Part 9

Hopeless in love

What happens when you are in love with a person, but at the same time you know that your feelings are not mutual? That's right, you are trying to avoid this person, so as not to blurt out some stupidity once again. Well, for you, falling in love isn't stupid, it's just how embarrassing it would be immediately after rejection. The fact that they will refuse you is so clear, because this person has different feelings for another person.

As confusing as it may sound, that's the way it is.

The Kim sisters tried various ways to avoid Mina/Chaeyoung, though it didn't always work, all the excuses or excuses about work or pressing matters didn't always work.

Nayeon couldn't always tell Mina that she needs to "call", "write letters", "give instructions", "prepare a report", "sorry, the director called me, he set up a meeting with a client and they ask me to attend it ".

Dahyun, on the other hand, couldn't avoid Chaeyoung either, being busy with the same model all the time, or being in a "dark room to develop a photo."

This worked for three days on the fourth day the sisters were taken by surprise, surprising with a sudden arrival.

On Thursday, after work, the Kim sisters returned home, each at a different time. They were exhausted, taciturn, hungry. Thursday turned out to be a morally exhausted day. It was getting harder and harder for them to avoid Mina/Chaeyoung, especially after they overheard that the girls had already been on a date. And not on one.

Their sympathy was mutual, everyone saw it, so they happily discussed their couple behind their backs.

If someone spoke badly or slandered a couple, then the Kim sisters would help the rumors dissipate. But that's the thing, everyone kept saying only one thing:

They are such a wonderful, sweet couple.

- They are very suitable for each other.

- Soul mates.

The words made me happy and sad at the same time.

After the rumor was confirmed on Wednesday evening, Mina shyly confessed to Momo when an employee of the firm passed by (from his words everyone became aware). So the rumor became reality.

Chaeyoung texted Dahyun right away, hoping to hear happy wishes from her friend and boss, which she did (underhandedly).

The Kim sisters didn't know, but on the same Wednesday when Chaeyoung gallantly escorted Mina home, after a sweet kiss on the cheek before leaving, she offered to visit them to "thank you properly."

“Without Dahyun-unnie’s confidence, I wouldn’t be able to ask you out, Mina-unnie.”

"Yes, if it wasn't for Nayeon-unnie, I wouldn't agree."

Well, maybe the circumstances were different, but it didn't change the point, MiCheng decided to visit the Kim sisters with a delicious custom dinner.

The Kim sisters were too lazy to order anything, they only wanted to take a shower, drink a glass of wine, lie down in their bed and fall asleep. Sleep until morning and preferably without dreams.

They were already getting ready for bed, although the time showed only 20:00, when their doorbell rang.

Nayeon, who was on the first floor, wearing her favorite bunny nightgown, wearing cute bunny slippers, went to the door without asking who, just opened them.

“Nayeon-unnie, good evening,” Mina greeted her with a sweet smile, holding a bottle of red wine in her hands.

Her gaze lingered on the bunny nightgown, noting to herself how cute Nayeon looked and how much she wanted to snuggle up to the warm fur. Mina blushed slightly as she imagined such a scene, and then lowered her eyes, realizing where her thoughts were leading her.

I can't think of unnie like that when Chaeyoung is with me.

“Hello Unnie, sorry for not being invited, but Mina-unnie and I thought about it and…” Her thoughts got lost further, because her eyes caught Dahyun’s figure on the top floor, a cute unnie in short shorts, a short sleep shirt and loose black hair framing the face.

She needs to wear her hair down more often. What a beautiful Dubu.

"Chaeng? Mina-unnie?" Dahyun wondered as she went downstairs and stood behind Nayoung, placing her palm reassuringly on the older unnie's lower back. - "Something happened?"

“No, nothing happened, we just decided to visit you and so,” Chaeyoung said, holding up a bag of hot food. "Let me in?"

"Oh, yes, yes, of course, come in, we ..."- looking around at their strange outfit (not intended for guests), smiled, showing her smiling eyes MiChaeng, took Nayeon by the arm, began to pull away from the door, "we will be right back. The kitchen is a little further down the hall, go through."

The girls silently watched as the Kim sisters disappeared into one of the rooms on the first floor. Without saying a word, they went to the kitchen, took out everything they brought, put it on plates, took with them forks, spoons (I had to try to find dishes, because the sisters had everything not where they usually lie with other people) and went into the living room . Having carefully put everything on a glass coffee table (previously having laid it), they sat down on the sofa and began to wait for the hostesses.

