It's them

You're living, but are you Alive?
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A/N: Ayo, what's good. Back at it again you know the vibes.

Disclaimer: I'm not trying to offend anyone, this is just my view of church from growing up and still being brought up in one, i apologise here and now if i've offended you in any way.

I also might be going ooc on this too so bare with me okay thanks luvs.

Some dialouge I use is direct from my life so yeah. Help me.

Trigger warning: slight homophobia, slight undertones of abuse. 

Other than that I hope you enjoy :))



“For God so loved the world that he gave is only son….”

Jihyo was sitting next to her mom and sister in the church whilst the sermon was taking place, even though her dad should be occupied with delivering the message she knew he was watching her, as the pastors daughter she dare not lose her perfect form.

‘Take notes, eyes up, back straight, nod, and smile’

Sometimes she’d add a clap or a ‘hmm’ every so often to make it seem like she was as engrossed into the words as possible.

‘Take notes, eyes up, back straight, nod, and smile’

As the sermon finishes up, the pastor starts talking about ‘relevant issues in society’

“As you all know, one thing that plagues our troubled youth is homouality – since God is no longer a value in our society they look for other means to find themselves”

 There’s a chorus of hums, a small round of applause and even a few cheers.

“But we know that only through the name of Jesus we find ourselves!” Pastor Park shouts enthusiastically into the microphone and the church is going crazy.

‘Back straight, nod, smile’

Jihyo is clapping also as she feels eyes bore into her, she knows what she is and the reputation she must uphold – she is the white rose amongst reds, the light in a sea of darkness, the saviour of the troubled youth.

These anti-LGBT rants start at around late March early April, Jihyo thinks it’s sort of a pep rally for June.

Every year her church go out to protest at pride festivals – her father of course leading the charge, every year Jihyo went, and every year Jihyo was shouting at people telling them that their lifestyle choices were despicable.

 “Those youths are lost souls who need Jesus to come into their lives, they need Jesus to deliver them from the lives of the enemy, the enemy who told them that living like that is okay. Let’s pray for all those young souls and hope they find their direction”

And so the church goes silent as Pastor Park begins to pray, all hands outstretched and quiet murmurs of agreement filling the air, and as he finishes he smiles at the congregations thanking them for coming and that he hopes to catch up with some light refreshments.

Jihyo feels like she can finally breathe as she packs up her Bible in her bag along with her notebook, looking to her mom who had already started conversation with some church ladies.

“I’m hungry” her sister whines “Jihyo-ah, go get me some food”

Sometimes Jihyo forgets that she’s the younger sister of the two, Nayeon was a couple of years older than her, a sophomore at the local college, their parents didn’t want to girls to be too far away, so they can keep going to church of course.

‘University is where faith goes to die, and until you both are rooted in the spirit I can’t let you go into the devils territory’ the words of her mother always ring through her head at the worst times.

Jihyo hadn’t told her family that she was waiting for a response from prestigious Yonsei University, a long long way from where the family lived. But maybe she was finally rooted enough to be let free, but if not she guesses she can live with the local place.

“Can’t you get your own food, I’m hungry too”

Nayeon groans loudly “Fiiine, but let’s go before it’s all finished”

The two go into the foyer area, one good thing about going to a really big mega church is the fact that the food is delicious.

“Are you going to go to the parade this year Nayeon” Jihyo raises a brow as she takes a sip of her water.

Where Jihyo would go every year, Nayeon didn’t really go - ever since her junior year in high school she just stopped. Jihyo didn’t know what changed.

Nayeon replies with “I’ll think about it” which means she’s not thinking about it at all.

“It doesn’t hurt to try and practice what you preach Nay”

Nayeon rolls her eyes and stuffs her face with food “You mean practice what dad preaches, I don’t remember getting up on stage and telling everyone to get up at 7 to get somewhere at 8 and start angering gays”

Jihyo scoffs “It’s not angering, it’s educating them on the word”

Nayeon sips into her lemonade “Mhmm”

As Jihyo is about to respond she feels a gentle squeeze on her shoulder.

“Hey dad” Nayeon smiles

“Hi dad, nice message today” Jihyo

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Buddygooo #1
Chapter 16: Wtf Jeongyeon! Ofc Jihyo would love high school, it's the best time of her life. The only reason why Sana doesn't like it is because she doesn't fit in. College is more depressing. So Chaeng is not gonna go college, got it.
Chapter 16: been waiting for this, author. hope you doing well too. i just keep on getting more questions every chapter ugh, love it. take care ;)
Girlslover #3
Chapter 15: Damn,nice story you got here. I really like all of the character and how you writing it with full detail. Making me feel like watching a whole series😆cant wait for the next chapter
Chapter 15: Pastor Park sees Jihyo as the ideal daughter to the point where he doesn't seem to realise she's an actual person. Sana seems to be a really nice person, I love her character so far. Even though she teases Jihyo all the time she isn't mean to her. I like the contrast with Jihyo's parents who act as nice people but are controlling and always ignore what she wants.
Softwolf02 #5
Chapter 15: Ooo...Nayeon and Mina eh?
Buddygooo #6
Chapter 15: Pastor Park wants Jihyo to keep an eye on her friends. Little did he know, Jihyo is also not as innocent as them. Jihyo can't influence Sana, it's the other way round cuz Jihyo can't help but be curious. Here's a thing about ideology, u can't hide people from the real world and create a bubble to live in. If he's gonna manipulate, at least do it in passive aggressive way.
boogeyman19 #7
Chapter 14: Yaass let’s stray further from god everybody lmaoo
Daln43 #8
Chapter 8: Honestly this chapter is so good
Good job author 😊
Chapter 12: Sana is so interesting, I'm curious to learn more about her