Chapter Fourteen

The Lowdown


“Too much testosterone in the air,” remarked Onew as he sat with Taemin on his bed. “We need to get girlfriends or something,” he said as he pressed the icepack into Taemin’s cheek.

“I don’t want a girlfriend, hyung,” Taemin said, talking funny because of his swollen side of the face. He had bitten the inside of his cheek when Minho had hit him and it throbbed along with the bruise.

“No you’re right, we have to work hard and earn more money,” he agreed. “Does your head hurt?”

“Only my cheek,” replied Taemin.

Key burst into the room.

“Taemin! Are you okay baby?” said Key frantically as he rushed to Taemin’s side and hugged him furiously. “How’s your cheek?” he asked as he rocked them both back and forth.

“I’m fine hyung,” Taemin said. “But you really need to work on your anger management.”

“What do you mean? It was Minho’s fault.”

“You did get too angry Key,” Onew said.

“What, you think I’m the one to blame? Minho was the one who hit Taemin!”

“Whoa, don’t punch me,” Onew said, throwing his hands up in defeat. “I’m just saying, you both weren’t thinking at all.”

Key rolled his eyes and decided not to pursue the matter.

“I want to go to sleep,” Onew said, getting up and yawning. “Taemin there is more ice in the fridge if you need it. Good night you two.”

Key hugged Taemin closer as Onew shut the door.

‘Does your cheek hurt a lot?” Key asked sympathetically, kissing Taemin’s forehead. “I’ll make Minho pay, don’t worry,” he said, gently the undamaged side of Taemin’s face.

“Don’t hyung,” Taemin said. “He didn’t mean it. It was the heat of the moment. Now can we go to bed? I’m so tired and my cheek is throbbing.”


“I don’t love you, I’m just playing with you,” Key said nonchalantly.

“Why?” asked Taemin, his eyes filling up with tears.

“Because you’re an insecure little freak who breaks down all the time! How could I ever fall in love with that? Are you kidding? “

Taemin watched in horror as Key changed into one of the No-Faces from all the Hayao Miyazaki animes he had been watching.

“You’re so messed up, don’t think taking some pills will fix you! You really think I would love a baby that has a fit in a toilet stall? You’re pathetic, I feel so sorry for you!”

“But I love you,” Taemin sobbed wordlessly.

“You love me more than I want you,” the No Face said. “I pity you so much, you broken record, always thinking and saying the same things, poor me, poor me, you also can’t sing, I don’t know why you’re in SHINee, little baby,” the No Face taunted.

Lee Sooman appeared out of nowhere.

“Key, Taemin, you’re kicked out of SHINee, I never want to see you two again,” he deadpanned.

“No,” Taemin whimpered.

Lee Sooman morphed into his father. “Taemin, Your mother and I are so disappointed we raised such an embarrassment, an embarrassment..”

The No Face turned to Taemin. “All your fault all your fault my career is dead thanks to you and your little episode in the bathroom I’m going to kill you!” it screeched continuously into Taemin’s ear as it expanded and smothered Taemin. “Die die die die die!”

“No!” screamed Taemin. “Please I don’t want to die, i don't want to die again, no no no!”


“Taemin, Taemin!”

Strong hands were shaking Taemin as he opened his eyes and panicked when he couldn’t see anything. He could feel sobs pushing out from his throat and goosebumps everywhere and sweat running down his face. He tried to say something but his cheek gave a sharp throb and he cried in pain and fear.

“Key where are you?” he whimpered through his sobs. “Key, Key..”

“It’s okay, I’m here, you’re fine,” Key whispered in the dark. Taemin finally registered Key’s body pressed against his and Key’s soft kisses on his face.

“It was just a bad dream, it was all just a dream,” Key  whispered, patting his hair.

But it wasn’t. Because what was happening in the dream was happening in real life. Key didn’t love him. He was going to get them all kicked out of SHINee.

Taemin kept sobbing, forgetting that his cheek was hurt and bumping it accidently. He moaned in pain as he cradled his face.

“I’m sorry, I know I know,” Key continued, tangling his fingers into Taemin’s that was holding his cheek. “it must hurt, poor baby,” he murmured, tucking Taemin into his chest and humming.

Taemin pressed his face into Key’s soft sleeping shirt, finding comfort in the warmth and in Key’s heartbeat.

“What was your dream about?” Key asked softly, rubbing his back. “I bet it wasn’t so bad...”

“You said you didn’t love me and we were kicked out of SHINee and my dad was there saying how embarrassed he was..” he sobbed.

“See, it was nonsense. I love you, we won’t get kicked out and your parents are so proud of you, Taemin, it was all not real.”

He had thought telling Key would make him feel better but it made him feel worse.  Because what Key said was so obviously not true. And even though Key had said he loved him, he didn’t believe it.

He snuggled into Key and tried to calm his breathing as he breathed in that familiar Key scent that had soothed him so many times before. He didn’t care if Key didn’t really love him. He would take all that he could get.

