Ch 28

Since No One Else Was Gonna Do It: Uni

She kept fading in and out of consciousness as she laid in the hospital bed. She knew that people came to see her, but she couldn't tell who they were. She figured some were family while others were nurses or doctors. But, in the end, they all looked like blurry blobs.

Time had no meaning to her. For all she knows is that she could’ve been here for days and weeks. In actuality it’s only been a couple of hours. But none of it mattered. 

She couldn’t move and when she did open her eyes only one opened. Half of her vision was nothing but the void. Is this how it ends? Has her youth been stripped away and condemned to facing the consequences of someone else’s folly? 

Sleep beckoned her once again. As she closed her eye, she saw another form enter her room. But she didn’t have to guess on who it was. Even if she couldn’t tell, she knew who it was in her heart and soul. And as the darkness gladly swallowed her, she heard the voice that made her heart soar.



It was barely nine and Wheein already began to pace around.

“Wheeinie, I know you’re worried but pacing isn’t going to help,” Byul said from the couch. 

“I know, mother. But what else can I do? Mom already said we’re going at 1! How else can I pass my time??” Wheein continued to pace. 

“Well, have you gathered your thoughts? Are you going to see Ms. Manju first or Hyejin? Are you even going to see Hyejin?” Byul eyed her now still daughter. She knows the answer but she’ll feel better if Wheein verbalised it. 

“I…..” Wheein took a breath before walking back to the couch and sitting next to her mother, “I’ll see Ms. Manju first.”

“Alright. For how long?”

“Till I can spend time alone with Hyejin-ah…..” Wheein answered without hesitation. 

“And what will you do?” Byul stretched. Yong was busy figuring out the logistics in how they can help and what they can do etc, etc. So, she was the one left to ground her daughter.

“I’ll….” Wheein paused. She didn’t think about what she’ll do once she sees Hyejin in the hospital. Can she even do anything? If she sees Hyejin in her state then can she handle it? Can she handle the love of her life being so damaged? She can only imagine how Hyejin feels. She saw how Hyejin was after her back injury but these injuries? Thinking about how distraught Hyejin would be tugged at her heart. She wanted to do nothing but to comfort and to help Hyejin in any way she could. Break up be damned. 

“I’ll check up on her and help in any way I can,” Wheein answered. Her gaze locked on the glistening pool.

“Hm. Despite you two not being together?” Byul hated to ask but she had to. She didn’t want her daughter to cause herself pain by thinking she had to stay by Hyejin’s side. 

“Why does that matter? If she needs help then I’ll gladly help,” Wheein eyed her mother. She only vaguely knew what her mother was trying to get at.

“Will Hyejin want your help?” Byul kept herself in check. She wanted her daughter and Hyejin back together since she saw how good Hyejin was. How Hyejin treated Wheein with the utmost respect, even when she wasn’t in their presence. How Hyejin never once belittled Wheein for her interests and instead asked about them. How Hyejin would always make it a point to verbalise her love in the middle of anything she’s doing. But despite how she loved Hyejin too, like her own daughter, she couldn’t help but feel anger towards her once she learned that Hyejin just left. Left without a word. But, she also knew better than to stay angry at Hyejin. She knew from experience that Hyejin had her reasons, even if they seem faulty now. Afterall, Yong too left once without saying a word ages ago. At least Hyejin had the decency to not leave in the middle of the night. 

“If she does then great. If she doesn’t then…..” Wheein’s voice softened. Her heart squeezed at the pain at not being wanted by Hyejin. If Hyejin doesn’t want her while she herself is at her lowest then it’s confirmed that she truly has moved on. Her heart wailed at the thought of Hyejin rejecting her help. Rejecting her help and leaving her to witness Hyejin struggle. 

“Then?” Byul raised a brow. She saw the twisted look of pain come across Wheein’s face and as much as she wanted to wrap her daughter in her arms, she didn’t. As cruel as it was, she was distant. A situation like this would be the perfect opportunity for the two to reconcile. But would they be reconciling out of the shock of one coming close to losing her life? Or would they be reconciling because they truly wanted to? Would they rush things or would they take things slow? She doesn’t know but she can get a good gauge based upon her daughter’s answer.

