Chapter 10

Last Chance

Tae-Kyung’s point of view:


I slowly stuck my head outside of my tent doing a quick scan of the area before I even thought about exiting the safety that was my tent.


Okay the coast is clear.


I cautiously walked out of the tent. After a few steps I relaxed and rapped the towel casually around my neck. Shower time.


"Hello Tae-Kyung!" He Yi’s perky voice said from directly behind me. I felt my back muscles tense immediately.


"Where are you going? The shower?" She asked innocently, Oblivious to my ridged state.


I relaxed my muscles as best as I could and drowned her voice out. Just ignore her she’ll go away.


I started my walk to the shower again only to have He Yi block my path only a few feet later.


"What is it that you want?" I said irritated at her persistence.


She contorted her face into a pout and placed her hands on her hips, "Everyone’s going hiking, do you plan on going?" She demanded from me.


"Will you be going?" I inquired.


"Probably not…" she said feigning thoughtfulness.


"Good, then I will go." I replied then moved past her in one quick movement.


"Wait!" She called after me.


I turned around irritated.


She walked closer until she was almost pressed up against me. "I can help you get Mi Nyu back." She offered in an almost eerie voice. I raised my eyebrow.


"I don’t know what you’re talking about." I said casually.


"I’ve seen how you and her act. I’m not stupid. And I can help." She offered again.


"How?" I asked aloud as I thought about whether or not to shut her up.


"I can keep Shinwoo away from her." She said with a cat-like smile.


That would be helpful…Maybe I could use her help. But I'm not gonna stoop so low as to ask for HER help.


"Forget it." I muttered as I walked past her again.


She didn’t chase after me or try to block my path this time she simply yelled to my back, "Yah!" and anything she said after that was drowned out by my thoughts.


I don’t need anyone’s help make Mi Nyu mine.


And as for the hike…I hate hikes but I’ll do anything to get away from He Yi.


And on the positive side I get to be with Mi Nyu…


It may even give me a chance to be alone with her; this may be just the chance I need to get her back.


I smiled in anticipation of the events that might unfold during our little hike.



In the end He Yi actually joined us on the hike. I scowled at how she was attached to Mi Nyu and how Mi Nyu was happily chatting away with Shinwoo. Jeremy and Go Minam were leading our little hike, talking and bickering among themselves, Go Minam occasionally looking back at He Yi.


I have to find a way to stop Mi Nyu and Shinwoo from getting any closer.


I quickened my pace until I caught up to Mi Nyu, Shinwoo, and He Yi.


I cleared my throat loudly to interrupt their talking, "Shinwoo." I started.


Shinwoo looked at me with a bewildered look on his face as I grabbed his arm and began to pull on it, "Come on, we need to talk." Then I drug him up with me to join Jeremy and Go Minam.


Success! I knew I didn’t need her help! I smiled to myself as I left He Yi behind with Mi Nyu.







Mi Nyu’s point of view:


Tae-Kyung just took Shinwoo away…?


I looked after them in curiosity. Noticing that the trees were beginning to thicken ahead. It’d be pretty easy to get lost here. We’d better stay close to them. I was about to quicken my pace to catch up to them but was stopped.


"Ahem." I heard from beside me. I turned my head to He Yi. Waiting for her to say something.


"What’s your relationship with Tae-Kyung?" she said in a way that meant I had to answer.


Our relationship? I honestly don’t know anymore…


"You broke up?" She demanded.


I felt my eyes widen instinctively, did she just read my mind? How did she know?


After a few second of looking at my face He Yi scoffed and looked away, "Ha. I knew it."


She then looked back at me with a sharp look in her eyes, "Who did it?"


"Did what?" I asked bewildered.


"Who dumped who?" She asked anxiously.


"Uh…I uh…." I stuttered for words. I could feel my face heating.


"YOU? YOU dumped Tae-Kyung?" She asked wide-eyed pronouncing every syllable.


My feet rooted themselves to the ground, He Yi stopped walking also and looked at me with a curious look.


"Why?" She asked, not demanded but asked in a somewhat concerned voice.


Why? I don’t know why I did it…I’ve been trying to avoid that question. I’m afraid of what the answer might be…I’m afraid the answer might end with ‘Shinwoo’…please don’t ask me that…


He Yi stared at me blankly waiting for my answer. I opened my mouth to say something but my mind blanked and my throat dried.


‘Say what you mean, say the truth.’ A part of my mind urged.


‘But I don’t know what the truth is…’ Another part, my dominant part, of my mind answered.


‘But you already know the answer to that question, don’t you?’ I heard my mind urge again.


Do I know the answer? Yes, I do don’t I? But I’ve been trying to avoid that answer…


‘Why? What’s so wrong about it?’ My mind continued to ask.


Is it really okay? Am I really allowed to love him?


‘Why wouldn’t you be allowed?’ My mind responded. ‘You’re allowed to love.’


You’re right-I’m right. I am allowed to love anyone I wish to. And I’m not gonna avoid that question any longer. The question that my minds repeatedly asked when my heart already knew. I love him.


"I-I love Shinwoo." I heard myself say aloud.


