Chapter 14

The Best Present EVER!!!

~One week later~


Sandeul’s POV

            “Pabo yah! Get off me!” I scream as Baro wrestles me.

It’s always like this with him. I stick out my tongue and threaten to his arm. It works – he releases right away!

            “GAH! I don’t need your ducky drool on me!”

            “Touche, Baramji!” I laugh.

“Guys! Stop playing and get changed! They need B1A4 for an special interview right now!”

Baro and I immediately rush to get changed into our outdoor clothes. In 5 minutes we’re all ready to go… except for one.

            “Where’s Channie?” Shinwoo hyung asks.

Oh no! I think he’s at HyunJae’s again! Ah what am I going to do?!

“Maybe he’s still sleeping? He’s been tired recently…” I cover up for him.

It’s not completely a lie, Channie’s usually tired from school activities.

Our manager hyung comes in.

            “You guys ready? Where’s Chan? Ah, nevermind we’ll just go without him.”

He rushes us out of the dorm.

Aih, Channie’s going to get it later…


Gongchan’s POV

HAHA! I can’t stop laughing! HyunJae decided to put up a little “presentation” titled ‘If I Were a Diva.’

She put on this little hat and a feathered scarf and is now prancing around the room like she’s the queen of the world. EunHee’s playing the paparazzi and it’s really funny.

“Did I SAY you could take my fabulous picture? Uh, no! Like, talk to the hand~” she waves her hand out dramatically.

My stomach aches from laughing so much. I had no idea HyunJae was so crazy and funny! She seemed so quiet at first. She’s kinda like Shinwoo hyung that way~

I look at the time. Oh no! It’s time to go!

I say goodbye to the girls as I walk through the portal.

That was so much fun~ Can’t wait for tomorrow!!


I get back to the dorm and immediately sense something amiss.

It’s quiet. Too quiet.

I look around the dorm. Nobody’s around! Did they leave without me again? But… They didn’t say they were going anywhere…

I check my phone. 5 missed calls from all the hyungs, including our manager hyung. I try calling them back but none of them answer. That’s weird…

Unsure of what to do, I flip on the TV.

To my greatest surprise, I see my hyungs on the screen!

            “Let’s Fly, B1A4! Annyeonghaseyo, B1A4 imnida!” they chorus.

“We’re sorry Channie couldn’t be here today, he is really tired and is taking a rest in out dorm.” Jinyoung hyung explains.

Eottokhae? B1A4 is having an interview and I’m not there!

Helplessly I watch the whole interview, and once it ends I start mentally preparing myself for trouble.

I hear footsteps outside the door 15 minutes later.

I gulp. Here it goes…

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gongchanbiased #1
Chapter 2: awww………… your just like meeeeeeeee
reiyohiru #2
can't figure out how happy Hyunjae and Eunhee, met their idols and recorded a song with them (~^3^)~
kamoi_mac #3
I wanna know what will happen at the fan signing and what will be Channie's and Sanduellie's reaction when they see the girls?? sequel plz in the future
kamoi_mac #4
I love this story especially the name for the teddy bear. It really cute. Also Channie and Sanduel don't have much stories together, so i enjoy see them as the main in this fanfic
Thanks! ^-^
agyeoprincess #7
Nice story!!^^ Though i feel some kinda missing, would you mind to do a sequel...
I take it you like it? :D
Aggy, Aggy XD
We'll see~ ;D