“If she doesn’t want my help then,” Wheein took a deep and shaky breath, “Then I’ll respect her wishes. But, I’ll be ready if she ever does ask for my help.”

“And if that’s never?”

“What are you getting at?” Wheein asked with a questioning glare. She caught on how her mother was being uncharacteristically unsupportive.

“Wheein, I know that you love Hyejin with all of your heart, but don’t let it blind you.”

“I won’t place her first. If she asks for help when I can’t do it then I won’t overexert myself for her,” Wheein answered honestly. As much as she wanted to drop everything for Hyejin, she knows she can’t. She wants to take Hyejin back, but she also needs her to prove herself again. If she was able to leave without saying anything after all of these years together, then she’s capable of doing it again. As much as her heart begged her to take Hyejin back immediately, her mind told her otherwise. Her mind told her to slow down. 

Yong walked in with a scowl on her face. The dragon wasn’t happy and both Wheein and Byul shifted focus. From worrying about Wheein’s next step to whatever could’ve pissed off Yong.

“Yong? What happened?” Byul cautiously asked. 

“I am going to commit murder,” Yong blurted out as she stomped over and sat on the loveseat with a huff.

“Do you have a plan for that?” Wheein asked out of habit.

“Yes. One, break into the holding cell. Two, kill. Three, profit,” Yong growled. Her anger radiating out of every pore.

“Kill who?” Byul sat rigid. Any sudden movement might set off Yong.

“That damn Dimir.”

Byul and Wheein could only stare at Yong for her to continue.

“He was the one that crashed into the shop. That was driving drunk,” Yong continued to growl.

Yong’s anger made sense. Drunk drivers are in the top ten of her list.

Wheein’s sadness and desperation to see Hyejin vanished as it was replaced by her own anger. A thorn from the past came back and almost took Hyejin away from her in the worst possible way. 

“Then I’ll be the getaway driver. I think Wheein wants to throw in a few punches before you kill him though,” Byul barely hid her own anger. 

“We can take turns before the murder ok, Wheein?” Yong half jokingly said.


A bright light is what woke her up first. She saw the sun, high in the sky, but she felt no warmth. It only took her a second or two to realise she was seeing out of both eyes. 

Sitting up, she saw that her arm and leg were no longer in a cast. She took a deep breath and her ribs didn’t scream at her. She slowly moved each limb and found them all to be functional. After a couple of moments she finally looked around. 

She was around her favourite area. That lovely campsite. But, it also wasn’t. Some elements were off such as the trees were younger, some were even absent all together, or how there was no trail. No sign that this land was occupied. It was as if she was in the area before humans ever arrived. But she recognized the area nonetheless. She recognized it within her soul.

Before she could marvel at the scenery any longer, she noticed something unsettling. Everything was quiet. There was no soft breeze, no singing birds, no dulcet tones of the river, nothing. Everything was stagnant.

She finally stood up to get a better read on the kind of environment that surrounds her. And as she peered, all she saw was a sea of grass. No end. No beginning. Just grass. As she slowly made her way towards the bank of the river her footsteps had no sound. The grass didn’t crunch or bend. It was as if she was walking on nothing. 

Before panic could set it, she heard the solid kerplop of something being thrown into the river. A clear indication of life. But what kind? 

As she came to the bank, she saw the culprit. And all she wanted to do was cry.

“What are you doing here, kid? It’s not your time yet,” Her uncle said without looking at her. His focus was on the line he threw into the river. 

“I...I….,” Hyejin was at a loss. If she’s seeing her uncle then does that mean…?

“There ain’t no way you are even near death! You just got a broken leg, arm, some fractured ribs, and a head wound,” Her uncle kept talking without looking at her.

She could only stare at his back. Was this real? Is this really happening or is this just something her deep subconscious conjured up?

“Hm. Saying it outloud does seem pretty terrible, especially the head wound,” Her uncle hummed while pulling the line back in. He readjusted the lure and threw it back out.

“What is happening?” Hyejin finally collapsed on the ground. Unable to find any reason.

