The vision x The fifth

TxT : The Academy X The Chaos

"Good morning everyone"

Day 4 - 3rd exam

The principal was welcoming everyone that wins in an auditorium with him and the 4 pillars standing near the board

"I see 80 people left, so... for today we will make a special gift for two lucky guys"

People start murmuring

"Today's teams going to be 5 in each team, so the first lucky guy is going to be part of our pillars team"

He said and some start cheering in happiness some didn't

"Yes yes I know its a big honor to work closely with them! But the choosing is going to be random for sure, so... of course to make balance we will add the second lucky person to the team that going to lose his team-mate to the pillars, that team will be able to choose anyone from those who lost yesterday"

Students start claping again...

So feel free to make your team of 5, i will gave you 30 minutes.

The principal turn off the microphone he was talking with and turn to the pillars next to him "today exam going to be hard since a normal person going to be with you i hope your decision in the last minute won't affect your score"

Soobin nodded "we will try our best, thank you for the changes you made for us"

A 30 minutes has passed, and everyone now were in their teams, Beomgyu look at his target and was surprised that this time Yeonjun and the others are in the same team "Maybe trying to beat us since we will have a normal human" Beomgyu said with himself but for sure the others understand his point looking at that team.

Now the principal came back with a big box full of balls, "everyone try to take a random ball and keep it to see who is the lucky student"

As he said they did, after everyone getting the ball, the board behind them change to a screen and the AI spoked

Ai - good evening fellow students, now I will choose a random number from 1 to 80 when you see the number open the ball and see what number you got

The screen show some fast forward numbers changing and changing till it stopped at 31

Now everyone start opening their ball and some got sad faces others got happy ones

"Who is 31 please come here" the principal said and everyone start looking here and there, but no one said it him or her

"31?" The principal repeated

Inside all of these people Yeonjun heard a "Hyung!"
"What?" Yeonjun said then he just understand asking in a little bit of a shock "you are 31?"
Those next to him look at his number and it was.
"HERE" Chaewon was the first to scream it pointing at Yunsoo "our team mate is 31" she said it with a happy tone

Taehyun look at Beomgyu with a look of they got the bite

"Oh great! Come here son!" The principal said and Yunsoo walked slowly with his head down, till he was now next the pillar standing

"So.." the principal look at his team mates asking "any idea who you guys want to give the second chance"

The team look at each other not sure who they will choose buy Yeonjun just said a name outloud "yes Lucas nord" everyone in the team actually looked shocked at Yeonjun and even the principal felt the gaze they gave him but no one actually refused his words so he just look at one of the workers and asked them to bring who ever that is.

After some time the worker came in with no one but the guy who actually give a punch to HueningKai

"That one who hit me!" HueningKai said and that make the three giving him a death glare with Soobin already clenching his fist.
"Lets stay calm" Taehyun tried to maintain the anger
"Why would Hyung do that" Yunsoo said a little louder then he supposed to, he shut his mouth immediately when he remembered he is near the supposed to be pillars.

Beomgyu just smirk and walked standing so close to him "hi am Beomgyu!" He smiled a very big and cute smile "Don't be shy around us! We will help you and you should do the same right?"

Yunsoo nodded "thank you" saying that he turn and continue his looks at the other team direction

- the others

"What game is this Yeonjun?" That one guy who just came and named Lucas asked "you didn't even choose my brother who stand for you but you choose me?"

Yeonjun look at him "I dont want a person to listen or find peace i want someone who want to win"

Lucas smirked trying to make a trouble "So what you incharge now?"
Yeonjun shake his head "no she is!" He pointed to Chaewon and she was surprised herself so he continue "you have any problem, talk to her not me am not the boss today I just gave suggestions"

Lucas look at Chaewon up and down she immediately gave him the gaze of 'any problem' taking the role for 100% chances to be the boss of today match
Lucas did agree with "not a single one, am in"

The two others in the team Liam and Scott look at eachother then look at Yeonjun almost laughing at the other two interaction "space please" Liam said trying to put away Chaewon and Lucas afar from each other

The AI : Now everyone please go to the entrance of the Academia and take the busses waiting you there for the next location of the exam. Thank you all.

