Zombieland SJ Evolution


As Super Junior become more successful, they face even more challenges. And that's not easy when the entire band are zombies.


Super Junior

- Park Jungsoo aka Leeteuk : Died in 2005 at age 22. Used to be in idol group Shiny Heaven.

- Kim Heechul : Died in 2005 at age 22. First to regain consciousness.

- Han Geng aka Hankyung : Died in 1996 at age 21. Used to be an actor.

- Kim Jongwoon aka Yesung : Died in 1999 at age 21. Used to be a singer.

- Kim Youngwoon aka Kangin : Died in 1996 at age 20. Used to be in idol group Brave Knights.

- Shin Donghee aka Shindong : Died in 2002 at age 20. Used to be a filmmaker.

- Lee Sungmin : Died in 2010 at age 19. Used to be a model.

- Lee Hyukjae aka Eunhyuk : Died in 1997 at age 19. Used to be a dancer.

- Lee Donghae : Died in 1997 at age 19. Used to be a songwriter.

- Choi Siwon : Died in 2002 at age 18. Used to be an actor.

- Kim Ryeowook : Died in 2001 at age 18. Used to be a singer.

- Kim Kibum : Died in 2004 at age 18. Used to be an actor.

- Cho Kyuhyun : Died in 2011 at age 17. Used to be a singer.

- Zhou Mi : Died in 1998 at age 19. Used to be in idol group Power Line.

- Henry Lau : Died in 2015 at age 16. Used to be a violinist.


A continuation of the first season.

Prequel : Zombieland SJ


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64 streak #1
Chapter 1: Zombie Super Junior sounds interesting, they don't seem like zombies because they don't attack people but it might be because they are different kind of zombies.

Taeyeon will have a chance to become an idol , Yay!