The rumors of you

The Victim of Love

( ( Chanhee's POV ) )

"Aiiiish!" I sighed as I dropped my lunch tray on the round table of the Eating Area. "School's extra tiring today."

"It's Monday, Hyung." Changhyun, a petite boy with black spikey hair, said as he came out from behind me. Setting down his lunch, he added, "Of course it's gonna be tiring!"

Changhyun began chewing down food. He must've skipped breakfast again. Always been waking up late nowadays. But at the rate he's devouring those snacks, I'm surprised he didn't choke and die yet.

"Where's Niel?" I questioned the younger boy as I detached my water bottle from it's cap.

" I omo." The black-haired boy spit out as he chewed the overstuffed food in his mouth.

"Aish! Changhyun! Don't talk with your mouth full-" I complained as I was pushed by an overjoyed fish. "Yah, Niel!"

"Channie! what happened to your sanity?!" Niel cried out desperately hugging me as I choked on water.

"W-what on earth are you talking about?" I stammered through chokes, struggling to break him off and to breathe. Changhyun kept stuffing his mouth before his cheeks could deflate, not minding us at all. Thanks for your help, Changhyun. Really.

"Why'd you try to invite that guy to play with us during gym?!" The little fishie wailed, not budging from my effort.

"Huh? You mean Byunghun?" I asked, no longer having the will to fight him. The youngest stared at me with wide eyes, as if I just killed a kitten.

"Yes him!" Don't you know anything about him?!" Niel whined. Is everyone against him or something?

"He came from America." I replied, giving up on trying to drink my water with Niel's arms still wrapped around me. Changhyun shook his head and tried to swallow as much food as possible.

"Yeah, he came from America . . . But don't you know? He was in like . . . 5 gangs and dealt with drugs and bank robbery!" Niel screamed, squeezing me tighter.

"WHAT? But I heard that he was in jail most of the time in America, so that's why he moved back here!" Changhyun shouted when he finished swallowing.

It all seemed made up to me. Maybe I'm the only one with common sense around here.

I shook my head in disbelief.

"You gotta believe me hyung!" Niel begged as I stood up.

"Did you hear that from people or from Byunghun?"

"Well . . . People . . ." Niel muttered. "But it doesn't mean that he's not a bad influence! I'm only looking out for you!"

I sighed and grabbed my lunch. "But it doesn't mean that he isn't a normal person like everyone else in this school."

"HYUNG." Niel's voice grew angry. "What do you really know about Byunghun?!"


"People aren't always what they seem to be, Channie . . ." Niel's voice faded and he left a long pause. " I don't want him to hurt you in any way."

Niel was right. What did I really know about Byunghun? I only knew his name and where he came from. But I don't know what he did when he was in the United States or what he was like before he moved here. I only know what he's like right now. What if he moved to start over? To pretend he's all nice, but in reality he isn't? 

And if I were to become close to him. What would I do if he told me the truth and it was nothing that I expected it to be? What if it was exactly as one of the rumors said it was? Well not exactly, but close. Would I really be able to see every human innocent ever again?

I gave one last look at Niel and Changhyun and dumped my lunch into the trash, heading out of the Eating Area.

- - - - - - - - -

A/N : Sorry for the short chapter. Q A Q I couldn't really think of a story for L.joe to put here. OTL The next chapter will be mainly on Chunji also. )x

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the fan art is told cute feels everywhere ㅠㅠ <3
whateveritis #2
Chapter 17: too much cute to handle!
killthemall #3
Chapter 17: like a fangirl. good!
Chapter 17: Forever Waiting for the Supposed Last Chapter :')
MyLjoeBaby #5
Noooo wae is the school so mean to ljoe
MyLjoeBaby #6
Too cute Xd
MyLjoeBaby #7
New reader here i love the first chapter its so cute and ljoe was blowened away from chunjis aswer :) btw i love your chunjoe drawings in tumblr and not only that but your an awesome writer
how amazing is this fic? TOO AMAZING O-O
Chunjoe!! So sweet~~
So cute of Byunghun to come see Chanhee :3
haha update soon~