Chaeyoung looked at the design of the house with curiosity, she was here for the first time and could not even imagine that the house of the “boss” Dubu looked like this.

Mina, in turn, who visited Nayeon's house for the second time in a week, also admired the walls, the ceiling, the bookshelves, where on each of them there were cute figurines of a rabbit or panda cubs, a sloth and a penguin. Behind each of these figurines was a picture of the sisters or just Nayeon as a child, smiling broadly, showing off some kind of victory.

Mina's heart skipped a beat seeing Nayeon so happy as a child.

-I'll do my best to keep that smile from disappeared - a thought flashed through, but did not linger on the subconscious, disappeared immediately as soon as Chaeyoung said with a note of admiration in her voice:

- It's so beautiful and picturesque! I heard from a stylist who was here that Dahyun-unnie designed the rooms herself, but I never thought it would be so beautiful. Interestingly, and on the second floor as well as on the first? Here to see.

“If Nayeon- unnie or Dahyun let us, we can see,” Mina agreed with her, thinking back to the day she came with the others.

“I can convince Dahyun-unnie,” Chaeyoung said confidently, returning all her attention to Mina, who, noticing her gaze, became embarrassed. "How long do you think they've been there? The food smells so delicious and I'm hungry!"

“Let’s wait some more, if they don’t come out, I’ll go and fetch them,” Mina suggested, tremblingly feeling Chaeyoung’s presence beside her.

Honestly, she was afraid to move, so as not to accidentally hurt the girl. She was not afraid of Chaeyeon herself, but of herself, because sympathy for Chaeyeon began to gradually turn into something more than friendship.


Meanwhile, there was a heated argument in the older sister's room about whether to go out or stay here, citing her ill health.

"Dahyunie, I'm not ready, Mina is here and she saw me in this outfit! What a shame!"

"And you're talking to me about the shame of looking at my outfit? Unnie, of the two of us, you look very decent!" Dahyun complained as she rummaged through her sister's closet looking for the right clothes for herself.

Nayeon, who was wearing a bunny costume, did not pay attention to her actions, as her face, red with shame, was hidden behind her palms.

"Dubu, what should we do? We avoided them."

"Apparently, we won't be able to avoid it for a long time, no matter how much we want to, Nabong. We'll have to pretend to be "just friends" again," Dahyun said as she finally found sweatpants and a bunny T-shirt. "Aren't you going to change clothes?"

“I will,” Nayeon sighed dramatically, pushing her younger sister away from her wardrobe, taking out her home clothes (shorts with a T-shirt).

"We can do it, unnie. It's just dinner, it'll go by quickly, I don't think they'll stay long."


Do not linger for a long time - this word was repeated a certain number of times during the entire dinner, giving some kind of strength.

At first, when the sisters finally left the room and joined MiChaeng in the living room, everything was going well.

Not exactly a business conversation, but it did not touch on the topic “why you avoided us”, which the Kim sisters were very happy about. They let their guard down, relaxed, succumbed to the temptation to surreptitiously look after their beloved.

MiChaeng sat on the couch, and the sisters sat opposite them (they brought chairs from the kitchen, finding an excuse that they always eat like that). Of course, it was all a lie, so the Kim sisters could look at MiChaeng calmly. Then their views would not seem so strange.

While drinking a second glass of wine, Mina suddenly asked (by then the wine had given her courage, she later referred to it):

“Nayeon- unnie, I get the feeling that you are avoiding me all the time. This is true?"

Without letting Nayoung answer (make up an excuse), on the other hand, a question came from Chaeyoung (the girl had a weak tolerance for alcohol):

"Dahyun-unnie, I'm jealous! For the whole week you communicated with everyone except me! Are you avoiding me?

"I'm not avoiding you, why suddenly such a question. I really was busy all week and just couldn’t give you time," answered sister Kim’s memorized text.

"Lie! If you were busy, you wouldn't date other models!" Chaeyeon didn’t give up her position, staring blankly into Dahyun’s eyes.

An incomprehensible wave of discontent rose up inside her subconscious as her brain kindly recalled those moments associated with beautiful girls who had stuck to Dahyun throughout the week. Why she reacted like that, Chaeyoung ignored, the main thing was that she didn’t like it, period.

"You communicated with Sana and Momo more than with me, although I could easily do the tasks that you gave them myself "- Mina did not blame, she was just offended to see such an attitude towards herself.

Nayeon couldn't find anything to answer, she decided to just remain silent.

Dahyun, unlike her sister, answered in the same confident tone as before:

"No date, work, nothing more. And even if there were dates, this is my personal life, Chaeyoung, you have no right to interfere in it."