As the Ai said everyone start going to the outside for the ride, of course the pillars did have their own bus but this time they were not 4 but 5,

Somehow it felt good to be as 5, HueningKai went to sit next Yunsoo "thank you for last time af the washroom"
Yunsoo eyes got wide open in embarrassment "no no no need to"
"Hope you are not angry to be with us"
"No no not at all its an honor" he look around and smiled looking down "you guys are actually giving a very strong era"
Beomgyu just jump from the seat in front of them look at them "really? I dont feel it at all"
Yunsoo couldn't look up "b-because you are one of them"
Beomgyu laughed "hahaha...we actually still bad at so many things not knowing this concept of visions"

Yunsoo hesitate but asked "didn't...your parents tell you anything?"

Beomgyu roll hi eyes "I was avoiding every conversation with my parents not going to lie because as 4 I didnt even believe I can actually have a vision"

Yunsoo look at him confused "aren't you the pillar of hope?"

HueningKai smiled "he is, and he gave us hope first"
Beomgyu felt a little embarrassed he clear his throat and turn looking at the window with "i never saw this part of the city"
Yunsoo giggles
HueningKai explains "our parents told us about their powers, they got active when they were all together, but for generations everyone gets a different one so no point knowing what mom or dad have!"

Yunsoo nodded with an 'o' "but i heard there is books..."

HueningKai "nothing in our realms, do you have one in the realm beyond?"

Yunsoo look down in shy manner "am from the realm of justice not from the real beyond"

HueningKai was surprised "oh I thought you guys are from..."

Yunsoo shake his head "no my group are all from the realm beyond, but I saw one book"
HueningKai "a book? Still exist after the red night?"

Yunsoo nodded "i didnt see anything in my realm but i saw one in Yeonjun Hyung room here, I asked and he said it was something he collected once" he actually hesitate using the word 'collect'

"Collected?" HueningKai asked

Yunsoo smiled a sad one "life is really hard in our realm...most of us are bounty hunters"

Beomgyu pump his head out back again "and how you know its not fake book! I heard everything went to ashes in the red night am sure if something left we would had our hands on it before even the realm goes down 20 years ago"

Yunsoo frown "you actually had no hope"

Beomgyu couldn't contain the smile even if it a bad sentence about him

In a moment the bus stopped and the driver said "please choose your best"

Everyone look at eachother, and Beomgyu said "Soobin, he knows his vision the best"

Taehyun nodded in agreement, and as they agree Soobin stands and got given a little box by the driver with "open it when you out sir"

With that Soobin left and the bus continue his way.

At this point Soobin wasn't the only one there all the other busses did the same, and somehow he found tht guy Lucas looking daggers at him, he open the box and found a little device that can be put into his ears and have a small microphone to talk into it, beside a smart watch.

Wearing the two and looking at his surroundings the bus put them next to a garage, when all the 17 students were there the door of that garage got open, and they all went in.

- At the bus

"I wonder what this exam about?" Taehyun spoke looking back to where they left Soobin.
"No idea" Beomgyu replied

The bus did move for another 15 minutes and the driver again stopped saying "choose your strongest"

The 4 look at eachother "I say Taehyun" HueningKai did tried to choose the best as the guy is in the military.
Taehyun stands got the box and left the bus with "careful guys"
"Dont worry" Beomgyu replied

Getting out of the bus Taehyun first saw his surroundings it was an entrance to an amusement park. He put his devices and look at who was there with him, or most important those enemy they made from the realm beyond, and it was one he didn't know the name of, but he was screaming that day in the restaurant.

- At the bus

The more they go down by numbers the more the atmosphere gets silent, The bus moved for another 15 minutes and stopped with "choose your smartest" Beomgyu look at HueningKai "you want to go"

And HueningKai shake his head a no "i dont think much when am nervous, as much as you act fool you actually observe"

Beomgyu didnt find a word to say he just nodded and went to take his box and left

Now he was out, he look around and the bus actually stopped in a square with a booths and every booth have a screen and a chair, Beomgyu look at the other busses and saw Chaewon coming out of her bus, he thought if she is the smartest? Because maybe they actually made the first mistake by letting the smartest goes down first. He open the box and put the device on his ear and the watch too. He automatically said "hello" wearing the device but he heard nothing as a reply

AI : please choose one booth and take a seat

Beomgyu went to a random booth in the middle and went inside of it, the moment he was in he heard a click.

