Chapter 1

Maybe We're Perfect For Each Other


Crap! I’m late, again! I got out of my noona’s car, yes I don’t drive yet, and waved goodbye.


“Bye noona! Drive safe!”


I said and she waved goodbye. I ran towards the steps of the University then slowly stopped and raised my right arm horizontally. I checked my watch and started counting.




Then someone pulled my arm.


“Come on! Come on! Come on!”


A smile formed on my lips as I saw my best friend, Jung Min-Hee, drag me up the stairs. This is our daily routine ever since high school; her and I would always be late and she would always drag me. Sometimes I would be a little early and most of the time, we would get to school at the same time. We both started running up to the third floor and she was about to open the front door of the classroom, as always, but I dragged her to the back and we slowly walked inside the classroom. We sat on our usual seats, the very back seats, and took out our notebooks and pens. We started writing on our notebooks when she slid a piece of paper next to my notebook.


We’re late again! T_T


I read the note and laughed a bit. She poked my arm then I glanced at her and she was pointing at the paper then started using hand gestures. I tilted my head to the side and she pouted. I pinched her cheeks and smiled a little then she hit my hand and I wrote something on the paper.


We’re always late. It’s a habit, toki ^^


I slid the paper back and she read at what I wrote then hit me again. I watched her write something on the paper and she slid it back.


I hate it when you call me toki! >:| Do I look like a bunny to you, huh Seoppie?!


I read what she said and remembered that day; 3 years ago, we had a costume party and she decided to show up as a bunny. No, not one of those ty bunny suits but the adorable ones that can make a girl look really cute. I told her she looked adorable and decided to call her toki. Of course, she got pissed and punched me on the arm but it didn’t hurt. It never hurts. I started to laugh and she covered my mouth with her hand.


“Not so loud, Seoppie. The teacher will hear you.”


She whispered then hit me on the arm. Did I mention that she has this habit of hitting people? Yep, she does and I’m used to it. Okay, before any of you get any weird ideas, I don’t like her. Sure, she’s the type of girl that is easily liked by any guy but I don’t like her. She’s like a little sister besides; she can get annoying at times with her childish acts. I realized that her head was resting on the table and she sighed. Great, I think I know what she’s going to ask.






“But…I didn’t even say anything yet!”


She said as she rested her chin on her palm and pouted.


“We’re not skipping.”


I said and continued to pay attention to the teacher but I could hear her whimper next to me. I glanced at her and saw her pouting face and puppy eyes staring at me. She batted her eyelashes and I just sighed; it works every time. We both packed our stuff and slowly walked out of class. As soon as we were out of the building, she spread her arms and spun around.




She yelled and started laughing. She kept jumping around like a little kid and I realized what she was wearing; her off-shoulder shirt was too low and her shorts were too short.


“Toki! What are you wearing?!”


I asked but all she did was smile and stuck her tongue at me. Jeez, so childish! She grabbed my arm and pulled me down the stairs.


“Seoppie, where should we go?”


She asked as she stared at me then my phone suddenly rang.




“Kiseop hyung! I see you!”


“Really?! Where?!”


“Turn around!”


I turned around and saw my friend, Kevin, running towards us. I hung up the phone and gave him a high five. Then, Kevin glanced at Min-Hee and waved at her.




Min-Hee said and bowed in front of Kevin, making him laugh a bit and he shook his head.


“No need for formality. We’ve know each other for almost 2 years now!”


“Oh…uh, yeah.”


She said and scratched the back of her head. Huh, why is she suddenly so nervous? She kept staring at the ground and would even play with her fingers. I noticed that she would occasionally glance at Kevin then stare at the ground again.


“So, where are you guys going?”


“We’re going to eat, wanna come?”


“Sure! Can I?”


He asked and even used aegyo. Aish, reminds me so much of Min-Hee. I nodded and we all walked to the closest restaurant to eat.


“Hey, you okay?”


I whispered as I nudged her. She looked up at me then smiled.


“Yeah, I’m fine.”


She said and continued to stare at the ground while we were walking. Huh, wonder what’s wrong with her?


Author's Note:

Hi! ^^ this is my first U-Kiss story! Hope you all like it. :)

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Update soon please!!!
update love this story very much
Up♥ate soon please. I love this story much!
Raeah96 #4
Hey have you abandoned this fanfic? Please update soon. ;)
update soon! <br />
emiex145 #6
omggggg minheeee ~<br />
<br />
youknow this story ish just too cute ^^ hehes .
bad minhee! LOL so rebellious XD<br />
but omg your stories are daebak *O*
deathxtarr #8
*O*<br />
<3<br />
re-reading it all over again ;)
She can't go on another date with Kevin it might make Kiseop :( <br />
Update soon :P AMD