"I'm not interfering! It's think I drank a lot and I don't know what I'm talking about. It’s probably time to go home,” Chaeyoung said, backtracking when her brain wanted to say something completely different, accusatory words proving that “ I have the right, because I like you and I want you to look only at me .”

Apparently I'm really drunk because I wanted to say this in front of Mina-unni. We just started dating, no need to spoil the relationship. You need to sleep and then strange thoughts will disappear from your head.

"Chaeyoung is right, we stayed at your place, it's time to go home already," Mina began to get up from the sofa, without receiving a sensible answer from Nayeon. "Thank you for not chasing us away right away."

"I'm so glad you came, Minari! You are like a breath of fresh air to me! I really didn't want to avoid you, trust me. As for Momo and Sana, I'm used to the fact that I can give them any task and they will complete it without question. You are still new in this business, I decided to give you some slack," Nayeon chattered, leaning forward in a fit of sincere feelings and grabbing the girl's hands, squeezing them tightly.

Minari? - sweet languor healed her heart, Mina even smiled a little, although she quickly hid her smile when she noticed Chaeyeon's look. - What am I doing? Why does my heart respond so much to Nayoung-unni's words?

“Maybe it seemed to me that unnie and I harbor a grudge against you in vain. After all, you can count on me too,” Mina said, gently removing her hands from Nayeon’s hands, starting to clear the table.

“We will clean everything ourselves, don’t worry,” Nayeon said, hiding her hands behind her back to hide their trembling from Mina. "Thank you for coming, despite everything we had a great evening."

“Yeah, thanks for taking the time to come over and bring us such delicious food,” Dahyun echoed, holding back her impulse to not wrap Chaeyoung in her arms and reassure her that she only loves her.

“I’m sorry if I said too much,” Chaeyoung said softly, avoiding Dahyun’s gaze, gathering her things, following Mina out the door.

“We need to get together again somehow, if you don’t mind,” Dahyun suggested, Nayeon immediately agreed, nodding her head in the affirmative.

"Why not, only I think it's better for us to warn you about our arrival", going out the door, Mina smiled goodbye, waving her hand. – See you on Monday, Nayoung-unni.

“Let’s call, Chaengie,” Dahyun called after the departing girl, who only waved her hand without saying anything.

“It was embarrassing,” both sisters said, looking at each other after they closed the doors.

"We need to work out a new strategy, Nabongie. You won’t be able to avoid them anymore,” Dahyun said thoughtfully, walked to the living room, and began to clear the plates from the table. - "This will create misunderstandings, which will then be difficult to justify."

"What do you suggest, Dubu?" Nayeon asked as she helped her carry everything to the kitchen.

"I need to think, Nabongie, but now I don't want to think about nothing, just clean everything up and go to bed. I got exhausted."

“Me too, I always wanted to separate them and sit next to Mina, hug her shoulders, court her, and not constantly watch Chaeyoung flirting with her. I'm sorry Dubu.

"Don't apologize, unnie, that's the way it is. They were both flirting in front of us, if we weren’t around, I think they would have already kissed,” Dahyun smiled sadly, leaving the dishes in the sink, turning to Nayeon. "I must admit, their relationship has become one step higher."

“But they are happy together, Dahyunie, and their happiness is our happiness, no matter how painful our hearts are,” Nayeon whispered hugging her, knowing full well that Dahyun would have said the same thing.

There was no point in talking about it further, so they washed the dishes, cleaned everything, went to their rooms, turned off the light, closed their eyes, falling asleep.

In a dream, the Kim sisters dreamed of a completely different scenario of the past dinner, where they themselves were the main characters.

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Wivern #1
Chapter 12: Morning will be so awkward. 🙈
Piungpiungwink #2
Chapter 12: I just found this story, very entertaining and interesting, hope you continue
Have a nice day
Chapter 10: ❤️
Wivern #4
Chapter 9: Hope flickering for the Kim's 🕯️🌈🔥
Chapter 9: Minayeon ✊✊✊✊
Wivern #6
Chapter 8: Minayeon showing some signs of life.
Let's squint harder. 😊😣
Wivern #7
Chapter 5: There might be hope yet for DubChaeng though SaMo's offer is very tempting.
If they can't get Dubu to agree.
Lowkey hoping they extend the same offer to Nay instead.
Win-win. XD
AnDEUSAgrega #8
Chapter 4: Poor Kim sisters
Wivern #9
Chapter 3: Ouchie! :(