But then he felt that hot, hard object poke into his stomach. Taemin gasped. Surely Key wasn’t in a situation like this?

“Sorry Taemin, I can’t help it,” groaned Key. “Just ignore me and go to sleep.”

“No,” Taemin said impulsively. “I want to do it.”

Key froze. “Do what?”

“You know,” Taemin whispered, gathering up all his courage. He wasn’t used to initiating things but if it meant that Key would touch him and be his for the moment, he would do it.

He propped himself up and found Key’s face in the darkness, glad his face couldn’t be seen. He leaned down and found Key’s lips, moulding them with his own and trying to make their kiss linger in what he hoped was a seductive way.

Key kissed back until he felt Taemin's fingers grab Key's hand and start leading his hand somewhere.

"What are you doing, Taemin?" whispered Key when Taemin broke the kiss, reaching up to cup Taemin's cheek and feeling wetness from tears.

"So you love me?" asked Taemin.

"Of course," answered Key.

"Then show me," breathed Taemin, kissing down Key's neck. "Show me, show me."

Key groaned and hugged Taemin, pulling down so that Taemin was sprawled on top of him.

"Jagi, we have so much more time to give each other senseless s," stated Key frankly. "And I'm not going to do anything tonight because you're upset and hurt and I want you to know I love you before I you," Key kissed Taemin's nose and his back, "instead of ing you so you know I love you, Because that doesn't even make sense."

"My cheek hurts," Taemin whimpered, giving up his mission easily and curling up.

"It'll be better in the morning," whispered Key. "It'll be better in the mornin', mornin'..." Key started singing softly as Taemin slipped into sleep quickly.



Don't you just love how much I've been updating especially when all the time I spent writing this I could've been writing my essays? Hahaha I'll do it next week.. next week... Oh and don't worry I haven't forgotten about Minho, he'll get his chance in the morning :) but right now its keytae taekey time!

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um ooops so im dumb when i meant i was editing chapters i didnt mean for crash like i said but the lowdown [the lowdown]. the lowdown is a bit different now!


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Chapter 18: "Key was so.furious he couldn't even see straight"
I can't be the only that laughed. Of course key doesn't see straight XDDD
pinkyume #2
Third time reading this story...
Chapter 34: Oh my gaaaawwwwdddddd I loved this Spiro(I'm just gonna leave that there bcuz I'm too lazy to delete it, it's supposed to be story ^^) SOOOOOOOOOO much!!!!!!!! Like seriously, if you think you stayed up for a long time writing it then let me tell you that I STAYED UP TILL FOUR AM BCUZ OF HOW FREAKING LG D :D C.F. CFBGDGDF C.F.(yes that's supposed to be there) AWESOME THIS STORY WAS!!!!!! IT WAS SO AMAZING AND PREFECT AND KEY TOPPED (sorry I'm really happy about that xD) AND THE PLOT WAS AMAZING AND YOUR WRITING AND YOUR ENGLISH WAS LIKE PREFECT AND AND AND AND I DON'T EVEN KNOW <333333333333333333333 Imma go read Crash now~ ^^
Chapter 32: Taemin has stretch marks???? :00000 :DDDD (I'm weird to be happy about that) do you maybe have any links of that like the ones you saw on Tumblr or something???? (I'm a sick weirdo I know but I rlly rlly rlly wanna see itttttttt)
Chapter 26: the outsiders killed me too >*<
love your story, makes me cry every time which is good ^~^
Chapter 32: I finished it 3 times and just omg
Youre a perfect author.
Check out my taekey story? Its called painful choice
Uggggh. I think you've written this really well. I know you said in chapter 20 that you felt like there wasn't any emotion in the chapter, but I went back and re-read it and ended up crying a little. I can relate to parts of this story, but you can ask me about that later if you like. lol But seriously, chapters 20-22 got to me and I had to literally pause for a while before I could read the next chapter. <3 you write angst soooooo amazingly good and I'm so jelly that you can write angst. Omg. Taekey's relationship was cute. I like that they weren't perfect and that you weren't afraid to write out their flaws. I think some authors get scared when writing their idols' flaws because you lolol I don't like that 'Tear Drops on my Guitar' song. Forever ruined cos of someone. SMH. This fic made me laugh, cry a little, have little panic moments (nothing too intense lol) and it made me happy. Eeeeeeeep! Glad I read this! Shot bruuuuh for writing! Yayayayay! Finally read it. XD And now, I'll head over to fb and see if you're online. Hahaha
Otsukaresama dea!! :3 x
Chapter 33: Your a/n reminded me of something my sister was telling me about yesterday. Her friend who she was in the same course with, he relapsed back into his mental illness a couple of months ago. :( He's bi-polar and the stress of keeping up his grades etc got to him and after a couple of years being mental illness-free, he relapsed back and my sister was saying how sad she was when the last time she saw him he was really depressed and wouldn't smile or joke around with them at all. It made me so sad to hear that. He had really made an effort to change his life and was doing so well too. :(