes.”


Kibum hyung teased.


“Or maybe his girlfriend…oh! I mean, best friend.”


Soohyung hyung said and they all started laughing again. Suddenly, my phone started vibrating. I took my phone out of my pocket and checked the text message. It was a picture of Min-Hee and her knew stuffed animals.


Seoppie~ look what he got me! hehe ^^


I stared at my phone screen and smiled.


“Staring at your girlfriend’s picture, Kiseop?”


I heard someone say then I looked up and saw the guys staring at me with huge smiles on their faces.


“Aish! Leave me alone!”


I said and pushed them away from me. Jeez, why can’t they just have fun by themselves?

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Update soon please!!!
update love this story very much
Up♥ate soon please. I love this story much!
Raeah96 #4
Hey have you abandoned this fanfic? Please update soon. ;)
update soon! <br />
emiex145 #6
omggggg minheeee ~<br />
<br />
youknow this story ish just too cute ^^ hehes .
bad minhee! LOL so rebellious XD<br />
but omg your stories are daebak *O*
deathxtarr #8
*O*<br />
<3<br />
re-reading it all over again ;)
She can't go on another date with Kevin it might make Kiseop :( <br />
Update soon :P AMD