Chapter 2

The Best Present EVER!!!

Well, I helped her out and she seemed happy enough. Now for the tough part...

“So, eomma, B1A4’s having a concert and the place is nearby and I was wondering if I could go...”

“B1A4? Is that the group you’ve got covering all the walls in your room?”

“Yeah! They’re really cool and I’m a big fan and I would really like to-“

“And when is this concert exactly?”

“In 3 weeks...”

“Hmm, isn’t it on a school night?”

“No eomma, it’s on a Friday night.. There’s no school on Saturday.”

“And how much do the tickets cost?”

“Uhh... I.. don’t know actually... EunHee didn’t tell me...”

“Well you better go find out from her then.”

I guess it all depends on the ticket prices.. I cross my fingers as I call EunHee.

            “EunHee ah? You know the B1A4 concert thing?”

            “DUH I just called you about it!!”

            “How much are the tickets?”

            “Erm... Cheapest is 38,000 won, give or take?”

            “S..Say that again?”

No way. You’ve GOT to be kidding me.

            “38,243 won to be exact...”

            “Oh, okay.. Thanks. Have you asked your parents yet?”

            “I’m about to now actually.. Fingers crossed! How about you?”

            “I’m about to get my answer... Call me when you’ve got yours!”

            “Araso. Good luck. Hwaiting!”

            “You too!”


Nervously I walk up to my mum with the price. 38,000 won?! If I’m going to get the green light for this concert I’ll need a miracle or my mum has to be replaced by a doppelganger. It’s not that we don’t HAVE the money, I mean, we’re not in poverty or anything, but there’s no way mum’s gonna spend 38,000 on concert tickets. But still, I can always hope...


            “So, HyunJae? How much are the tickets?”

            “The cheapest ones are 38,000 won, omma,”

            “That’s the cheapest?? Who do these guys think they are?”

            “It’s B1A4 eomma!! PLEASE! I’m a really big fan and EunHee and I both really wanna go!!”

I know it’s a lost cause, but I’ve got to at least put up a little fight. For GongChan’s sake.

“There’s NO WAY I’m letting you waste away 38,000 won on some dumb concert tickets, and anyways, won’t it be on TV? You can invite EunHee over to watch it with you instead, okay?”

Like I said, lost cause. With a sigh I say okay and give up on the idea. Just then EunHee calls me.

            “HyunJae... I can’t go for the concert... My ma says it’s too expensive... Mianhae..”

EunHee sounds just as disappointed as I am.

“Yeah, my mum too... But she says you can come over to watch it on TV with me, if it helps..”

“Oh okay! Anyways see you in school today! Still wish we could go though...”

“Me too... Oh well. See ya in school. Annyeong!”



Sigh. I run upstairs to my room and hug my favourite bear. Guess I’ll have to wait a lil’ longer before I get to see them.. I stare dreamily at GongChan’s poster. “We’ll meet someday!” I tell the poster in my head. Hah, who am I kidding? It’s not like I’ll ever get to know him even! But even if I could just get a little hug...

Woah, is that the time?! I’d better get ready!

I quickly freshen up and get dressed for school.  Grabbing my schoolbag, I give my parents a hug and head out. School’s very nearby for me so I walk there unless it rains or is too hot. Meeting EunHee on the way as I usually do, we walk together and talk about B1A4.

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gongchanbiased #1
Chapter 2: awww………… your just like meeeeeeeee
reiyohiru #2
can't figure out how happy Hyunjae and Eunhee, met their idols and recorded a song with them (~^3^)~
kamoi_mac #3
I wanna know what will happen at the fan signing and what will be Channie's and Sanduellie's reaction when they see the girls?? sequel plz in the future
kamoi_mac #4
I love this story especially the name for the teddy bear. It really cute. Also Channie and Sanduel don't have much stories together, so i enjoy see them as the main in this fanfic
Thanks! ^-^
agyeoprincess #7
Nice story!!^^ Though i feel some kinda missing, would you mind to do a sequel...
I take it you like it? :D
Aggy, Aggy XD
We'll see~ ;D