“You tell me. I was here, minding my own business, and poof! Here you are,” Her uncle uncrossed his legs and crossed them again, “Are you that desperate to escape?”

“Escape??? Escape what??” 

“I dunno. Who do you not want to face when you wake up?” 

Hyejin said nothing. Still unsure what the hell is going on.

“Listen, kid, I don’t have long here so I’m just going to ask. What are you going to do?” Her uncle still didn’t face her.

“W-With what?”

“Well, I would ask about your life, but you seemed dead set to have her in it. So, I guess what I’m asking is what are you going to do about her? You know she’s here.”

Hyejin’s mind whirled. Or was it the world itself? Either way, she could only meekly answer.

“Take it one day at a time. I’ll tell her the reason and leave it up to her,” Hyejin curled in on herself. She wanted Wheein back but that’s Wheein’s choice to make. Afterall, she did fulfill one of Wheein’s worst fears.

“Hm. What about your resolve? What about what you told her grandmother?” Her uncle repeated the process with the line.

“I was resolved but…..”

“Did you give up that easily without talking to her?”

“I didn’t give up! My resolve only goes as far as she lets me. If that’s what she believes in then who am I to force her to change her beliefs? It’s not like they were immoral,” Hyejin defended. 

“So you just left for what? To gather your words? When would you have told her if this didn’t happen to you?”

Hyejin knew her uncle was rushing topics but if he says that he only has so much time then so be it. 

“Before school started, that’s when I planned to tell her,” Hyejin sighed, “I do regret leaving without saying anything, but how could I focus when all I felt was confusion? I was a mess mentally and I couldn’t describe it. Hell, I didn’t know where to start when my biggest dream burned to ash right in front of me and I began to question everything!”

“Hm. Well, at least you’re self aware. So, what are you going to do about her? Do you think she’ll want you back?”

“I know I would love to have her back in my life, but I did break her trust that day no doubt. She probably wants to help me….” Hyejin’s voice faded. Guilt ran through her as she knows that Wheein would be willing to help her. Wheein’s an angel like that.


“She’ll probably want to help me and I’ll let her. I need to explain myself and apologize to her. But I won’t let it go too far. We both need time to…..think.”

“Think about what?”

“If getting back together is right or maybe it’s better off we don’t,” Hyejin muttered the words so softly that she couldn’t tell if she actually said them or if she just thought about them. 

“And what do you want?” 

“I want to be with her for the rest of my life. But only if she lets me.”

“So, that’s your plan?” Her uncle reeled in the lure, “To explain yourself and let her decide?”

“Ideally. I know she’ll ask her own questions, but,” Hyejin sighed, “As long as I get my feelings out then that’s all that matters. I’m the one who left, I can’t just ask her to take me back….”

“And if she does?”

“I’ll prove myself ten times over. I’ll do my best to earn back her trust, even if it takes years.”

“Hm. Even if that means just winding up as friends?”

“If she finds someone else to love, then that’s ok. I’ll always love her and if that means I’m just reduced to being a friend then so be it. I’ll be the best friend in the world for her,” Hyejin felt herself rise. 

“Ah, time’s almost up. Well, kid, as long as you two talk things out then I’m sure all will be fine,” Her uncle finally got up, “Although I do have one last question. Can you handle being by her side even if she loves another?”

“All I want is for Wheein to be happy and well. Whether that’s with me or someone else, I’ll support her no matter what,” Everything around her began to fade. Darkness was eating along the edges of the world. Her uncle was right, time was almost up.

“I’m glad you found your words kid,” Her uncle stopped right in front of her. His smile soft as his eyes twinkled, “Better late than never. Just remember what I said, alright?”

Hyejin felt a sob break through as she reached out towards him.

“I-I know. I’ll do my best,” Hyejin felt her resolve harden.

“That’s the cub I know,” Her uncle grinned as he gladly embraced her, “Now, go tell her and live without regrets.”

“I will. Goodbye, uncle.”


