Chapter 9. ~ Lovely Revenge[?]

The Love Between You And I.


It was Wednesday when Seul and Kevin revealed their true relationship. Their fans and even their co-members were surprised and couldn't believe after hearing the news. They were called as the SeulVin Couple because of their combined name. Seul and Kevin were so sweet to each other thats why some fans were comparing them to Kibum and Min's relationship.

It was 8:00 pm, Saturday, when Kevin asked Seul something. They were on the outside of the house, sitting together on the edge of the garage. 


KEViN: SeulVin couple? Haha. Can't stop thinking of it. What a cute combined name. *laughs* Our fans made it. I don't know why did they make that name but I like it. *smiles* 

SEUL: I like it too. Its a perfect name! And also it suits us because we're a perfect couple. Haha. Just kidding. I'm so mean! 

KEViN: You're not mean. You said a true thing! *tongue out*

SEUL: Do you see that two stars? *points at the stars* We're that stars. We can simulate and pretend that we're that two stars. 

KEViN: Ne. Sweet. Hope we will stay forever. :) Its kinda cold here. I'm gonna get a jacket for the two of us. 


Kevin left Seul and went inside of the house. He asked Rianne to get a jacket for Seul because he didn't know where Seul put her jackets and he can't go inside the room of the girls. When Kevin left Seul alone, Kibum went outside to breathe fresh air. As he turned left, he saw Seul sitting single-handed. 


"Why is that troublesome girl sitting alone? I thought she was with Kevin? Maybe Kevin left her because of her hostile attitude. Sigh." Kibum thought while walking towards Seul. 


KiBUM: Hey. Where's Kevin? Why are you sitting alone here? *ruined the bangs of Seul* 

SEUL: Argg. The cute devil came! :/ Kevin went inside of the house to get a jacket for me, he left me here. He will be back in just a few minutes. 

KiBUM: The cute devil came? Huh! You called me cute devil. My new and droll nickname made by the leader of Aphrodite, Cha Min Seul-sshi! *sighed* Anyway, do you really love my best friend? 

SEUL: Do you like your recent nickname? Your attitude is like an attitude of a devil and I admit, you're a cutie! Yea. I do love your best friend. 


*In the middle of their argument..* 


KEViN: Oh. I didn't know that you guys are together. *startled*

SEUL: Ne. The cute devil just came here a while ago. Maybe 5 minutes ago? *laughs* 

KEViN: Cute devil? Haha. Is that Kibum-ah? Nice. 

KiBUM: I just talked to your mocking and troublesome girlfriend. Hmp. Since you're now here Kevin, I'll leave you two. 

KEViN: *sat beside Seul* Why did you call Kibum Hyung "cute devil"? 

SEUL: Ahh. Nothing! I'm just teasing him because of his ungrateful attitude. 

KEViN: Is that so? *smiles* My lovely Yeo-chin, since its our free-time tomorrow and its Sunday, why don't we have a date on Lotte World? Before we go to the Lotte World, lets go in a church. 

SEUL: On Lotte World? A date? Umm. Yes sure. Why not. 

KEViN: Thanks. We should sleep now. Its getting late now. I'll bring you to your room. *held the hand of Seul* 


Kevin accompanied Seul in front of her room. In front of the room of the girls: "Good night my sweetie. Thanks for spending your attention with me tonight. I love you. ♥"  Kevin said as he kissed Seul on the cheeks and left her. Seul giggled a little bit and went to her room to write on her diary. 


"I spent my time with my Kevin tonight. I had fun time being with him and thank goodness, I can be sweet to him. I'm starting to love him but I still can't do the way I have loved the cute devil. A Lovely Revenge[?] I said this once to myself but I can't do it to Kibum. Every time I see him, it feels like I'm losing strength and I forget everything that I've promised to myself. But for now, I'll pay attention to Kevin and love him as long as I can."  Seul wrote on her diary and went to her bed to sleep. 


The next day, Seul and Kevin prepared their things and left their co-members. It was also announced that they will have a date today. They went first to church together, Kevin included Seul on his prayer. It was almost 11:30 am when they went to a mall and ate together. While they were eating..


KEViN: My Yeo-chin.[My girlfriend]  What do you want me to give you today? Just a simple present. *smiles*

SEUL: Huh? A present? Animnida! [No!] You don't have to give a gift for me. Spending my whole time with you is like a heaven's gift for me. :P

KEViN: Chongmalyo? [Really?] You know what? Every time you become sweet to me, I go crazy! Haha. *laughs* But still.. I will buy a gift for you. 

