Chapter Four

The Lowdown


“ I can take him if you want,” Onew said, watching Key juggle a sleeping Taemin in his arms.

“No I have him,” Key answered, loving the way Taemin’s face was nuzzled against his neck. He walked across the darkened dorm into Taemin’s room with Minho following.

“Minho, get out.”

“Why?” asked a puzzled Minho. “This is my room.”

“Well not anymore.  We’re swapping. You're going to Jonghyun’s room.” Key stated as he gently set Taemin down on his bed and started to fuss with the blankets.

“I don’t believe this! You can’t do that! Onew!” Minho called. “Tell Key he can’t do this!”

“Well, he is the one who has the most medically background. And he would actually look after Taemin, you would just nap.”

Minho frowned and pushed his way out.

Key quietly pulled on his sleeping clothes, not wanting to disturb Taemin. 

He was so freaking worried about Taemin. Not eating? Not eating? He was so mad at Taemin for doing this at himself, and for worrying the rest of the members. But his worry and urge to comfort Taemin was more overwhelming. Seeing his baby looking so young and pale against the sheets of the hospital made him want to cuddle him and feed him custard until he was better and smiley again.

When was the last time Taemin genuinely smiled?

He was going to solve this. He was going to get to the bottom of Taemin's problems and make sure this never happened again, and that a hospital visit would not be repeated.

Key sighed as lay down next to Taemin who was all tucked in, worn out, helpless but peaceful with the bandage on his brown hair.

“Taemin, you’re mine,” he whispered into Taemin’s ear, his voice loud in the quiet room. “You are perfect, and only mine.” He softly put his arm around Taemin and hoped that somewhere in his dream, Taemin would hear him and believe it. He lay watching Taemin’s smooth face, listening to Taemin's deep breaths and feeling the chest rise up and down under his arm.

Stupid Taemin. He’s probably never heard of a pimple, thought Key affectionately, kissing Taemin’s silky cheek. Thank god he’s asleep, Key chuckled as he closed his eyes.



Minho punched his spare pillow, unable to sleep. Taemin fainting had scared him a little bit. And Key's insistent decision at staying in Taemin's room was a little freaky. And he would have looked after Taemin as well! He didn't know why Onew didn't think he was up to it. He was plenty mature.

He just felt uneasy over the whole thing. People didn't normally faint. And why would Taemin not eat? He knew something was up. Eating disorder, his mind whispered.

Key would get it out of Taemin and make him better. Key was quite smart, and knew how to look after people and do the right thing. Minho didn't need to worry, but he wanted to. 

He rubbed his face, exhausted. Hospitals had a way of draining everything out of a person and exhausting them even if you had spent the entire time sitting on a chair drinking disgusting coffee and the occasional hot chocolate.

He was worried about the boy he thought as his little brother. He hoped with all his might Taemin would overcome this.

“Stop shuffling around, I need to sleeeep!” moaned Jonghyun.

“Sorry, hyung.” Minho decided to not think about it.

If only he had.


Short and boring chapter! Quickly go read the next one! i just wanted to provide some character depth because I didn't want Minho to be the little whiny in the story haha. There are enough of those in the world! :P

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um ooops so im dumb when i meant i was editing chapters i didnt mean for crash like i said but the lowdown [the lowdown]. the lowdown is a bit different now!


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Chapter 18: "Key was so.furious he couldn't even see straight"
I can't be the only that laughed. Of course key doesn't see straight XDDD
pinkyume #2
Third time reading this story...
Chapter 34: Oh my gaaaawwwwdddddd I loved this Spiro(I'm just gonna leave that there bcuz I'm too lazy to delete it, it's supposed to be story ^^) SOOOOOOOOOO much!!!!!!!! Like seriously, if you think you stayed up for a long time writing it then let me tell you that I STAYED UP TILL FOUR AM BCUZ OF HOW FREAKING LG D :D C.F. CFBGDGDF C.F.(yes that's supposed to be there) AWESOME THIS STORY WAS!!!!!! IT WAS SO AMAZING AND PREFECT AND KEY TOPPED (sorry I'm really happy about that xD) AND THE PLOT WAS AMAZING AND YOUR WRITING AND YOUR ENGLISH WAS LIKE PREFECT AND AND AND AND I DON'T EVEN KNOW <333333333333333333333 Imma go read Crash now~ ^^
Chapter 32: Taemin has stretch marks???? :00000 :DDDD (I'm weird to be happy about that) do you maybe have any links of that like the ones you saw on Tumblr or something???? (I'm a sick weirdo I know but I rlly rlly rlly wanna see itttttttt)
Chapter 26: the outsiders killed me too >*<
love your story, makes me cry every time which is good ^~^
Chapter 32: I finished it 3 times and just omg
Youre a perfect author.
Check out my taekey story? Its called painful choice
Uggggh. I think you've written this really well. I know you said in chapter 20 that you felt like there wasn't any emotion in the chapter, but I went back and re-read it and ended up crying a little. I can relate to parts of this story, but you can ask me about that later if you like. lol But seriously, chapters 20-22 got to me and I had to literally pause for a while before I could read the next chapter. <3 you write angst soooooo amazingly good and I'm so jelly that you can write angst. Omg. Taekey's relationship was cute. I like that they weren't perfect and that you weren't afraid to write out their flaws. I think some authors get scared when writing their idols' flaws because you lolol I don't like that 'Tear Drops on my Guitar' song. Forever ruined cos of someone. SMH. This fic made me laugh, cry a little, have little panic moments (nothing too intense lol) and it made me happy. Eeeeeeeep! Glad I read this! Shot bruuuuh for writing! Yayayayay! Finally read it. XD And now, I'll head over to fb and see if you're online. Hahaha
Otsukaresama dea!! :3 x
Chapter 33: Your a/n reminded me of something my sister was telling me about yesterday. Her friend who she was in the same course with, he relapsed back into his mental illness a couple of months ago. :( He's bi-polar and the stress of keeping up his grades etc got to him and after a couple of years being mental illness-free, he relapsed back and my sister was saying how sad she was when the last time she saw him he was really depressed and wouldn't smile or joke around with them at all. It made me so sad to hear that. He had really made an effort to change his life and was doing so well too. :(