Wheein felt her heart fracture into a million pieces as she saw Hyejin laying in the hospital bed. Her parents told her the type of injuries Hyejin sustained but she still found herself caught by surprise. She may not know the extent of the injuries but she can tell it will be a while before Hyejin will be back on her feet. A broken right leg, a broken left arm, a couple of fractured ribs, and almost losing an eye, Wheein couldn’t hold back her tears. She would do anything to ease Hyejin’s pain.

She slowly made her way to Hyejin’s side. Hesitant as if at any moment Hyejin would vanish. 

“Hyejin-ah…..” Wheein muttered. 

Hyejin looked so miniscule in the bed, like a newborn baby. It took every ounce of willpower to not go over and immediately cradle Hyejin in her arms and cry. She hated seeing her like this. Her Hyejin, so full of life and love, and now she’s reduced to this. Reduced to looking weak and feeble. The complete opposite of who Hyejin is. 

“Hyejin-ah….” More tears fell as she gently tucked stray hairs out of Hyejin’s face. Her fingertips barely brushed Hyejin’s skin but it was enough to send a shock to her system.

It’s been so long since she had Hyejin’s touch or has felt her that she couldn’t help but tremble. She wanted more. She wanted to cup Hyejin’s cheek, she wanted to kiss her, she wanted to hold her, she wanted to be held, she just wanted Hyejin. 

Before a sob could break through, she saw Hyejin twitch. With bated breath, Wheein waited. Her hand not leaving Hyejin’s head. Hyejin’s face morphed into something haunted. As if she was facing old ghosts. 

A couple of moments more, and Hyejin settled. Hyejin was back to a peaceful sleep.

Wheein sighed a breath of relief and touched Hyejin’s free hand. Holding it as if she needed the comfort. 

“Hyejin-ah……” Wheein whispered again as she pulled a chair up to sit down. All while never letting go of Hyejin’s hand.

She said nothing else as she stood by. Nurses came and went, and even her parents checked up on her. They told her that it was alright to move around, maybe get something to eat or drink, but she declined. Hyejin could wake up at any moment, and she wanted to be here when it happened.


Hyejin opened her eye again and found that the sun was beginning to set. It’s orange rays pierced the blinds and scattered about the room. Blinking a couple of times she regained focus and was blinded by the white of the room. 

She moved but her body felt heavy. Every ounce of her felt like lead. She tried to take a deep breath but was immediately met with pain.

“God,” Hyejin groaned through clenched teeth.


Hyejin blinked. So it wasn’t just an illusion. No trick of her subconscious before darkness consumed her.


Wheein’s tender voice as she clasped onto her right hand made her breath hitch. It’s been so long since she’s last felt Wheein’s touch that she had to fight herself from being desperate and squeezing Wheein’s hand. But, she did give in a little. She gave Wheein’s hand a gentle squeeze. A gentle confirmation that there is no ill will here.

“Hey….” Hyejin meekly smiled at the recently awoken Wheein. She had so many things to say but she doesn’t know where to start. Hell, does she even have the right to start such a conversation?

“How do you feel?” Wheein whispered. As if raising her voice just enough would break Hyejin even more.

“Like I was thrown through a couple of brick walls,” Hyejin could only grunt as she tried to move.

“In a way you did, I guess,” The corner of Wheein’s lip tugged upwards as her thumb gently rubbed the back of Hyejin’s hand.

“Ugh, and it had to happen right before the semester started, great,” Hyejin rolled her eye. Careful to not overdo it or else a dull pain will pulsate throughout her body. 

“At least it gives you some time to figure out the logistics of things,” Wheein said.

“At least all of my classes are in the---!!” Hyejin barked before wincing and groaning in pain. The sudden outburst caused a shot of pain throughout her chest.

“Hyejin-ah??” Wheein asked with concern all over her face. Her body tense and ready for action. Ready for whatever Hyejin may need.

“I have one last freebie class. It’s the only class that isn’t in the business school,” Hyejin muttered through gritted teeth. 

“You have three fractured ribs so try not to have an outburst like that,” Wheein’s concern came out stilted as she fought with herself. She wanted to coddle Hyejin. She wanted to wrap Hyejin in her arms and take away the pain. But she can’t. They aren’t like that anymore.

