No Other

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Ryeowook looked through the shortlisted applicants' files and nearly dropped her pen when she saw one applicant.

Cho Kyuhyun

And, with impressive track record! 

"Is this Kyuhyun? My ex-boyfriend, and the nerdy Kyuhyun?" Ryeowook asked herself... 


Just a simple KyuWook fic, in office environment setting. Hope you like the story :) 


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Chapter 25: Can't wait for the next chapter 😍
duckj0471 #2
Chapter 24: I love when Kyu talks and makes jokes about 'that'.....// 😆
duckj0471 #3
I love your story!!😭 want more and more...............
Chapter 21: you are creative
loved it
sleepingmaiah #5
Chapter 16: Omg. They're so cuuute. Can't wait for nect chapter/update
Nana2605 #6
Chapter 9: wow, i love the story.... thanks for writing this....
Chapter 7: I love how you write them here, author-nim..
It's just like our daily life. Hehe
That everythings indeed happened for a reason.
Thank you :))))
Chapter 1: Arghhhhh this is so 😢😢😢😢😢
Chapter 2: They're so cute :)))