Chapter 2

Maybe We're Perfect For Each Other


Ugh! Why is he here? Oh man, I feel so nervous now. I don’t even know what to do! Min-Hee, slowly breathe and relax. Also, don’t freak out! I can’t believe he’s here! Wow, of course he’s here, he is Kiseop’s friend and he goes to the same university as you do! Okay, this is stupid. I’m talking to myself. Wow, he’s so cute! Yes, I have a crush on Kevin, who is Kiseop’s friend. We’ve met each other a few years ago and Kevin and I hung out before, just the two of us. It was awkward at first but he made the situation a little less awkward. I remember we went to the amusement park and we didn’t tell anyone, not even Kiseop. We had tons of fun and we even took pictures from the photo booth. Even though we hung out before, I still feel awkward around him. When was the last time I saw Kevin? 2 weeks ago? Maybe 3? We walked inside a restaurant and found an empty spot.


“Oh! Seoppie! I want this one!”


I said as soon as I opened the menu and spotted samgyeopsal. He glanced at my menu and rolled his eyes.


“That’s the only thing you eat.”


“So?! What are you trying to say, huh?!”


“Why don’t you eat kimbap or soup or rice or anything besides that?”


He asked me but I just stuck my tongue out. I heard Kevin laugh and I slowly glanced at him.


“You two are funny.”


“Aish, she’s so childish though.”


Kiseop said and Kevin just smiled.


“Then why are you still friends with her, huh?”


“Yeah Seoppie, why are you still friends with me huh?! Huh?!”


I asked and he pinched my nose.


“Cause without me, you’d be lost and bored.”


“Oh! That’s true! No wonder you’re my best friend!”


I said and hugged him. He hugged me back and I pushed him away from me then stuck my tongue out. So I act childish, who cares? I’m 18 and no one is really complaining about my actions. Besides, acting serious all the time is dull and boring. Who wants to hang around a boring person anyway? No one!


“So how’s college?”


Kiseop asked Kevin.


“Eh it’s okay. I barely see you guys though! I barely see any of our friends actually. Oh! Minnie, how’s your sister by the way?”


He asked me. Oh crap, my heart…my heart is about to explode. I can’t believe he used my nickname! He actually made me a nickname, which is by far better than toki.


“Min-Ji’s okay. She’s busy, too!”


“Oh really? Isn’t she turning 21 this year?”




I said and noticed that Kiseop’s face turned a little red. Wonder what’s wrong with him? Is he sick or something?


“Did you get anything for your unni, huh?”


Kevin asked as he leaned closer to me.


“Nope. I’m throwing a surprise party, isn’t that a good gift?”


I asked as I tilted my head to the side. It’s a habit, actually. Some people say I’m just naturally clueless and most clueless people always tilt their head to the side. It’s weird and quite confusing; okay, so maybe I am naturally clueless but whatever! Kevin laughed again and this time, I’m more confused.


“What’s so funny?”


I asked, my head still tilted to the side.


“Nothing, you’re just so cute when you’re clueless.”


He said then our food arrived. He started eating and I couldn’t even concentrate on my food because I kept thinking of what he said. I kept playing with my food until I heard my stomach growl. My eyes grew bigger then I slowly glanced up and saw the guys looking at me then they started laughing.


“What was that?!”


Kiseop asked and fell off his chair.


“Yah! Stop laughing!”


I said and hit him on the arm then pouted. Maybe I should really eat. I’ll think about what Kevin said later when my tummy is full.

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Update soon please!!!
update love this story very much
Up♥ate soon please. I love this story much!
Raeah96 #4
Hey have you abandoned this fanfic? Please update soon. ;)
update soon! <br />
emiex145 #6
omggggg minheeee ~<br />
<br />
youknow this story ish just too cute ^^ hehes .
bad minhee! LOL so rebellious XD<br />
but omg your stories are daebak *O*
deathxtarr #8
*O*<br />
<3<br />
re-reading it all over again ;)
She can't go on another date with Kevin it might make Kiseop :( <br />
Update soon :P AMD