Hyejin only hummed in reply.

They sat in silence. Both sides had so much they wanted to say but neither knew where to start. Do they start with the obvious or do they ease into it? But how do they ease into it when neither were saying anything?

The silence was becoming unbearable. 

Hyejin slowly removed her hand from Wheein’s before she spoke.

“Time to address the elephant in the room I guess.”

Wheein’s heart squeezed as she began to feel cold from the absence of Hyejin’s touch. But Hyejin was right. Before either can move forward, they needed to address the obvious.

“So, go ahead. Ask what you want,” Hyejin braced herself as she gathered her thoughts once more. Putting all of her willpower to stay focused and coherent. 

Wheein took in a deep breath and let out a shaky sigh. Also preparing herself for whatever outcome that may happen.

“I only have one question,” Wheein looked straight at Hyejin and met her eye, “Why?”

Hyejin stared for a couple of seconds before letting out a small sigh herself. Motioning for some water, something that Wheein gladly got for her, she took a sip and gave her reasoning at the time.

“You didn’t want to get married and I did. Simple as that,” Hyejin shrugged as much as she could.

Wheein’s brows furrowed as she tried to understand. 

“I didn’t want a girlfriend for the rest of my life, Wheein-ah. I wanted a wife!” Hyejin emphasised.

“So you just left? We could’ve talked about it!” Wheein felt herself flare. Isn’t something like marriage needed to be talked about first?

“For what? Just to be an exception?” Hyejin’s voice was steady even though internally she was a hurricane of emotions. She just wanted to apologise and hear Wheein’s verdict. But, Wheein deserved to know her reasoning, no matter how flawed it was at the time.

“Wh-what?” Wheein was taken aback. 

“If I did go through with my plan to ask you to marry me that night,” Hyejin’s eye burned with a passion. She needed to get her words out, “What would you’ve said?”

“Yes, obviously,” Wheein answered without hesitation.

“Despite what you believe in?” Hyejin tilted her head slightly. She doesn’t know if Wheein could understand her train of thought at the time but it doesn’t hurt to try. If anything, it will just showcase how confused she felt at the time.

“I--” Wheein froze. Things were slowly clicking into place. But, were they being placed in the correct spot?

“If it wasn’t me asking you for marriage, you would’ve said no, wouldn’t you?” Hyejin’s gaze turned into steel. 

Wheein said nothing. She couldn’t even look Hyejin in the eye.

“.....Whee--” Hyejin started softly before she was interrupted.

“We still should’ve talked about it.” Wheein’s voice was low. If there’s one thing she wanted to get across is that some talking still should’ve been done.

“And get where? A stalemate?” Came Hyejin’s immediate retort. Her gaze unfazed. 

“N-no! We could’ve talked about…..” Wheein’s voice faded, “........Anything…..”

“For something as simple as a yes or no to marriage?” 

Wheein stayed quiet. Trying desperately to see Hyejin’s reason at that time. Yes, it was there, but was it sound? Maybe there was something more to it. Only one way to find out.

“So, is that why you left? Because you figured you knew what I was going to say?” Wheein blinked back tears. She just wanted to get this talk out of the way.

“It was either a stalemate, a breakup, or a compromise.”

“Why not the compromise, Hyejin-ah?!” Wheein finally looked at Hyejin with confusion on her face. Her heart raced. She wanted Hyejin back but she knew better than to rush things.

“Because I wanted you to say yes because you wanted it. Not because I wanted it. Would that have been a good compromise? For you to place me before you?”


“Would it still be meaningful if you had to become a hypocrite for me? Is it meaningful if you don’t believe in it?” Hyejin fought herself from getting too heated. Taking the time to take calming breaths.

“Who would it have mattered to? Who was going to say anything?” Wheein knew there was logic to Hyejin’s reasoning at the time but for whatever reason she can’t see it. No, she can't follow it.

“It would have mattered to me! And it doesn’t make it less hypocritical if no one says anything! Hyejin’s voice raised only slightly. Surely Wheein has caught on by now.

