Chapter 4

Maybe We're Perfect For Each Other


“So you do like Kevin?”


Kiseop asked again. I nodded and he laughed, again! What’s so funny, anyway?


“Yah! Stop laughing!”


I said and pouted. He ruffled my hair and I pushed him away. Kiseop knows I like Kevin; maybe because he heard unni and I talking a while ago so I had to drag him out of the house. I drove to the nearest park and he kept asking me if I really do like him.


“Don’t tell him, okay?”


“Fine, I won’t tell him.”


He said and I smiled. I put my head on his shoulder and we stared at my car.


“I still can’t believe you got your license before me.”


“It’s not my fault that I’m awesome and adorable!”


I said and smiled then he pinched my cheeks.


“You need to practice driving though. Every time I get in your car, I keep thinking that we’ll get into an accident.”


He said and laughed. I pouted then hit him on the arm.


“You’re mean, you know that?”


“Yes, I know that.”


I said and yawned.


“Aaww is my best friend tired?”




I said and closed my eyes.


“Do you want me to call Kevin so he can carry you home?”


He asked and I immediately opened my eyes then punched him. He started laughing then I pouted and folded my arms on my chest. My best friend is so mean!


“You’re mean.”


I said as I walked towards my car but he ran after me and wrapped his arm around my shoulder.


“Aaww don’t be mad.”


He said and hugged me. I glared at him and he pinched my nose then I pushed his hand away from my nose.


“Why are they here??”


I asked Kiseop then hid behind him. He called me this morning saying that him and I are going to the amusement park but who do I see when we got there? His friends! That means Kevin’s here, too! I can’t believe Kiseop didn’t tell me! He just laughed and I hit him on the back.


“You’re mean, you know that?”


“You like Kevin, right? Go hang out with him.”


He said as he stepped aside and pushed me towards the guys. No! I don’t want to go anywhere with Kevin! I’m scared! We both stopped in front of his friends and I immediately bowed.




I said then they all laughed.


“Why are you still so formal around us, huh Min-Hee?”


Soohyun asked and hugged me.


“She’s just shy.”


Kiseop said and the guys kept hugging me; I glanced up and saw Kevin smile at me then he hugged me. I could feel my face heat up and patted him on the back. He let go of me and wrapped his arm around my shoulder.


“So where are we going?”


Alexander asked.


“We can just go anywhere. Oh Kevin, can you watch my best friend? She might get lost.”


Kiseop said and smiled at me. I glared at him and he just pouted. Just watch, Kiseop. I’ll tackle you later and not even your pouty face can save you. I glanced up at Kevin and quietly prayed for him to say no.


“Sure! Hey Minnie, where do you want to go?”


Kevin asked and glanced down at me. My face turned red again and I heard Soohyun laugh; it’s not that hard to miss his laugh.


“Min-Hee, your face is so red! So cute!”


He said and pinched my cheek then I pouted. Why does everyone pinch my cheek anyway?


“Seoppie! Soohyun is mean!”


I said as I pointed at Soohyun then rubbed my cheek.


“Soohyun’s not mean.”


“Yes he is! He pinched my cheek!”


I said then all the guys laughed. Ugh! Why are they laughing?? What’s so funny?? I folded my arms and pouted then Kevin hugged me closer.


“Soohyun hyung didn’t mean to hurt you. You’re just cute that’s why he pinched your cheek.”


He explained and smiled. I smiled back then quickly hid my face. How am I going to survive this day?? I feel like I’m going to faint any minute! I looked up and realized that the guys are gone.


“Where did they go?”


I asked Kevin as I tilted my head to the side.


“They already left. Come on, let’s go to the roller coaster!”


He said as he grabbed my hand and we ran to the roller coaster. As soon as we got there, the line was really long! I looked up and saw the roller coaster with the screaming people. Whoa! It’s huge and scary-looking! I love it! The line was getting shorter and shorter and I couldn’t help but jump like a little kid.


“I’m excited! Are you??”


I asked while still jumping. Kevin laughed and tried to calm me down but it’s hard to calm down a very excited girl!


“Calm down, you might hurt yourself.”


He said and we got on the roller coaster. I kept jumping and moving until I felt someone hold my hand. I looked down and saw Kevin holding my hand.


“In case you get scared.”


He said and smiled. I blushed a bit and nodded then the ride started. I couldn’t even think of anything besides the fact that Kevin is holding my hand.

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Update soon please!!!
update love this story very much
Up♥ate soon please. I love this story much!
Raeah96 #4
Hey have you abandoned this fanfic? Please update soon. ;)
update soon! <br />
emiex145 #6
omggggg minheeee ~<br />
<br />
youknow this story ish just too cute ^^ hehes .
bad minhee! LOL so rebellious XD<br />
but omg your stories are daebak *O*
deathxtarr #8
*O*<br />
<3<br />
re-reading it all over again ;)
She can't go on another date with Kevin it might make Kiseop :( <br />
Update soon :P AMD