Chapter Nine

The Lowdown


Key woke up slowly, delicately blinking his eyes and gracefully stretching. It was 6 o’clock in the morning. Time to get ready for breakfast.  He rolled around and draped his arm around Taemin like every day. Taemin snuffled in his sleep and snuggled closer to Key. He needs me, Key thought. But he’s just too stubborn to show it when he’s awake.

Key actually felt very guilty about Taemin. He really, really wanted to help him. When Taemin had been crying, covering his eyes so that Key wouldn’t see his tears and continuously swiping at his cheeks roughly trying to scrub away the tears , his voice trembling and catching as he pushed out the words that Key knew was being ripped straight from the part of Taemin’s mind that he had barricaded off to anyone, his heart had broken. His stomach had lurched in guilt and empathy and he had wanted to grab Taemin and squeeze and love all of the sadness out of him.

I should’ve done more to help him before, I should’ve paid more attention to him and then he might’ve been okay now.

Key smiled slightly as Taemin opened his eyes blearily and looked at Key, pouting.

“Eee, stop pulling your aegyo, look at you pouting!” Key laughed.

Taemin just blinked and made a face, closing his eyes as Key watched him slowly doze off again.

And if Key was right, Taemin would start getting closer soon…

As he predicted, Taemin started to nestle up to Key in his sleep, digging in closer and sighing when he managed to worm into Key’s  chest.

He’s so pretty, Key thought, his cheek.  So soft…too bad he doesn’t want me to touch him again, Key remembered sourly.

He was a frank person and he hated faffing about and causing unnecessary drama. But he wasn’t happy and he wasn’t going to fake like he was. He knew he was one of the honest people around, and that he could never hide what he was feeling. If only Taemin was more like that.

He wrapped his arms around the sleeping boy, yawning as he rubbed Taemin’s back out of habit.

Taemin sleepily woke up again.

“I have to make breakfast now, don’t miss me too much,” Key said, leaning in for a kiss. Taemin looked so cutely rumpled, and it reminded Key of how much he actually liked this boy.

They shared a soft kiss before Key gently disentangled himself from the bed and headed for the shower, both of them smiling secretly. Things were finally getting better.


Or maybe not.  

“Hyung, stop it,” laughed Taemin as he play fought with Minho in the practice room.

“Yah, you’re going to break something before we can even make a comeback, “ nagged Key.

“We’re just having fun, right Taemin?” said Minho.

“Taemin don’t listen to him, come sit with me and rest before we have to start practising again,” interjected Key.

It wasn’t that he didn’t like Minho. In fact, Minho was a good guy with a heart of gold, and Key liked talking to him because he was the most polite, yet funny and serious at the same time.  Onew made things a bit awkward sometimes and was always joking to a point where it got a bit old, and Jonghyun could be a bossy little brat. But.

Taemin was his and he didn’t like how Minho was touching him.

That smooth skin is mine!

“Stop touching him so much,” Key whined, grabbing Taemin’s hand and tugging him away from Minho.

“Key and Taemin are holding hands!” teased Jonghyun.

“Now we have to get married!” cackled Taemin, hugging Key suddenly as Key laughed in surprise.

“Wow, you’re so excited Taemin!” said Jonhyun enthusiastically. “I can’t wait until we perform!”

“I can’t either!” Taemin said. “What about you Key?”

“Ooohh, Key Key!” Onew  crowed. “No honorifics anymore! What happened?”

“Oh, it just slipped out of my mouth,” Taemin feigned innocence.

“Just how close are you guys?” Jonghyun teased.

“That’s so gay,” Minho chimed in. “And anyway, don’t you remember when Taemin said he would never touch Key again at the doctor’s office?”

Key could feel his blood boiling.

“Minho you jerk-“

“What a downbuzz Minho. And I don’t touch Key hyung and I don’t want to.”  Taemin covered his mouth, shocked.

“Oops,” Taemin flubbered. “Aaah, I didn’t mean that Key, not this time. Not that I meant it the first time. Okay, I actually did.. Oh God…”

Key struggled to keep his anger in check.

“First off, Minho, don’t talk to me again if you’re homophobic, and Taemin make up your mind about whether you want me to touch you or not! I thought I was the ing diva around here!” Key yelled, stomping out of the room. Taemin ran after him, calling his name.

“Why is he offended I said the word ‘gay’?” asked Minho.

“He’s still calling him Key,” Onew said, perplexed.


Taemin and Key sat in a morose silence in the corridor.  Key coughed.

“You’re not sick are you?” Taemin asked.

“No,” Key chuckled darkly. “And what would you do if I was?”

“I would carry you back to the dorm and feed you porridge until you got better,” smiled Taemin.

“You don’t even know how to make porridge,” Key smirked. “And how can you carry me if you never want me to touch you again?”

Key watched as Taemin shuffled awkwardly. He could feel Taemin’s unease. Key knew he was being confrontational, but he wanted both of them to know where they stood.

