Chapter 12

The Best Present EVER!!!

Gongchan’s POV

Getting back from HyunJae’s today, I find all the hyungs in the living room. Baro hyung looks very uncomfortable...

“Yah Channie, you’ve been in the toilet for that long?” Jinyoungie hyung quizzes.

“Y-yeah...” I say shyly.

The moment I get out of the toilet Baro hyung runs in and slams the door. Oops! I guess someone’s been waiting long... Heh heh~

Shinwoo and Jinyoungie hyung go back to what they’re doing. Sandeul hyung follows me into the bedroom and shuts the door behind him.

“Okay, Chan. Let’s hear the truth now,” he looks at me sternly.

“Mwo? What do you mean?”

“Come on. You can’t ALWAYS be in the toilet doing your business!”

“I thought it’s healthy to go once a day...” I try to change the subject.

“I-I guess... So that’s really what you’ve been doing?”

“Nae hyungie... Maybe I ate some bad ddokbukki?”


Sandeullie hyung lets it go for now, but he still gives me a suspicious glare before he leaves.


Sandeul’s POV

I just remembered something.

Whenever Channie goes in or out of the toilet his hoodie is with him. Whatever he’s doing in there, it’s not normal.

I wonder what’s going on...


~Next day~

“Channie ah! We’re going out for a while... You stay here and study okay?” Jinyoung hyung calls.

“Fine.” I hear Channie moan from the study.

“Ah, hyung! Could I stay back here with Chan?” I ask Jinyoung hyung.

“Sure you can, but why do you want to stay back?”

“You know how long he’s been hanging in the toilet recently... I don’t think he should be left alone at home!”

“Good point. Araso! You take care of him alright?”

“Nae~” I push the other 3 out of the dorm.

I watch them leave and close the door after them.

Time to find out the truth about what’s been going on.


Gongchan’s POV

I hear the front door click. Yes! They’re gone now! I head for the toilet like I always do when suddenly something pounces on me.

“GAH! Sandeul hyung?!” What is he still doing here?

“C’mon, Chan. You don’t think I actually buy that whole ‘it’s healthy to go once a day’ stuff do you? What’s really going on here?” he stares at me.

Sandeul hyung has a bit of a temper, and it’s rising now...

“N-nothing hyung!” I stutter.

“I’m not THAT gullible, Chan. And why are you always carrying that hoodie around? Give it to me!” he snatches it from me.

“Andwae hyung! Give that back!” I grab it back again.

The two of us start a tug-of-war for it.

“Let go hyung! You’ll rip it!” I squeal worriedly.

“Not until you tell me what’s- WHOA!!!!”







Told you it gets more interesting ^-^

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gongchanbiased #1
Chapter 2: awww………… your just like meeeeeeeee
reiyohiru #2
can't figure out how happy Hyunjae and Eunhee, met their idols and recorded a song with them (~^3^)~
kamoi_mac #3
I wanna know what will happen at the fan signing and what will be Channie's and Sanduellie's reaction when they see the girls?? sequel plz in the future
kamoi_mac #4
I love this story especially the name for the teddy bear. It really cute. Also Channie and Sanduel don't have much stories together, so i enjoy see them as the main in this fanfic
Thanks! ^-^
agyeoprincess #7
Nice story!!^^ Though i feel some kinda missing, would you mind to do a sequel...
I take it you like it? :D
Aggy, Aggy XD
We'll see~ ;D