Beomgyu tried to open the door booth but it was already closed.

- At the bus

"Am getting nervous" HueningKai spoke and Yunsoo nodded too

The bus stopped again with the driver asking "choose your bravest"

The two left look at eachother HueningKai just asked the driver "can you tell us the last one, we have a normal person here"

The driver didn't speak at all

HueningKai smiled in embarrassment because he got ignored,

"Its better if you go" Yunsoo said "am not the bravest you are a pillar you are the brave one"

HueningKai couldn't argue "we counting on you" with that he left with his box to finf himself in the entrance of a Zoo. "Great" he said entering and hearing..

"We got the pillar of love, all animals in will love you for sure"

HueningKai turn and see a boy from Yunsoo group he just smiled with his words and the guy just got his opportunity to speak to him again
"Where did you guys put Yunsoo?"
"Still in the bus" HueningKai did answered
The guy nodded "unlucky the last one is 'fearless' and Yunsoo is a scaredy-cat, am Liam by the way"

HueningKai was a little bit concerned "how did you know the last one?"
Liam shake his shoulders with a wink and a smile and walk inside not saying anything.

The last one in the bus was Yunsoo, the ride took about 30 minutes and he even Changes the bus to the quad bike going inside a forest all the way to a hug waterfall.

- Pillar of wisdom / Soobin :

Entering that garage, Soobin actually found two different vehicles a motor-bike and a quad-bike

AI : please choose whatever vehicle you can drive.

Everyone took what they like, an Soobin did took a motorbike.

Ai : please wait till your team mates reach their destinations

- Pillar of dedication / Taehyun.

Getting inside that amusement park, nothing been said just 'wait for your teammates to reach their destinations.

-Pillar of Hope / Beomgyu.

Sitting in that booth Beomgyu look at the screen since the AI was showing him something.

Ai : As your team mates been in their places you who been chooses as the smartest need to observe everything and explain what your team mate need to do.

Exam : save your team mate

Objective : Player 1 need to reach their destination where player 5 is locked in to unlock it and he can go free.
Player 2 and 4 need to get you the map puzzle for player 1 to find the way

Beomgyu raise an eyebrows thinking if it HueningKai or Yunsoo but then at the screen he can actually see what going on with the last player

- Yunsoo

Arriving to that water fall, the high was crazy that everyone was actually a little bit afraid of even getting closer and taking a look


He heard his name and turn with a smile "Hyung!" And walk to him with "why are you the last one"
"Chaewon is the boss she chooses" Yeonjun answered wearing the ear thing and the watch "test!...oh Chaewon you hear me!"

Yunsoo put his own and said "hello" and actually heard Beomgyu reply "hey Yunsoo! I see you met your hyung!"
Yunsoo look surprised around to see that there is a huge machine with some capsules in human size

Ai : please enter the capsules

All who were there entered one and it was all made of glass exceptthe hand grabbing the capsule, Yunsoo look at Yeonjun capsule next to him, he had the smile on his face till its actually start going up from the ground, "what the hell" he said when actually the machine started to go all the wait out of that waterfall till nothing under them just a deadly fall.
Yunsoo heartbeat start going fast he wanted to squeeze himself in the corner but he didn't even dare to move his legs or the glass will broke. He look at Yeonjun next to him and he actually was standing looking amazingly down...liking the view

- Pillar of hope / Beomgyu

Ai : at the corner you can find each player health situation

Beomgyu look at them and actually found Yunsoo heart beat racing up.

Beomgyu start to speak : Okay guys, you can hear me right? The exam is Soobin need to reach the end of the race wich is a waterfall to save Yunsoo from a deadly fall, and when am saying deadly I mean a 800meters to the water and rocks. But to show Soobin the way I need Taehyun and HueningKai both of you to solve some things. First of all Soobin go straight outside i see you here as a red point on a map so try to be careful with my instructions, Taehyun you need to find a doll on the desert, HueningKai be the first to take the prey of the tiger

At this time Soobin and so many others took the road outside of that garage with their motorbike and quad-bike.

HueningKai immediately start to look for a tiger cage in that zoo.

