Chapter 13

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The nerd was just heading to the dance studio when she felt a tap on her shoulders. 


“Hmm?” She saw a sun shining brightly on her right and she covered her face a little, much to the distaste of the other girl. 


“Hey, why’d you do that? Am I still that annoying to you?” Chuu was getting significantly upset that her girlfriend is ignoring her more often than usual. 


“It’s just a bit too much for me. I don’t have enough energy to deal with your upbeat personality. I need breaks too.” Sooyoung talked to her friend nicely. 


“Hmmph!” The girl turned away while pouting. 


“It’s not that I hate it though. I mean, how do you expect a nerd like me to suddenly be able to take in your endless amount of pranks? Give me some time to adjust too.” The nerd then put herself in front of the sulky strawberry, forcing her to look at her in the eyes. After much persuasion, the penguin finally gave in since she couldn’t stay away from her girlfriend for too long. 


“Why didn’t you say so earlier? I almost thought you got tired of me already.” The penguin was on the verge of tears but she was soon tightly embraced in the arms of the taller girl. 


“I don’t ever hate you, okay? And thank you for understanding where I come from.” The swan then gave a quick peck on the penguin’s forehead, leaving h

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Perhaps I shall add the non-classic pairings in this fic too, in the form of one-shots. So the dynamics of the story won't be too boring. And it'll also allow space for drama to occur.



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