Chapter 1

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"Hyung..." He cried when he called Hoseok. 

"Ji-Jimin? What's wrong? Why are you crying?!" Hoseok asked concerned as he lifted himself off the couch at Namjoon's. Reaching for the remote, Jin turned down the volume for Hoseok to continue his call. 

"Something wrong?" Hoseok asked in worry. Looking worried the members feared Jimin was in trouble.

"Everything went wrong..." Jimin sniffled as he answered after a while.

"Where are you? I'll come get you." Hoseok rushed grabbing the car keys and headed out the door quicker than anyone could ask anything.


It's been a couple of days since Jieun had called off their relationship. Jimin had tried everything to get to her but she has managed to slip through his fingers. The members were in the dark and still haven't been able to figure out what had happened between the two.

Until one night, they had enough of their younger member distancing himself from everyone. Jimin had thrown himself into work, was drinking more than usual at gatherings, and he'd be silent during meetings as if Jimin wasn't there.

"Okay Jimin, we need to talk." Namjoon stated as they sat down in his hotel room. Jimin just sat there staringat his hands that was rested on his lap.

"What happened?" Jin asked after setting down his bottle of water. Still there was no answer coming from Jimin.

"If you keep it to yourself, how would we know how to help you solve it?" Hoseok added looking over at the younger member with a stern but worried look.

"T-There's nothing we can do...I--I did it to myself. I did it to us." Jimin spoke with a broken tone as he tried to calm himself down.

"Come and tell us," Yoongi insisted and Jimin took a deep breath. 

"It all started.." 




I was greeted by other coworkers and employees as I walked through the hallway of the company. No one knew I was the daughter of the CEO because I was interviewed just like everyone else, went through schooling and screening before I landed a job as a finance manager. I made my dad promise me to keep me out of the spotlight and he agreed even though he wanted to show off his daughter.

"Mr. Ryu, Jieun is here." My dad's secretary informed him through the phone. With a smile, I nodded to her and walked into his office.

"Mr. Ryu." I teased as I walked in.

"Are you really going to keep me at a professional distance?" He pouted but never the less smiled upon seeing me.

"Shh.. dad. You know I don't like it either, but I don't think I'm ready to be in the spotlight." I placed my bag on the couch and sat down while he walked over.

"I know sweety, but I'm just so proud of you and I want everyone of my partners in business to know what my daughter is capable of." He said sitting down in front of me. I smiled at his compliment.

" said you wanted to see me this morning." 

"Ah.. yes. I almost forgot about what I wanted to tell you." He said and leanin

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exokyunglu #1
Chapter 11: I miss you and your stories, especially because last year we were fed so much with all the sequels etc, hope you're doing well and that you'll come back when you're ready to continue this story and finish off the series.
Chapter 13: Oooohhh. Happy New Year!
Have a brighter and heallthier 2021!
exokyunglu #3
Chapter 11: The way i was thinking Jimin ain't the father of the Soojin's baby turns out their is no baby. What a B seriously, the fact she knew even before the engagement and for months she was lying. I'm glad they know now who Jieun and Minho really is now, let's see how everything plays out.
And oooohhh, hints for Jungkook, meaning his story is next. Poor Jin he's the eldest yet is marrying off all s before he finds his own love.
Chapter 11: And kookiiieee is neeext. 😍💕😁💜
Chapter 11: Hahahha. My gawd no wonder. Chim is not the father! Coz there is no child at all. Pwahahaha. Omooo. So happpyyy.
Jimin is stupidhahahha. He didnt even have a ultrasound/preg test when Soojin announced that she's pregnant.

As for Jieuniie~ go baby! Stay safee beCause well anger rooted from jealousy is very dangerous.
Chapter 11: Looks like Jungkook is going to be the main character in the next story.

Ahhhh no child. Ahhhhhhh I'm mad now.
Chapter 10: Pls do tell me that chim is not the real father of the kid? And also, Jinhee is the same Jinhee as Bang PD's niece?
exokyunglu #8
Chapter 10: I seriously can’t wait until the truth is revealed. Another great chapter, missed reading your stories.
exokyunglu #9
Chapter 9: Ugh i'm seriously hating Jimin and Soojin and those idiot minions of soojin.