Taehyun wondered what that even means "what are you saying Beomgyu, the amusement park actually doesn have a desert part"
Beomgyu replied "it's an amusement park? find a picture or something Taehyun"

Taehyun start running around searching.

At that same time HueningKai found the cage of the tiger who was sleeping. He saw around him "you guys know am in a zoo, prey means food? But next the tiger there is nothing?"

Beomgyu: what about deer is there any?

HueningKai remember he saw one, he runs back to where it was.

"Found it"

Beomgyu heard Taehyun speaking

"Found the doll in a kids play with the desert picture it has a code 5653"

Beomgyu typed the numbers on the screen and a part of the map show up, "nice, Soobin two more streets and go right then left 3 streets and go left again"

"On my way" Soobin replied

Hearing a 'beep' a number show up on their smart watch

Ai : congratulations your player 1 reach the destination for the first code to unlock the capsule, get the watch in the right direction and with the full code the capsule will open

Beomgyu start speaking immediately "Soobin you actually need to walk the exact road to get the code, and reach the destination to open the capsule where Yunsoo is locked"

At this time HueningKai were already inside the deer cage tabbing his head and reading the code around his neck "6546" he said and start playing with him.

Liam passed by "there goes the pillar of love"

Beomgyu look at the corner of the screen and saw Yunsoo heartbeat are still "Taehyun get to the highest point, HueningKai any monkeys around? If yes you need to search for one having babies, if not it's a guerilla"

"Are you solving riddles?" HueningKai asked
Beomgyu replied a yes "as like as human in their down of time...
"No need, you solve, i go in" HueningKai said going for a search again

But suddenly the heartbeat start to rise "Yunsoo are you alright?"

"There is water coming in"

"What?" Boemgyu switch the screen and saw that there is actually water start to go inside every capsule

"Guys we need to be fast either a dead fall or a drown now" Beomgyu said "I mean don't worry Yunsoo,Soobin will be there in time"


Another riddle got solved and Beomgyu got the two pieces of the map

"Guys two to go" Beomgyu said "Taehyun between a smile faces you need to win the sad one"

Taehyun now was more confused "okay I will see"

Beomgyu spoke to HueningKai "HueningKai find the king take his kid and we will get the last one from you, Soobin you are getting inside a forest careful the map is almost the same here for me"


Beomgyu "nice we got the second code still just one"

"What going on!"

Beomgyu heard Yunsoo actually screaming he switch the screen, and stand with "WHAT"

- player 5 Yunsoo

First the water was in his feet along with those next to him, but suddenly he heard noise and the water stream was now 10 times faster "whats going on!" He look at the other and they were normal, "mine is broken!"

He look at Yeonjun, he actually can't hear him but he saw him looking at him and mouthing to him to calm down. "Hyung! Am I going to die?"

"No your not" Beomgyu said in his ears..."guys either its really broken or because we are pillars"

Taehyun in the other hand was searching like crazy for faces and when he finally fund the punching machine game with a note of --if you hit more then 890 you win the sad face and make it happy- with no second thought Taehyun just throw a fist on the machine but he didn't get a score he actually made the machine gone crazy but even with that he got a smile face with the code "Beomgyu 9812" looking at the code Taehyun saw his hand having little of some electricity on them but it did dissappear "...?"

"Soobin right right right" Beomgyu said "faster HueningKai"

HueningKai at this time was facing a lion he look at the Lion cub, slowly approaching "i dont want to hurt you i will just take him and give him back fast"
Somehow the lion didn't move at all even when HueningKai took the little one he was just looking at him

"yes! We got the map" Beomgyu said in happiness but immediately change to a shock, oh wait no! Yunsoo capsule is full...Soobin needs at least 20 minutes to arrive"

Now Soobin was going with maximum speed for the last code...but before he actually could do anything something hit his motorbike wheel and made him lose balance and fall a very hard fall on that forest road spinning and spinning...

"Yaa Soobin!" Beomgyu clearly heard an accident "are you okay?" But as much as he is concerned he actually can see Yunsoo couldn't keep his breath anymore  "ya! Stop the game please we lost!" Beomgyu said looking at the screen where he can see Yunsoo drowning "STOP IT"

AI : once the game start it can't be stopped, just like the chaos.