SEUL: Argg. Okay. If you say so. *smiles*


*After they ate their lunch. They immediately went to Lotte World.* 


KEViN: Have you ever been here before? 

SEUL: Ne. I've been here before when Lian and.. Nothing. Nevermind. 

KEViN: Aww. Okay. You know why did I invite you to have a date here in Lotte World? *smiles*

SEUL: Waeyo? 

KEViN: Its because when I was young, I always dreamt of this place. I've really wanted to have a date here. My mom and I always go here and have fun. 

SEUL: And now I granted your wish. Hehe. Thats a quite nice reason. :) 

KEViN: Ne. Lets try Ice Skating! 

SEUL: Aniyo! I don't know how to. :/ Please. Don't try it. 

KEViN: You don't know how to? Haha! *laughs* I'll teach you then! :P 

SEUL: I'm afraid. 

KEViN: Naaaa! Don't be afraid. There's nothing to be afraid with it. You won't die if you try it. Haha. Trust on me. I can teach you well. Just hold my hand tight. *smiles* 


Kevin and Seul tried the Ice Skating on Lotte World. Kevin taught Seul how to do it but because of Seul, they kept falling on the ice. They just laughed and continued on trying it. Everyone recognized them and took a picture of them. All the skaters left the two and just watched them. Seul And Kevin were left alone on the spacious place and they were having fun. After almost 40 minutes of laughing and merriment, they gave up on Ice Skating. Kevin pulled and held the hand of Seul and brought her on the mini-shop full of cute things. 


KEViN: What do you want? 

SEUL: What do I want? Haha. I want to eat ice cream! I got tired of laughing. My stomach is aching. *laughs* 

KEViN: LOL. Haha. Lets just eat ice cream later! Just pick some things here. 

SEUL: Hmm. I can't pick. I'm just thinking of my stomach. 

KEViN: Stop thinking of it! Just think of me! :P Haha. Here! Try this one! 


*Seul wore the thing on her head that Kevin gave him.* 


SEUL: What do I look like? Haha. I think I look like crazy. 

KEViN: You're so cute. *startled* 

SEUL: You're kidding me. Try this one too! *smiles* 

KEViN: ... *put the thing on his head*

SEUL: See? You're cuter than me! I mean, you're cuter than flowers. :P 


They bought those things and headed to a store where they can buy ice cream. They walked together and rode on some rides in Lotte World such as carousel and they also watched shows like Cosmos Circus Laser Show. When they went outside, Kevin suddenly hugged Seul. 


SEUL: What are you doing Kevs? There are lots of people around us. *startled* 

KEViN: I want to say thank you for being with me today. You've made me happy and comfortable through your words and acts that you've shown me. Keep on doing this to me. I know, I'm kinda weird and quaint boyfriend to you. I just can't stop myself from loving you this much. I never regret loving you, I swear. Thank you for being nice to me. 

SEUL: Oppa. I didn't expect for this situation, its a relief actually. I love you too. I'm so thankful to have a sweet boyfriend like you. 


Kevin broke off the hug and continued on walking towards their house. He held the hand of Seul and told her some story about his past experiences. Gradually, Seul was learning to love Kevin so much. It was almost 10:00 pm when they reached home. They were both tired and needed to take a rest. 

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PiroPiroYukiseu #1
There's a generator that I found on Google. HAHA. Just search "Korean Name Generator". (:
PiroPiroYukiseu #2
There's a generator that I found on Google. HAHA. Just search "Korean Name Generator". (:
zabb_15 #3
hi.. how did you know ur korean name? :DD
PiroPiroYukiseu #4
@LeahEyah: Thanks. :)
ForeverFive #5
Ahh.This is an awesome story i ever read. I really love it. :)
PiroPiroYukiseu #6
@SaranghaeYou: I wrote that fan fic because I want to inform all the readers that being a fan girl doesn't matter. :D HEHE. Thank you for reading my fan fic. :)
SaranghaeYou #7
0.0 Its the last chapter already ? D: This story is awesome ! ^^ Hmm .. Yeahhh . I'll continue loving all my idols . Hehehe^^ Forever a Kiss-Me ~~
PiroPiroYukiseu #8
@LeahEyah: There's something wrong about Kevin. O.o HAHA. :D He's gonna leave Seul now. <br />
@SaranghaeYou: ElVin? Omo. HAHA. XD I'm a KeMaru Shipper anyway. :]
SaranghaeYou #9
* sobs * Kevin wants to break with Seul D: I think he should just stick to Eli ^^ Elvin ~ Hehehe^^ thanks for the update ~
ForeverFive #10
Ah, kevin? Why? what's wrong with you? Fine fine you can be with me. :) :P hahahahaah