“I would just buy some porridge hyung.  And.. .you know I didn’t mean what I said, Key.”

A pregnant pause filled the hall.

“Is that supposed to be an apology?” Key asked.

“Not really,” answered Taemin.

“Why are you being so stubborn?” Key asked. “I don’t really care that you won’t actually say the words, but I thought you would try to at least make it up to me and show me you didn’t mean it.”

“I was angry at you.”

“For what?  Getting you the help that you need? Did you think I was going to sit there and let you feel worse and get worse? I wanted to save you so badly Taemin, but I couldn’t do it on my own! The only way you could get over this was if you got professional help!”

“You could’ve told me!” yelled Taemin back. “You should’ve told me! I thought we were together! I thought you could keep all my secrets! And I thought you were mine but you go and tell everyone what I told you in private when I turned my back! You were the only one who I told it to because I wanted you to be the only one who knew! ”

“Don’t give me that Taemin, think about it, if you were me and I was you, what do you think would’ve been the right choice? A few years later you will probably be thanking me for this!”

“Maybe, but I can’t help being angry right here and now!”

“You were so happy a few minutes ago,” retorted Key.

Taemin spluttered. “You have no idea what it’s like to be me Key. I don’t know why I feel like this, I just do. You.. betrayed me!”

“Don’t be so melodramatic! I didn’t betray you, I was the one who stayed by you the whole time you fainted and through your suspension. I will always be there to pick you up. I’m not sure you would even do the same for me!”

“I would!” Taemin protested. “I would do anything for you!”

“You say that now baby, but-“

“I am not a baby! I’m nearly 20!” yelled Taemin, stomping back into the practise room and slamming the door, leaving Key by himself in the empty hall.


Quick quick! To Chapter 10, the scene that I have sort of been trying to build up for! Chapter 10 because it's my lucky number and conveniently, Minho's favourite too! And double update because I don't think I update fast enough :P

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um ooops so im dumb when i meant i was editing chapters i didnt mean for crash like i said but the lowdown [the lowdown]. the lowdown is a bit different now!


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Chapter 18: "Key was so.furious he couldn't even see straight"
I can't be the only that laughed. Of course key doesn't see straight XDDD
pinkyume #2
Third time reading this story...
Chapter 34: Oh my gaaaawwwwdddddd I loved this Spiro(I'm just gonna leave that there bcuz I'm too lazy to delete it, it's supposed to be story ^^) SOOOOOOOOOO much!!!!!!!! Like seriously, if you think you stayed up for a long time writing it then let me tell you that I STAYED UP TILL FOUR AM BCUZ OF HOW FREAKING LG D :D C.F. CFBGDGDF C.F.(yes that's supposed to be there) AWESOME THIS STORY WAS!!!!!! IT WAS SO AMAZING AND PREFECT AND KEY TOPPED (sorry I'm really happy about that xD) AND THE PLOT WAS AMAZING AND YOUR WRITING AND YOUR ENGLISH WAS LIKE PREFECT AND AND AND AND I DON'T EVEN KNOW <333333333333333333333 Imma go read Crash now~ ^^
Chapter 32: Taemin has stretch marks???? :00000 :DDDD (I'm weird to be happy about that) do you maybe have any links of that like the ones you saw on Tumblr or something???? (I'm a sick weirdo I know but I rlly rlly rlly wanna see itttttttt)
Chapter 26: the outsiders killed me too >*<
love your story, makes me cry every time which is good ^~^
Chapter 32: I finished it 3 times and just omg
Youre a perfect author.
Check out my taekey story? Its called painful choice
Uggggh. I think you've written this really well. I know you said in chapter 20 that you felt like there wasn't any emotion in the chapter, but I went back and re-read it and ended up crying a little. I can relate to parts of this story, but you can ask me about that later if you like. lol But seriously, chapters 20-22 got to me and I had to literally pause for a while before I could read the next chapter. <3 you write angst soooooo amazingly good and I'm so jelly that you can write angst. Omg. Taekey's relationship was cute. I like that they weren't perfect and that you weren't afraid to write out their flaws. I think some authors get scared when writing their idols' flaws because you lolol I don't like that 'Tear Drops on my Guitar' song. Forever ruined cos of someone. SMH. This fic made me laugh, cry a little, have little panic moments (nothing too intense lol) and it made me happy. Eeeeeeeep! Glad I read this! Shot bruuuuh for writing! Yayayayay! Finally read it. XD And now, I'll head over to fb and see if you're online. Hahaha
Otsukaresama dea!! :3 x
Chapter 33: Your a/n reminded me of something my sister was telling me about yesterday. Her friend who she was in the same course with, he relapsed back into his mental illness a couple of months ago. :( He's bi-polar and the stress of keeping up his grades etc got to him and after a couple of years being mental illness-free, he relapsed back and my sister was saying how sad she was when the last time she saw him he was really depressed and wouldn't smile or joke around with them at all. It made me so sad to hear that. He had really made an effort to change his life and was doing so well too. :(