Chapter 21. ~ Sequence Dissatisfaction Circumstances.

The Love Between You And I.


*Min went outside of the particular place. She was running away from Kibum and was about to go to the Parking Lot to ride on her car and drive fast. She was driving fast and wasn't on herself since Kibum broke up with her. 


"He can't break up with me! I can't lose him just because of the maknae of Aphrodite! Kibum can't love Seul-sshi and just leave me for some stupid crazy reasons! Maldo an dwae!"  Min thought as she increase the speed of her car. She also took a deep breath and continued on sniffing. 


Seul's knees dropped and became weak. Kevin  was about to approach Seul and ask what happened when Seul suddenly ran away from him. "Seul-sshi. Stop on running! Nal gidalyeo!"  Kevin tried to call Seul but Seul didn't stop and acted like she didn't hear anything from her boyfriend. 


"Why am I running? Why did I ignore Kevin-sshi and pretend like a mad deaf person? I can't stop.. My feet keep on running! Ugh. Why so numb?"  Seul thought as she got out of the place. 


As Seul thought that scruffy sentence.. She didn't notice that a rapid red car was on her way and it unintentionally hit her. Kevin was startled and stopped from following Seul. He immediately went to Seul and carried Seul. In a matter of fact.. The rapid red car was Min's.


KEViN: Damn! Whats going on? Seul-sshi. Wake up! *panic*

MiN: Ke.. Kevin.. Oppa. I didn't mean to.. Hit Seul-sshi.. *broken words*

KEViN: Shut up! *exclaimed* Just open the door at the back of your car and lets bring Seul-sshi to the hospital now! *mad* 


Min opened the door at the back and was trembling. Seul's life was on risk at that time..  She was somewhat bloody and had a worn-out wound on her left hip. While Kevin was almost crying. He carried Seul and put Seul at the back of the car and let Seul lie on his hips. While they were on their way to the hospital.. 


SEUL: Oppa.. *weak voice*

KEViN: Hold on Seul-ah. We're on our way. 

SEUL: Way? Where?

KEViN: To the hospital. You got hit by a rapid car. 

SEUL: Whaaaat? Ugh! My head hurts. It indeed stings.  


In just a couple of minutes.. They arrived to the Hospital and doctors assisted them. Lots of people recognized them and wondering why does Kevin have blood on his hands. Kevin and Min were just covering the issue and avoiding the people around them. The doctors and nurses on the hospital immediately put first aid and treated Seul. It took half an hour to remedy Seul's injuries. 


DOCTOR: Your girlfriend  is safe now Kevin-sshi. Don't worry. Those injuries or wounds were just minor. *comforts Kevin*

KEViN: Thank God. Can I go inside now? 

DOCTOR: Yes. You can. Just wait for her to wake up. *smiles* 


*Kevin went inside of the room where Seul is.. He took a chair and brought it beside the bed of Seul. He sat on it and waited for Seul to wake up..* 


SEUL: *woke up* Kevin oppa-sshi. Why are you here? You should be with your co-members now. 

KEViN: Good thing you're awake now. *smiles* I can't leave you my sweetie. I should take care of you especially you're in danger now. 

SEUL: I'm feeling better now. Thank you for guarding me. Sorry if I caused trouble again. I wanna go out of here now. I want to be with my co-members. I miss them. 

KEViN: Naaa! You should take a rest. The doctor told me that you can go out of here tomorrow. I also informed the members that you got hit by a rapid red car and they told me that they will be here in just a few minutes. No worries. You will see them later. *smiles* 


In just a few minutes, the members arrived with their Manger. They brought energy drinks and some nutritious fruits that can retreat the strength of Seul. They also discussed about their Concert on Philippines next month since Kevin and Kibum haven't known about it.


How about Min? Min went to their practice room to rehearse for their next album and their new hit song "Breathe". She first talked about Suzy about what happened a while ago.. 


