Chapter 11

Last Chance

Mi Nyu’s point of view


I need to get He Yi to somewhere were she can get help…


I need to get He Yi somewhere safe…


But I’m starting to feel dizzy…


As if my situation wasn’t bad enough suddenly I heard the sky make a cracking noise like it was being torn open, I looked up to see dark gray cloud through the cracks between the trees massive branches. I heard the soft sound of sprinkles hitting the leaves above.


Within a few minutes the rain was falling from the leaves at a slow steady pace, in a few more minutes I was totally soaked.


My clothes are starting to weigh me down…I’m cold…I feel so dizzy, the ground is spinning…A string of complains and reasons why I should rest went through my head but they were all ignored.


I can’t stop. I must ignore it and push myself. He Yi is depending on me. Was the dominant thought and what pushed my exhausted body forward.







Shinwoo’s point of view


Mi Nyu…Please be safe…please…please.


"MI NYU!!! MI NYU!!!!" I yelled as loud as I could. Please call back. I hope she can still hear me over this rain…


My thoughts wandered to the small box containing the silver necklace in my pant pocket as I jogged through the darkness.


What if I never get to tell her everything? What if this necklace never reaches its rightful owner? Mi Nyu…I can’t lose you. You’re everything to me…I didn’t even get to tell you just how much I love you. Just how much you are to me.


I continued to half-jog through the heavy rain with Tae-Kyung, strangely enough, letting me lead.


Suddenly Tae-Kyung stopped dead in his tracks. I stopped quickly and looked back at him with anxious eyes, the rain pounding down on me. "What are you doing?! We can’t waste time! Mi Nyu might be hurt! She might need us! She might need ME!" I yelled at Tae-Kyung who just stood there completely inanimate. He stared at the forest floor eerily.


"Come on!" I urged him, as I panted to catch my breath.


I heard Tae-Kyung mumble something but the rain drowned out his words.


"What?!" I called to him over the rain.


Tae-Kyung suddenly looked up with furious eyes, "WHAT’S THE POINT?!" He yelled, "We’ll NEVER find her! Let’s just go back and get the local police!"


No! I’m NOT giving up on Mi Nyu! I’ll search until I find her!


"You can leave if you want! But I’m NOT! I’ll search until I find her!" I yelled back angry at how he could even think about leaving her.


"But it’s already dark! We were supposed to return!!" Tae-Kyung reasoned. His eyes saying that he thought that my determination wasn’t enough to find her in this dark and wet forest. No sight and the rain blocking most of the sound.


"I don’t CARE!!" I yelled furiously, I haven’t gotten so worked up in a long time…do you see what you do to me Mi Nyu?


"I WILL FIND HER!!! I WILL! And you can go back or not!! But I will not go back to camp without her!!" I yelled furiously as the cold rain chilled my heated blood.






Mi Nyu’s point of view


I can’t see through the rain.


What if I never find camp? No! I can’t think like that! I WON’T think like that!


I must push forward…but I felt so dizzy.


My body swayed back and forth as I walked with He Yi slumped onto my back. I was panting heavily, even gasping for breath as I pushed my numb body forward. I could feel my minds awareness begin to blur.


"—Mi Nyu!" I heard a small voice in the back of my head call…


Now I’m imagining things?


That sounded like Shinwoo…I miss him…I miss his sweet voice.


Then the voice was silent, I felt alone.



I want the voice to come back.


"I WILL FIND HER!!!! I WILL!" I heard the voice call louder, it didn’t sound like a distant voice in my head this time though…it sounded real!


"Shinwoo…" I called weakly suddenly feeling energetic with hope.


I searched deep inside myself for the energy needed to call out louder, loud enough that he would hear me.


"Shinwoo! Shinwoo!! SHINWOO!!!!" I yelled as loud as I could, using all the air in my lungs. My voice echoing through the forest, unaffected by the rain and intensified by the trees.


Suddenly my world was spinning, first my peripheral vision blackened, then the blackness slowly crept out from the corners of my eyes and engulfed the world into blackness. In one second the world was gone and I was no longer standing. I didn’t feel myself fall but I heard the thump of my body hitting the ground before I could no longer sense anything.






Shinwoo’s point of view


Tae-Kyung glared at me coldly as I stood there panting to catch my breath after my outburst.


Mi Nyu…please just once call back…once…that’s all I need…


"—SHINWOO!!!!" Mi Nyu’s voice echoed through the forest. My eyes widened and I felt my heart pounding against my chest as if it was trying to burst free. Tae-Kyung stared back at me with the same look.


I turned in the direction of Mi Nyu’s voice, THERE!


I sprinted toward the direction that I knew would lead to Mi Nyu, Tae-Kyung not far behind me.

I stumbled in the darkness a few times before finally I saw her, but I didn’t feel relieved yet…she was flat on the ground her body completely limp. I felt more horrified now then ever.


I quickly pulled Mi Nyu out of the mud and wrapped her into my arms. I examined her body in the dim moonlight.


Even in the dark I can see she’s injured…She’s covered in bruises…and her ankle looks swollen.


Darn it Mi Nyu what did you DO to yourself?


Tae-Kyung caught up and stopped before me.


I need to get her to a hospital soon. I quickly decided.


"Take He Yi…I’ve got Mi Nyu." I didn’t ask but commanded him.


I gently cradled Mi Nyu into my arms and started the walk back…


Just 30 minutes Mi Nyu…just hold on…please be okay…





So what did you think? Was this good? Bad?

I'm really sorry that this was shorter then usual >.<

^.^ I hope it was good though! I really tried to be descriptive (I think I failed at that lol)

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maiamay #1
Chapter 17: Wonderful story
coffeecream #2
Chapter 17: Just found this story and finished reading it. So beautiful. I love it.
Chapter 17: I loved this so much as much as it hurt to watch the kyung go through that pain I was happy in the end... New subscriber!!!! :)
lovelyme23 #4
Congrats on the feature! ^^
Exoticfan2244 #5
Chapter 17: Feels=GONE! Now (almost) everyone is happy!
Congratulations :)
Congrats on the feature!