Ai : we all going to die if you fail your mission

"THE HELL! STOP THE GAME" He said hitting the booth from inside in anger. He look at the booth next to him that was already in a red color, and Chaewon went outside in anger.

Beomgyu look back at the screen "oh hell yeah..."

- at the downfall

Yeonjun who was next to Yunsoo seeing the other holding his breath and waiting, couldn't actually stay still.

From his pockets he took a knuckle punch ring and start hitting the glass capsule with it from the upper side, so hard and hard till its start to crack once he open it a little he was fast to grab the metal part holding the capsule and continue to break it all, till he was out

Ai : rules been broken team 17 failed the exam


Yeonjun didnt care less now, he bring himself up on that big machin, jump to Yunsoo capsule and start cracking it just a little for the water to go out, succeeding to let the water goes down he said "Yunsoo! Give me your hand"

Yunsoo finally breathing he rise his arm up, and Yeonjun took it to help him stay up at the water surface.


That was the last thing Yunsoo said before he close his eyes in tiredness.

"Come on don't..." Yeonjun said trying to keep holding him, the more he is unconscious the more he is heavier, and with the hard hits he did Yeonjun knew his finger bones can't keep up.

Beomgyu who was looking at the screen "it worked Soobin.. you hear me..please tell me your okay"

At this time Soobin stands he wiped his eyes and saw his hands full of blood, he definitely hit his head and every part in his body, he look at the motorbike and walk to it, and once he reaches it there was another


Beomgyu screamed in his ears a "yes all code in you can do it!"
"I dont know where they are and the motorbike is broken" Soobin explained and start running
"Oh God! You will never make it on foot!" Beomgyu said in defeat 

"The hell why don't you Teleport?"

The four heard an extra voice

"Yeonjun?" Taehyun said recognizing the voice.

Beomgyu look at the screen and saw Yeonjun actually manage to take Yunsoo ear device

"As much as I dont want to help your team i can't keep up holding him with the flow of water, this part of the machine is all cracked and it going to fall soon so JUST TELEPORT HERE AN TAKE HIS HAND AND TELEPORT BACK TO THE GROUND"

Soobin said in anger "I CAN'T"

Yeonjun said in anger too "WHAT THE HELL YOU MEAN YOU CAN'T"

Beomgyu spoke "he actually doesnt know where you are, he can't Teleport to a place he never saw before"

"You kidding me! Right?" Yeonjun said and the part he was on it now start to slide down "this isn't working, Yaa! Wisdom sh*t! You can Teleport to Yunsoo you know him its not just places! Its people too!"

Soobin stopped running seeing the place become blurry he wipe his eyes from the blood again, "what?"

"Just focus! You idiot!" Yeonjun cursed

Soobin close his eyes trying to focus "i already know him...its the same thing..."

"But you need to be fast this thing won't hold"

Suddenly Soobin appeared next to them in the air, and Yeonjun was fast enough to grab him too from his free arm

"OH MY GOD YES" Beomgyu screamed in his place "wait what happened to him" he said seeing all the blood on Soobin face

Ai : code activated

The capsule got opened,

Soobin with his free hand grabs Yunsoo at the exactly same time Yeonjun lose his grip and both Soobin and Yunsoo dissappear and show up next HueningKai.

HueningKai "Oh God!" He said little surprised by the two and by how both just fall unconscious next to him "Soobin Hyung!"

Beomgyu and Taehyun asked "is he alright?"

HueningKai "am healing both"

At the same time Beomgyu booth got opened with -congratulation-


The scream of the girl next to him that she was looking on the screen of her booth made Beomgyu look fast at the screen toi to see the part where Yeonjun was standing on did fall and he fall with it "No no no no no" Beomgyu said seeing him disappear from the camera all the way down.

HueningKai who was healing one each hand just saw one disappeared "w-what...he-he disappeared"

Taehyun spoke "Soobin Teleport again? did you fully healed him?"

HueningKai who was speechless now seeing who disappeared did appear again next to him with Yeonjun on his hold, and again he fall unconscious.

HueningKai whispered to the two in his ears

"Not Soobin...i-its Yunsoo who Teleported"




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Chapter 1: I love the concept so far! Can't wait to read more!
Bunny_Hotaru #2
I heckin LOVED this story!!! Can’t wait for a sequel!!! 💜💜💜