Chapter 9

The Best Present EVER!!!

GongChan’s POV

I’m back in the dorm again! Yay~! Wait a second. How did the portal open up here?

I look around my bed trying to find an answer, when suddenly it hits me.

That’s it! My hoodie! It’s lying on my bed at the EXACT same spot the portal opened! That explains the interesting point of view we saw through the portal and how I ended up sleeping in HyunJae’s house! I must have somehow fallen through the portal while sleeping!


Wahh, I can’t wait to tell HyunJae how-

Oh, wait. She’s not here anymore.

I didn’t even really get to know them...

I wonder if I’ll ever see them again...


            “No, he’s not in there. Where is he?” I hear a familiar voice.

            “I dunno... I hope he’s alright...” is that Jinyoung hyung?

            “Hyungs I’m right here!!” I scream as I run out to them.

The four members stare at me.

“Hey, Chan, where were you?” Shinwoo hyung asks.

“I went jogging and then came back to shower... Maybe you just didn’t notice?” I say, thinking quickly. After all, they wouldn’t believe me if I told them what really happened.

“Hmm... I guess so,” Baro hyung says.

“Next time tell us before you go okay?” Jinyoung hyung pats my head. “We were worried about you.”

“Araso. Mianhe~”

“Aish. What are we going to do with you...” Shinwoo hyung ruffles my hair.

I smile at my hyungs and they smile back, but seomthing in Sandeul’s eyes tells me that he doesn’t believe me...


I walk back to my room to try and figure out what triggered the portal. I put on my hoodie.

“Now, what did you do...” I ask it. No reply.

I start fiddling around with it a little more but nothing happens. Eventually I just give up and lie on my bed. It’s only the afternoon but I’m already so tired...


EunHee’s POV

HyunJae and me just sit and stare for a while, trying to figure out exactly what happened.

I can’t take it anymore! I’ve had enough thinking!

“HyunJae, my head hurts!” I complain to her.

“You’re right, I think we’ve had enough suspense for today. Let’s go to the music room!” she smiles at me.

My headache stops right away. :D

“Yay~! Let’s gooo~”

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gongchanbiased #1
Chapter 2: awww………… your just like meeeeeeeee
reiyohiru #2
can't figure out how happy Hyunjae and Eunhee, met their idols and recorded a song with them (~^3^)~
kamoi_mac #3
I wanna know what will happen at the fan signing and what will be Channie's and Sanduellie's reaction when they see the girls?? sequel plz in the future
kamoi_mac #4
I love this story especially the name for the teddy bear. It really cute. Also Channie and Sanduel don't have much stories together, so i enjoy see them as the main in this fanfic
Thanks! ^-^
agyeoprincess #7
Nice story!!^^ Though i feel some kinda missing, would you mind to do a sequel...
I take it you like it? :D
Aggy, Aggy XD
We'll see~ ;D