I'm not gay

The Victim of Love

( ( Chanhee's POV ) )

Niel had texted me after Lunch, apologizing about our argument. I felt bad about it because he had nothing to apologize for. I was just angry at myself because I couldn't be on both sides. It's not possible. And I was still unsure of which side I wanted to be on. But if I chose one over the other, someone was going to be hurt. ARGHHH. I yanked on my hair, ready to explode anytime now. 

"What are you doing?" a hushed voice asked as everyone was doing our work for the day. Luckily, Mr.Kim didn't hear, he was too distracted into his 'work'.

I converted my eyes to see Byunghun leaning towards me. His hair glowed in the sunlight, and gave his skin a cream-like color. How beautiful.

" . . . " was all I could come up with as I was admiring him.

"You okay?"

" . . . "

"Are you sleep-staring?"

"WHAT?" I blurted out in the middle of class. Everyone turned around and stared at me. Mr.Kim gave me a hard-on glare with the words "You better be doing your work" written all over it. I gave him an assuring nod hoping he wouldn't notice my blank homework sheet. I hear the younger boy laughing to himself right next to me. I slapped the back of his head and pulled my hand back as soon as Mr.Kim glanced up from his papers.

Too late for Byunghun though. He was clutching his head like someone just yanked half of his hair out of him. Ha. Serves him right.

"Are you working, Byunghun?" Mr.Kim called out in a low voice, that voice meant he was going to keep you after class and force you to write a 10 page essay on why you didn't do your work. Which doesn't make any sense because I can write just one sentence on why I didn't do it. Why would I have to write 10 whole pages on something that is so simple? It's not like we're publishing it into a book.

Just as Byunghun was about to give his answer to Mr.Kim, the last bell rang.

"You better turn your work in tomorrow morning, Byunghun." Mr.Kim uttered still looking down at his papers. 

Everyone packed together, rushing to get out of school. I was going to wait for Byunghun, maybe try to discuss some things, but everything happened so fast. First, I stood up from my desk. Second, I was being pushed by random people I called classmates. And third, I was out of the door waving good-bye to Byunghun. How I managed to get in between two big men was beyond me, but besides their lack of deodorant, something wasn't right about them. They were both laughing to one another while closing in on me. If I wasn't going to die due to being too old, I swear, they were going to be the ones to kill me.


(( Byunghun's POV ))

Where did that Chanhee go? He almost made me get in trouble with Mr.Kim. Oh what the-

I watched as people ran over almost everything in the way of the school exit, surprised to see myself still standing.

Is this a race to get out of school or something? 

Inside the crowd of people in the hallway, I see a little flailing arm along with a pair of puppy dog eyes. That's Chanhee alright. How the hell did he get out the door so fast?

I started to run after him when I hear loud foot steps coming from behind me.

Of course I saw it coming.

I felt a strong shove onto my arm and heard a blatant thud when my shoulder and the wall collided.

The bullies just never stop, huh?

Did I know the guys who pushed me? No. They didn't even turn around, just kept running straight ahead as if a cop was on their tail. I just let them slide though. I didn't need anything else adding onto my reputation.

Airhead was almost impossible to locate in the cluster of students and even the staff. He wasn't waving his arm anymore either.

A hint of red moved within the blob of pretty much black. I watched closer. It was Airhead alright. But it looked like two bulky students were sandwiching him.

I reached my arm out and gripped the collar of his uniform jacket.

The flock began to disperse and Chanhee didn't stop leaning backwards. Did I pull on him that hard?



Chanhee fell onto me as I started stumbling back and our butts hit the bare floor.

Luckily, we were both sitting up, Redhead's back propped up against my chest.

But there was something else . . .

Something I didn't expect . . .

His hand . . . on my crotch.

It took Airhead a few seconds to process what was going on though. It all happened in a short amount of time. I would sure love to explain it all for him, but I didn't feel like mentioning where his hand was laying.   


"OH MY GOD!" He yelled as he sprung onto his feet, blushing furiously. "I'M SO SORRY!"

I didn't know what to say though. I couldn't really come up with an answer. And I didn't realize how hot my face felt.

It's okay, Chanhee. Calm down. I didn't really mind.

WHOA. WHOA. WAIT. "I didn't really mind"? DID I JUST THINK THAT? Of course I mind! I mean, that's my . . . that's my . . . yeah. You know what I mean. But how could I just think it was okay?! Am I turning gay?!



I glanced up at his face.

"Are you okay? I didn't hurt you, did I?" Airhead asked with a worried expression all over his red face. His big dark eyes filled with embarrassment.

I nodded to assure him that I was fine, but I couldn't think straight. Everything was getting mixed up. I didn't know what I was feeling anymore. A side of me didn't want Chanhee to get up and pull his hand away, and the other side of me wanted to slap that side of me for thinking so dirty. 

There had to be another solution, another answer. And I just didn't want it to be that I was gay.

- - - - - -

A/N: Hey guys! > < This is all I really wrote up to in one shot so it'll take longer for the next few chapters. OTL Sorry for making you guys wait!

And I'm really stoked at how many subscribes I am getting! ;v; Thanks for the support everyone! I'll do my best! Fighting!


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the fan art is told cute feels everywhere ㅠㅠ <3
whateveritis #2
Chapter 17: too much cute to handle!
killthemall #3
Chapter 17: like a fangirl. good!
Chapter 17: Forever Waiting for the Supposed Last Chapter :')
MyLjoeBaby #5
Noooo wae is the school so mean to ljoe
MyLjoeBaby #6
Too cute Xd
MyLjoeBaby #7
New reader here i love the first chapter its so cute and ljoe was blowened away from chunjis aswer :) btw i love your chunjoe drawings in tumblr and not only that but your an awesome writer
how amazing is this fic? TOO AMAZING O-O
Chunjoe!! So sweet~~
So cute of Byunghun to come see Chanhee :3
haha update soon~