Every Letter I wrote To You
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Hello! back again with new chap

thank you for still reading this fanfic

sorry for the error and mistake in my writing




Joohyun pov

It was your habit, when you are in nervous state you start to play with your fingers … nibbling your bottom lips.

Eyes glued at the back of her head … she been in that position for almost ten minutes now … hiding her face on the steering wheel.

You can tell this is hard for her … she is struggling in this matter and you won’t blame her

She is scared of what coming and so do you …


The first you saw her, she was crouching on the floor looking all pale. It was a comical act of her that make you froze on the spot.

You didn’t even have a chance you say a word and she sprung up and run for her life like she saw a ghost.

That was the first time you saw her … and she left you a can of coke along a note.

A note that you treasure so much.

You keep staring at the note … especially when you spend your time at your desk.

You try to look for her around the campus … everywhere … you search and search with a hope you going to come across her at least one time if you keep doing it

But no … you couldn’t find her at all until the day you presenting your final artwork … you almost mess it up because she is the photographer at that time.

You had to pull yourself together and told yourself to not look at her during that time.

You feel weird … a feeling of you cannot easily describe with a simple word

Her presence has a huge impact on you that you never know it exist.

You want to approach her that day … but what stopping you is how calm she was … taking picture of the other student … she never look at you even once that day.

So maybe … it just you who feel the air shift … maybe when she left the note it was a simple a cheer up note … she was just having a kind heart and you misunderstood it was more than that.

So you put away your curiosity about her and move on with your life


Actually no, somehow you cannot just simply erase that part about her in your mind or your heart.

It bothers you every second in your life and you found yourself frequently staring at the piece of notes she left.

You thought you know everything about you but this piece of note make inside you shaking and it seem like … you do not know who you are

That piece of notes was the cause of fight of you and him ….

You sigh every time you thought about it … about him.

You met him during your teenage life where you are so lively and high spirited. Well, you were much younger than you are now.

He is your first love … you date him for years now … this is the six years of your relationship with him. He always on your thought too… always. The constant fight between you and him happened more than often lately.

He became very sensitive and so do you.

You pick a fight over a small matter and this piece of notes was brought up by him every time you had fight with him.

He accuses you cheated on him while the truth is … it is not.

You didn’t cheat on him … you treasure the note because she gave it to you when you having a hard time.

You told him that was the reason … you know that was not the reason … there are more, maybe and you didn’t know what it was. To end a six year of relationship because a piece of note you receive sound so reckless.

So, you put him first before your feeling, like you always did. Thinking time gonna pass and you will eventually forget about that piece of note … about how it shaken up inside you.

Time pass … you graduated and your feeling shaken up even more because this time … you received a bouquet of sunflower along with a card.

A handwriting card.

The handwriting match with the notes.

You stare at the note so often to the point you recognize it was from the same person as soon as you read the card.

It was the only different flower you receive that day so you read the card on the sunflower bouquet first.

You almost fall on the ground that day.

The sound of your friend congratulate you sound faintly while your eyes stuck on the card. Re reading it over and over.

You couldn’t lie to yourself anymore …. You couldn’t lie to him too.

It was hard … but it must be done.

You ended your long relationship over a very uncertain issue.



The break up didn’t affect you much than you expected it to be. You thought you going to cry for it at least for months.

But … you didn’t cry over it. you carry on with your life much faster than you thought it would be.

That break up didn’t make you stay awake at night

The one that make you stay awake at night is the note and the card that have initial of the person’s name.

you go to sleep every night praying you will come across her at the perfect timing in your life.


You are not sure whether your prayer has been answered or not because …. You did saw her again, this time she doesn’t look as pale as before. Maybe because she wearing a makeup… she adjusting her outfit before she take a seat and look at you.

You can see she froze in her seat and you are doubting your eyes at that time.

Is that really her who sat across you

So she apply for a job at this company … a company that banned dating among co-workers.

Nevertheless, you carry the interview …. You got all the detail about her through her resume.

There was one moment inside you that you want to take advantage on your duty. You actually want to reject her and then contact her afterward … so you can freely approach her.

But, that is so not you … to do that kind of dirty stuff. You don’t want her to hate you in future.


Working with her under the same company, same building, same floor and same department is harder than you thought.

You cannot help it but you keep wondering around the floor so you can see her when she working. You start to look for a reason to be in the same room with her.

You even asked for her to accompany you to workshop once ….

It was risky … if you came across another co-worker it going to start a bad rumours … especially when the people who work there know you are not a type

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next chap 30 sept 2023


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pisnginisolgeeehhh #1
Chapter 23: Silently wishing for Book 2 of this story🥹🥺
Chapter 22: ❣️
AnneTokki #3
Chapter 22: 🥰🥰🥰
4zahan #4
Chapter 22: i need extra chapter, please
Chapter 22: INCREDIBLE!!! The plot so intriguing and you perfectly formulated the drama with the resolutions in my opinion. Thank you for writing this story for us to enjoy! Stay happy and healthy <3
Ash1078 #6
Chapter 22: Thank you for this amazing story! I really enjoyed reading it. I can’t wait to read the next one!
Raynie #7
Chapter 22: Aww.. it's the end? I wish therr are scene where Seulgi tell Joohyun about her feeling from the beginning that she have a crush on Joohyun since middel school. Hmmm... btw Thank you author.
amnionew #8
Thank you authornim. I like this story soo much. Keep waiting for the update. I’m so happy when there’s an update. Thank you again for finishing this. 😘
298 streak #9
Chapter 22: Happiness! Than you author. This was a great story. I really loved your Seulgi. She wasn’t perfect but she was there when it matter and made it right. The make up was hot hehe
1093 streak #10
Chapter 22: Thankyou! 🧡🧡🧡