“Hyejin-ah….” Wheein felt herself deflate. If she’s confused then Hyejin must’ve been as confused at that time as well, “We still should’ve talked about it….”

“How could we talk about it when I didn’t even know how to put what I was feeling into coherent words? All I did was feel and the best way I could describe it at the time is it was a garbled mess. How could we get a conversation from that?”

“We could’ve figured it out together….” Wheein reached for Hyejin’s hand and gently held it. Letting her touch convey herself more than she’s able to express herself.

“Then our own biases would get in the way. We would’ve done everything we could to stay together…” Hyejin looked at their hands. She wanted to hold onto Wheein’s hand forever. But she needed to get her words out.

“Then why didn’t we do that?” Wheein’s voice cracked. 

Hyejin stared at their hands as she said nothing. Then she sighed and looked at Wheein in the eye.

“Like an animal in a cage.”

Wheein could only squint at Hyejin in confusion with a small tilt of her head. The confusion she can understand, but feeling trapped? How?

“That’s all I felt during those 2 months while I contemplated everything….” Hyejin’s voice was soft as she remembered the feeling as if it was yesterday.


“I love you, Wheein-ah. But I don’t want you to give up what you want for me either. I--”

“What I want, Hyejin-ah, is to be with you,” Wheein gave her truth. Her own gaze became steel. 

Hyejin’s eye widened before she looked away in shame. Her eye focused on the ripples of the bed sheets as she digested what Wheein said.

“.......Wheein-ah, tha--” Hyejin began but Wheein wasn’t done.

“I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I want to have a family with you. I want to grow old with you and retire to a nice little house by the sea.” Wheein’s voice was steady. As if she was telling Hyejin the most obvious thing in the world.

Hyejin still couldn’t meet Wheein’s gaze.


“I love you, Hyejin-ah. I always will.” 

Hyejin gritted her teeth as she blinked away her own tears.

“Even after all of this? Even after leaving without an explanation? Even with So-Yoon in your life?” Hyejin looked at Wheein in a hurry as she felt her heart pound but she pushed through the pain. The physical pain was nowhere near the emotional distress she felt. A part of her felt relieved that Wheein still loves her but another part felt mortified. 

“So-Yoon already left once it was apparent that I can’t give her what she wants…..”

Hyejin felt herself puff up with anger. How dare So-Yoon just leave Wheein like that. Her anger soon deflated. She did the same, didn’t she? She also left Wheein. And now, she can only look away in shame.

“She wanted something that I can’t give to anyone else but you, Hyejin-ah,” Wheein finished with a sad smile on her face. She wanted to cup Hyejin’s cheek. To let her touch confirm what she feels. To let her touch soothe Hyejin’s pain. She saw the flash of anger in Hyejin’s eye and the deflation right afterwards. She knew what went through Hyejin’s mind. 

“I…...Inhibited you a lot, didn’t I?” Hyejin muttered so softly that it was as if she was talking to herself. 

“You did no such thing! You’re right, I always placed you before me. I always molded myself around you. But that was my own doing,” Wheein felt herself wanting to reach out to Hyejin more. She wanted to ease Hyejin’s pain. To make Hyejin understand.

Hyejin slowly shook her head as her eye focused on nothing, “No it wasn’t. I should’ve---”

“Should’ve what? Stop being you?” Wheein looked at Hyejin with tender eyes. 

Hyejin’s mouth became a thin line as she said nothing. 

“Hyejin-ah, I always placed you before me because I know you won’t do anything to hurt me. You always did everything with me in mind to begin with that…..” Wheein paused to gather her thoughts, “It was easy to let it happen that way. But, as painful as our time apart was, I did learn two things….”

Hyejin glanced at Wheein. Waiting for judgement.

“I learned that I did mold myself too much. Once you left, I found that I did nothing. I just did art and that was it. I had no other hobbies that I could call my own.”

Hyejin felt ashamed once more. How did she not see that Wheein needed something to call her own? Was she that blinded by bliss? How can she say that she loves Wheein when she didn’t even see that issue?