He Yi’s eyes betrayed her as they widened and her lips parted slightly. She regained herself quickly. "I guess I shouldn’t be surprised, after all you two were always closer…" She said akwardly.


"I don’t support you and Tae-Kyung. You already know that…" She said then pause.


"-But…I also want to make Tae-Kyung happy." She finished.


I was confused, what’d she mean by that?


"Anyway." He Yi said abruptly, "We should catch up to the guys quickly." Then turned around to an empty forest with no sign of them.


"Whe-where are they?!" She shrieked.


"Don’t worry just so long as we stay—" I started but He Yi didn’t listen and instead started to run away in a random direction.


"Wait!" I called after her as I chased after. We can’t get separated too!






Shinwoo’s point of view


Tae-Kyung was still talking to me, distracting me I assume.


Wait. I haven’t heard anything from Mi Nyu or He Yi for a while now…


I looked back over my shoulder for the first time.


My eyes widened and I felt a wave of horror sweep over me.


"Mi Nyu’s gone…" the words escaped my mouth slowly and hollowly. My mind was running at 1,000 mile yet it no longer registered my surrounding only Mi Nyu. My mind was in a frenzy, an utter state of chaos.


Tae-Kyung looked back and his jaw dropped as his eyes widened.



We retraced our steps to where we last saw Mi Nyu and He Yi but they weren’t there. They were gone.


"What do we do?" Jeremy asked me in a panic, "What if we don’t find her?! What if bears attack her?! What if she’s eaten?!" Jeremy was getting more and more frantic.


"Calm down Jeremy." I placed my hand on his head. "I need to think…"


"We should go to town and call the local police." Go Minam said.


"We don’t want the press to hear about this…we should split into two groups…that way we cover more ground." I took charge, "Tae-Kyung will be with me, we’ll cover that direction." I pointed to one side of the forest. "Go Minam, You and Jeremy cover that side." I pointed in the opposite direction. "If we don’t find them by nightfall then we can call the authorities. Agreed?"


Tae-Kyung nodded grudgingly.


"Okay. But no later then that. We’ll meet at the campsite before nightfall okay."


I nodded then turned around to start the search.


Please be safe Mi Nyu…








Mi Nyu’s point of view


I felt my breath start to become quick and forced after hours of walking around without progress, He Yi was a few feet ahead of me but her steps were shaky. We were walking on a deep slope, which made me nervous.


"Be careful He Yi…" Just as the warning escaped my mouth I saw her body become limp.


"HE YI!!" I cried out as I quickly moved to catch the fainted He Yi.


I caught her but wasn’t able to stop gravity from taking effect. We quickly and roughly tumbled down the hill. Our body tangled at first became separated. I tried to stop myself from rolling but my limbs were already weak and it proved impossible. I hit medium rocks hard and painfully, I knew they were gonna leave bruises, my surroundings were blurred into colors as I spun around helplessly. I couldn’t feel anything but pain as my body hit small and medium size rocks. Then a intense pain like no other came from my ankle as it hit a particular rock that was larger then others before the slope flattened out. I continued to roll for several feet.


Once my body was still I quickly reached for my ankle folding in pain. My pants had ripped at the knee and there was a cut but it wasn’t bleeding due to dirt that had rubbed into it. My ankle was already red and swollen and although there was no blood it’s pain was more intense then anywhere else. I felt my eyes tear uncontrollably. It hurts…it hurts…the tears flowed and flowed until I remembered my situation and that He Yi was depending on me and possibly more injured. I wiped my tears roughly and slowly and weakly got up.


I languidly limped over to He Yi, using nearby trees for support.


He Yi was laying down on the ground with her eyes closed and leaves tangled into her black hair, scrapes and cuts all over her legs but what I noticed immediately was the deep cut above her eyebrow that blood was beginning to flow out of.


I have to get her back to the camp quickly…it looks really serious.


I quickly looked around me for anything to help, but finding nothing I tore a piece out of the knee of my already ripped pants and quickly dabbed it onto her cut trying to apply a sufficient amount of pressure with my already shaky arms.


I’m so tired…but I can’t rest. He Yi’s depending on me. I need to get her to a hospital quickly.


I hefted He Yi onto my shoulders with a lot of effort and started walking again in whatever direction looked the best.


Shinwoo please find us quickly…






Okay! So yesss this is the new chapter! I worked really hard to squeeze in time to write this chapter because I had ALOT of homework! T^T stupid exams are taking over my life!

Anyway!!! I hope you enjoyed and please leave a comment and tell me your honest opinion on what you think of it :)

AND!!! If you liked this story please check out my others! I have "My Heart is Waiting" and some poems~~~I love you all and thank you for your support!!!!

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maiamay #1
Chapter 17: Wonderful story
coffeecream #2
Chapter 17: Just found this story and finished reading it. So beautiful. I love it.
Chapter 17: I loved this so much as much as it hurt to watch the kyung go through that pain I was happy in the end... New subscriber!!!! :)
lovelyme23 #4
Congrats on the feature! ^^
Exoticfan2244 #5
Chapter 17: Feels=GONE! Now (almost) everyone is happy!
Congratulations :)
Congrats on the feature!