Chapter 3

The Best Present EVER!!!

“Oh, come on! Channie’s WAY cuter than Sandeul! Just look at those puppy-dog eyes!” I plead.

“But Deullie has the eye smile! Not everybody can do that!!”

“Channie can! And he can do even cuter poses than the eye smile!”

Evidently today we are arguing about which member’s cuter. Well, I wouldn’t call it arguing exactly, more like debating with a strong conviction.

“Two words, HyunJae: Bunny Deul.”

“Three words, EunHee: Aegyo 5-in-1 set.”

We always make it a point to decide who ‘wins’ before we walk through the school gate. This time, as we approach, EunHee declares me winner. She says she’ll let this one go because she won the ‘Who’s more talented’ debate yesterday. But honestly, I think I win this one because even EunHee, the ultimate Sandeul fan, can’t resist GongChan’s aegyo set. She’ll deny it, but I’ve seen her grinning while watching it!


We walk along the school corridor and meet the Park twins, HyeSun and MiSun.

            “Annyeong, HyeSun! Yah, Miso-ah!” I greet them.

            “HyunJae!! It’s MISUN, not MISO!!”

I’ve always liked teasing her. :P

            “Whatever you say, Miso.”

            “MY NAME IS- Ugh, nevermind.”

            “So, are you guys going for the B1A4 concert?” HyeSun asks, trying to divert the conversation.

            “Aniyo, our parents won’t let us go,” EunHee replies sadly.

            “Wae? Are you guys going?” I ask.

            “Haha, of course not! You know we’re VIPs, not BANAs.”

            “Well, anyways, you’re not gonna like this, but...” HyeSun says cautiously.

            “What is it?”

            “I heard that SooJin is going for it.”

I should’ve known. Of course SooJin’s going. Little Miss Rich and Pampered always gets to go. I would be fine with her going if she wasn’t such a pain in the neck. Always flirting around with the boys and boasting and whining away like a little kid. Plus, she started that terrible rumour about EunHee being bulimic. I’m not one for holding grudges, but I’m not letting that one go. No one talks about my bestie that way.


Anyways, as we take our seats in class we are not surprised to see SooJin boasting about her ticket.

“Oh, my seat is in Row D!! That’s the VIP seat, you know! I’ll be so near, maybe one of the members will even smile at me!” She chirps loudly.

“And what row are your seats in? HyunJae? EunHee?”

“We’re not going,” I reply curtly.

“Gasp! But I thought B1A4 was your favourite group!! Don’t tell me you’ve already lost interest in them! I mean, after all that talk about how much you love-“

“- It’s not that! Our mums just won’t let us go!” EunHee says, desperately defending her BANA status.

“Oh, dear! Well, that’s too bad then!” She smirks.

Leaning in closer towards me, she says, “I’ll tell Gongchan you said hi...”



Sometimes, I wish I wasn’t such a huge BANA. It would hurt a lot less that way.

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gongchanbiased #1
Chapter 2: awww………… your just like meeeeeeeee
reiyohiru #2
can't figure out how happy Hyunjae and Eunhee, met their idols and recorded a song with them (~^3^)~
kamoi_mac #3
I wanna know what will happen at the fan signing and what will be Channie's and Sanduellie's reaction when they see the girls?? sequel plz in the future
kamoi_mac #4
I love this story especially the name for the teddy bear. It really cute. Also Channie and Sanduel don't have much stories together, so i enjoy see them as the main in this fanfic
Thanks! ^-^
agyeoprincess #7
Nice story!!^^ Though i feel some kinda missing, would you mind to do a sequel...
I take it you like it? :D
Aggy, Aggy XD
We'll see~ ;D