“Don’t blame yourself, Hyejin-ah,” Wheein patted Hyejin’s hand gently in order to bring Hyejin’s attention to her, “I unknowingly blinded myself and you. Besides, you can’t notice everything. Between school, family, and friends, of course something would be missed. Something that neither of us noticed.”

Hyejin clenched and unclenched her jaw. Her focus was fading. She felt the lull of sleep tug at her again. She couldn’t tell if the room was swaying or if that was her.

“And lesson number two,” Wheein continued. She noticed Hyejin’s eyes were becoming unfocused, “I did find myself enjoying and exploring new things. But I also knew that I would rather share those moments with you.”

“Wheein-ah….” Hyejin’s voice cracked. 

“And not to get your approval, but to just,” Wheein took a shaky breath as she rubbed Hyejin’s hand, “To just share them with you. To tell you all sorts of things. I found myself, but what’s the point of it if I can’t share it with the one I love?”

“Whee…..” Hyejin’s voice was barely above a whisper.

“I do want you back Hyejin-ah, but,” Wheein squeezed Hyejin’s hand. She need Hyejin’s entire attention for her next words.

Hyejin froze as she waited. Was this finally it? Was it time for Wheein’s judgement?

“I don’t want to rush into it either,” Wheein gave a sad smile, “It’s nearly been a year, Hyejin-ah. We probably grew in ways we didn’t realise and----Wait.”

Wheein’s sad and tender look shifted to that of a questioning look. She squinted her eyes as her brows furrowed. She stared at Hyejin as if she was dissecting her with mind powers.

Hyejin could only blink. Her body wanted her to rest but she needed to hear what Wheein had to say.

“Past tense,” The only words out of Wheein’s mouth.

“Wh-wha??” Hyejin felt nothing but confusion. 

“In the beginning, you used past tense. Was that on purpose??” Wheein’s gaze became heated. Like a hound that found the scent.

Hyejin blankly stared before she finally startled to chuckle. She knew Wheein wouldn’t miss that detail at least. 

“Yea. It was on purpose,” Hyejin grinned as much as she could. 

“Why??” The pup was confused again. 

Hyejin shrugged. Or, tried to shrug. She just lifted her right shoulder.

“I thought better of it. Marriage isn’t what I really wanted in the end. What I wanted was to be with you for the rest of my life. Have a family, go on adventures, and eventually retire somewhere. I didn't seperate the title from the contents and just assumed they went hand in hand. Like you can't have one without the other.”

Wheein blinked a couple of times. Her mind raced at a million miles an hour. Out of all the possibilities that she figured would happen, this wasn’t one of them. Then again, what else should she have expected. Hyejin always finds a way to surprise her.

“We….We both want the same thing,” Wheein said aloud more to herself than Hyejin.

“Yea, then I kinda ed up and left without saying anything. I broke your trust that day, didn’t I? I’m sorry, Wheein-ah.” She felt lighter. Like a million tons were lifted from her shoulders. She finally apologized and said the words she wanted to say. Now it was time to wrap up so they can both take whatever comes next. 


“Be honest, Whee. Besides, I agree with you,” Hyejin took a breath. A relieving breath, “I do want to get back together but I need to earn you trust back, don’t I? And that’s going to take time. If we need a milestone in which to evaluate then we can wait till I’m better.”

Wheein felt her heart melt. Even while in the hospital, even after going through a harrowing experience, Hyejin still had her in mind. Honestly, what did she do to deserve Hyejin? 

“You know I’m willing to help you, right? Aren’t you worried my own love for you will rush things?” Wheein knew Hyejin needed rest. It was time to wrap this up and move on.

“Nah. I figured you would want to help, you’re an angel like that, but there are fail safes in place.” Hyejin smiled.

Wheein felt her face flush. So-Yoon has called her angel before, multiple times in fact now that she thinks about it, but it felt more like an unwanted nickname. But coming from Hyejin? It felt right. She reveled in it. 

“Wh-what fail safes?” Wheein asked to distract herself. 

“The fail safe of ya mom not letting it happen,” Hyejin’s eye moved from Wheein and over to the door. 

Wheein followed Hyejin’s gaze with a questioning look but all was answered soon enough.