SUZY: Huh? You hit Seul-sshi and Kibum loves that girl? *surprised*

MiN: Ne.. I hit her because I'm stupid. I thought Kibum loved me but I was wrong. I expected a lot of things from him but I was sooooooo crazy to think about it. *absent minded*

SUZY: You're out of your mind Min-sshi. You're like a drunk man! Be on yourself Min. Kibum isn't the only guy for you. There's a lot of guys who are willing to love you more than anything in this world combined. 

MiN: Geulaeseo mwo? [And so what?] Ugh! Lets just practice. 


The practice of Miss A members has began but they couldn't practice well because of Min. Min kept on doing wrong moves and can't even concentrate on what she is doing. The members were pissed off and brought Min to her house to take a rest. On that day.. Min did pent on her room and wanted to be alone, she was so depressed on that day and wasn't on her mind. 


*The next day.. Seul got out of the hospital and was feeling better than yesterday. Seul just planned to be alone and sit on stairs, Kibum saw her and decided to sit beside her.* 


SEUL: Mwo? Are you going to blame me again on what happened yesterday? 

KiBUM: I'm not going to blame you or start a quarrel again with you Seul-sshi. I went here to tell you something. *smiles*

SEUL: Whats that? *surprised* 

KiBUM: I know.. This sounds weird but this is true Seul-ah. I just felt this untidy feelings weeks ago.. Saranghamnida Seul-sshi. [I'm loving you Seul.] 

SEUL: Aniyo! You've got to be kidding me Oppa. Look.. You have your-- *Kibum joins in*

KiBUM: I have my Min? Errr! I broke up with her yesterday because of you. Its true Seul-sshi. I love you! 

SEUL: I don't believe on you! You're kidding me. You hate me Oppa and you can't love your Ex-Fan. I told you before that there's a love between you and I. 

KiBUM: Please.. Seul-sshi. Believe me! I'm not lying. I don't care about the love between you and I. 

SEUL: Then prove it! *left Kibum* 


Seul left Kibum and didn't even believe on Kibum. She didn't notice that Kevin was there watching them and listening to their conversation.. One week passed by. Seul was avoiding Kibum and the members noticed it. One day.. Seul was with Kevin looking for her composed songs when she noticed that one of her incomplete songs was missing. 


SEUL: Uh? Oppa-sshi. My song "The Truth" is missing. *complicated face*

KEViN: Eh? Really? I guess Kibum took it with your diary. 

SEUL: Ugh! Thats my incomplete song. I want to continue it now. 

KEViN: Seul-sshi. I'm gonna tell you something.. 

SEUL: What? *smiles*

KEViN: I want to break up with you. We're done now. *hurts*

SEUL: Huh? Whaaat? I don't get it Oppa! *startled* 


- END - 

Chapter 22 is coming! Its the last chapter. :) 

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PiroPiroYukiseu #1
There's a generator that I found on Google. HAHA. Just search "Korean Name Generator". (:
PiroPiroYukiseu #2
There's a generator that I found on Google. HAHA. Just search "Korean Name Generator". (:
zabb_15 #3
hi.. how did you know ur korean name? :DD
PiroPiroYukiseu #4
@LeahEyah: Thanks. :)
ForeverFive #5
Ahh.This is an awesome story i ever read. I really love it. :)
PiroPiroYukiseu #6
@SaranghaeYou: I wrote that fan fic because I want to inform all the readers that being a fan girl doesn't matter. :D HEHE. Thank you for reading my fan fic. :)
SaranghaeYou #7
0.0 Its the last chapter already ? D: This story is awesome ! ^^ Hmm .. Yeahhh . I'll continue loving all my idols . Hehehe^^ Forever a Kiss-Me ~~
PiroPiroYukiseu #8
@LeahEyah: There's something wrong about Kevin. O.o HAHA. :D He's gonna leave Seul now. <br />
@SaranghaeYou: ElVin? Omo. HAHA. XD I'm a KeMaru Shipper anyway. :]
SaranghaeYou #9
* sobs * Kevin wants to break with Seul D: I think he should just stick to Eli ^^ Elvin ~ Hehehe^^ thanks for the update ~
ForeverFive #10
Ah, kevin? Why? what's wrong with you? Fine fine you can be with me. :) :P hahahahaah