Cafeteria Chat

12 Kids In My Class
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Kyuhyun still hold on to his thoughts on what occurred a few days ago. He feels confuse and he lost his appetite even though the cafeteria was offering his favourite food which is black noodle. The food was placed nicely on the table and it keeps on calling him to be digest in his tummy but he ignore the black noodle’s calling. He bears a lot in his mind and he didn’t know how to deal with it. He is a five-year old anyways.


“Kyuhyun? Hey, Kyuhyun!” A voice call out to him. Kyuhyun still sit at the table, no sign of moving. His mind is empty. Well it was full but it is too full that Kyuhyun consider it as empty. Suddenly he was shook lightly while the same voice call him out again.


“Yah, Minho! Stop shaking me!” Kyuhyun hiss, facing one of his friends. Minho chuckle a bit and shook his head. He’s been doing the same routine for a while now that he is use to it. Kyuhyun seems to always left his body on Earth, his mind wanders off somewhere.


“Then stop thinking about what Heechul said.” Minho said while poking his finger at Kyuhyun’s head. Minho knows about what Heechul and Hangeng told Kyuhyun because well, Kyuhyun told him. Minho has been the only person Kyuhyun trust. Not that he didn’t trust the other SHINee as well but you get the point.


“What if I don’t want to? Are you going to kick me out from this group?” Kyuhyun said, teasing Minho, hands start to fondle the chopsticks on the table. He eyed Minho who already had his eyes widen with what Kyuhyun said. With that, Kyuhyun let out his evil smirk.


“Why would I want to do that?! You’re my friend now okay! Plus, that will hurt Taemin!” Minho blurt out loudly, catching Sungmin’s, who is seating the opposite side of the SHINee table, attention.


“No one wants to kick Kyuhyun hyung out right?” Taemin looks at Minho, wearing his puppy dog eyes.


“Hey, I’m just kidding you know? I don’t think I want to be out from this group.. for now.” Kyuhyun said calmly, he take his chopsticks in his hand and starts to eat the already cold black noodle. Regardless of how not warm it is, the black noodle still taste great to his delight.


“Meanie. Kyuhyun, you’re so evil sometimes.” Minho reply, the tone of his voice clearly says that he is sulking.


“Thanks for the complement.” Came Kyuhyun’s reply, without even leaving the sight of the black noodle.


“Hey, Kyuhyun. Why do you want to be a part of Super Junior anyway?” Key, who has been quiet and listening to both Kyuhyun and Minho’s conversation, ask. He didn’t really like Super Junior because of reasons but he wonders why Kyuhyun, who has been a part of SHINee, wants to be Super Junior so badly.


“Well, I can’t tell you that.” Kyuhyun said, a sheepishly smile starts to crawl on his face.


“And why not?” Key ask, tilting his head sideways.


“Because I don’t want to? Isn’t that obvious?” Kyuhyun snickered, making Key irritated.


“Yah, you ‘re becoming annoying here you know!” Key replied, giving Kyuhyun death glares.


“But this is how I really am.” Kyuhyun replies. He stop eating his noodle when he receives Key’s death glares.


“Okay, let’s all calm down now. Can’t you guys last a day without fighting each other?” Jinki ask. True, Kyuhyun and Key fight almost every day. Despite those fightings,

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I'm going to re-write this. I feel ashame to let you guys read this.


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Chapter 13: this story is amazing and cute !! continue please *pout* :DDD
meme1919 #2
Chapter 13: Please update soon!!!!! I love this story ^-^
nirtak28 #3
teukie will be hurt for this once he knows
Aww...kyumin is so cute :33 I know Teukie will approve them ㅠ.ㅠ he's our angel leader right!~
Omg shu cute
ah kyu-line <3 where's changmin?
Kyu while being a genius you're kind of stupid...but he's five in this it's ok^^
XxDej4Vu #7
ahh you're back! =D
So, Kyu trusts Minho? I can totally imagine that
and their conversation is just too cute.
waiting for the next chapter *___*