Yong stood by the doorway with a tray of food in her hands. Her face was unreadable but her eyes were bright. Wheein couldn’t tell if they were filled with but she can tell it was a passion. 

“Time for dinner, Hyejin-ah. Don’t worry, I wasn’t eavesdropping, I just got here,” Yong announced as she walked in. Her eyes barely glancing at the two young girls holding hands.

“Mom, I can--” Wheein began but the dragon was on a mission.

“It’s alright,” Yong placed the tray on the little overbed table and rolled it over to Hyejin, “I need to talk to Hyejin about something so go ahead and wait outside. Your friends are out there.”

“But mom--” Wheein started.

Yong opened to repeat herself but a ruckus outside drew all of their attention.

“Ms. Manju, please! You’re in no condition to head to the police station!” Byul sounded exasperated. 

“That bastard deserves to pay for ruining my plants!” Ms. Manju’s voice sounded small but powerful. And livid.

“Ms. Manju--Ow! Why do you have a stick?? Who gave you--Ow! Ms. Manju!”

“We’ve been dealing with her all this afternoon. I don’t know where she got the stick either,” Yong sighed with a shake of her head as Hyejin laughed as gently as she could.

“You just want me to go calm her down, don’t you?” Wheein eyed her mom.

“Yup!” Yong smiled so big that it was blinding. 


“Go ahead and go, Wheein-ah. Before Ms. Manju causes even more trouble,” Hyejin chuckled while squeezing Wheein’s hand. 

Wheein looked at Hyejin for a few moments before caving in with a sigh.

“Alright, but I’ll be back before I leave today, ok?” Wheein got up but still had Hyejin’s hand in hers.

“Sounds good,” Hyejin nodded.

They held hands for as long as they could before they had to let go. As Wheein left the room, she eyed her mom suspiciously. Wondering what her mom has in store for Hyejin and if she should be worried or not.

It didn’t help her suspicions that all Yong did was smile.

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Anyway, hoped ya enjoyed! It's sad ngl ;~; but it was bound to happen. Don't worry, I remember Side Story Collection so look forward to more updates on that :D until next time~~


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Chapter 38: TT I love this story so much.... wish it could last forever. I'll go read the side story collection now.
CliveBenevolent #2
Chapter 38: sreztfvugzihug8tr7fde6sw I'm so sad this is over TT, I loved it!!
Chexmix #3
Whoa! That was a journey! Wow first off that was amazing. I managed to binge both stories in three days (would have been one but life got in the way.) Now I'm in that state where you don't know what to do with yourself after reading such a great book and its all your fault! I demand more!

In all seriousness, would love to see Moonsun's story because I would have never expected the way they described their past to lead up to their "present" selves. Their journey seems like it would be wild. Anyway, thank you for giving us such a great story and THEN a sequel that was just as good as the original. Will be looking forward to more works from you in the future!
Danchoou #4
Chapter 38: I love this story so much, i kept reading it from the start time to time. Thank you so much for this story!
esined-rm #5
Chapter 38: Thanks for finishing this! But did wheein propose to hyejin in the end?
Erika1987 #6
Chapter 38: It was a beautiful story
Chapter 38: I'm crying. I can't believe one of my favourite stories has come to an end. And it was so soft and simply perfect.
Thank you so much for writing a sequel and being very real and honest with it yet making it a happy ending by resolving their issues and turning their relationship into something even more beautiful. Throughout it, and especially the last two chapters, I've felt the warmth of their love and felt comforted by your words and their story. I'm going to miss it and their relationship and I feel sad but in a good way. Thank you again and please, if you have the time and inspiration, share more of your writing in the future. I hope you have a good weekend <3
_JungHyejin_ #8
Chapter 38: Im cryinggg huhuhu, Im happy for them... I still can't believe that one of my favorite story finally ends. I really enjoyed reading this! Thank you so much author-nim, i love youuuu ❤️
moomoojeez #9
Chapter 38: im emotional cause i feel like i grew along together with this story and its finally end no.... forever grateful for you authornim thank you and i love you!!!
velahohoho #10