
Wild Strawberries

The world was full of mistakes…and it was Sooyoung’s job to point them out. Or at least that’s what she thought her purpose on this planet was. To belittle every single person that ever graces her presence and tell them why exactly they’re not perfect. Everybody had flaws right Well Sooyoung liked to point them out. It gave her peace of mind. It also distracted her from her own flaws.

Like how she was very y even though she didn’t mean it half the time. just didn’t have a filter. It was always thought to voice without a moment of hmm should I really tell them their teeth look like corn kernels? No, it was quite a continuous loop for Sooyoung. Some poor soul would become smitten with her from afar drawn to her like a moth to a flame. Only to find a painful shock instead of the anticipated warmth.  

She could admit she was attractive like the figurative flame. Very attractive, from the beach bod to the flirtatious smile (that was only sincere 0.01% of the time) to her soothing voice. Her attitude and confidence also brought her this aura that a lot of people couldn’t resist. 

Except when they actually got the guts to talk to her.

The Sooyoung that most people would fall in love with was some charming and seemingly cool playgirl who knew how to make you laugh in seconds. Sooyoung was perfect on the outside, at first glance. But as soon as someone wanted to look a little deeper. They were up for a rude awakening.   

Example one: the boy that has Intro to Film with Sooyoung. Who has been watching her all semester. He thought she was reserved by the way she rarely spoke in the class unless asked. He would feel his heartbeat quicken as she’d shyly stumble out a few thoughts when called on. She was doing the best in the class and he knew because he’d always ask her, she’d just hold up her almost perfect grade and wink.

He was in love with her, or so he thought. She was a perfect girl. Smart, nice, and even funny since some of her analyzations on the various movies they watched were pretty hilarious. Sooyoung was a quick thinker and he couldn’t help but want to hear all her thoughts.   

On the other hand, Sooyoung didn’t really like anybody. People annoyed her too much and for some reason, their flaws were always too intolerable to look over. She didn’t mind when they ended up hating her for breaking their hearts or hurting their feelings. They didn’t matter to her. She liked being alone most of the time. Sooyoung was allowed to think more then, and her thoughts were always a mess.   

Like right now, she was thinking about the beach volleyball tournament coming up in the next couple of weeks. It was close to finals and despite having the confidence that she would pass them all with flying colors because she actually studied as she was supposed to. Though her nerves were up to the danger levels, especially about the tournament because what if Jungeun couldn’t –

“Hey, Sooyoung!” Narrowing her eyes she tries to ignore the whiny voice interrupting her thoughts. It persists a little more, repeating her name over and over again. This guy always came up to her after class, and she couldn’t remember his name. It wasn’t like she wanted to anyways. After the fifth call of her name, she forces on a smile and turns to him, “Hey you.”

He blushes and Sooyoung wants to gag, this was getting so old for her. Why couldn’t people just leave her alone? Oh, right I’m super y…He scratches at the back of his head as Sooyoung continues to gas herself up in her own head. Even though people were starting to catch on that Sooyoung wasn’t as friendly as she was pretty, she still had lines waiting for her. 

That didn’t matter though because there was no one in that line she wanted.

He rolls his eyes a few times thinking things over. It takes everything in Sooyoung to not burst out in laughter. Sooyoung knew the little dude was about to ask her out, she also knew he was about to get his heart broken too. “Um since finals is soon would like to go out?” 


The reply comes out not a second after he finishes. He looks at her with wide eyes and she just smiles in return. Hands folded in her lap and leg bouncing on the floor. She had to keep her cool, her filter needed to work this time. But the boy is way too much, she’s grossed out by the way he’s about to cry. If he didn’t move out the way since he was blocking Sooyoung’s escape route, she would miss lunch. And she really, really didn’t want to miss lunch.

“Can you move out the way?”

He shakes his head, shocked by the rejection, “Why? Sooyoungie I really like you and I want to spend more time with you please go out with me.”  

Sooyoung actually cringes at the nickname. He was in a bow now and the girl could tell how much he was shaking. Rolling her eyes she stands up. It looks like she was going to have to be a little bad today. Oh well, the kid brought it upon himself.

“Please…leave me alone, whenever you stare at me it makes me feel like worms are crawling on me. That’s how creepy you are. I want to forget about you.” The look on his face as she speaks is priceless. The guy had always stared at her in class and it ruined the whole learning experience. So she was a little pissed. Sure she had flirted with him and probably made it worse but she didn’t want to make an enemy, now that the semester was almost over she could care less. 

Standing up straighter she slightly towers over him, smirking when she sees the tears in his eyes. Taking a tissue out of her pocket she places it on her hand and pushes the guy out of the way with the covered hand, she didn’t actually want to touch him. She turns the guy again and hands him the tissue and then mocks his crying.

Hearing the whimpers as she walks out of the class into the empty halls she smiles to herself. Bullying people didn’t really amuse her, she didn’t necessarily like it either even though she found it funny sometimes. It was the only way it got people to steer clear of her though. In high school, she had a different approach when people were interested in being her friend or something more. She was nice, would politely decline and hope they would go the opposite way.

That never worked though, they would continue their efforts. So she started being an and her life started turning around after that. People always reacted more strongly to rudeness than an awkward rejection. Sooyoung didn’t want to hang around people that she found annoying, so she’d make them hate her as soon as she could because that’s when people finally left her alone.

With that thought she makes her way into the cafeteria, it was crowded as always making Sooyoung puff up in frustration. Gliding through, dodging people as they scurry to pick up some lunch she goes to the deli line hoping to just grab a peanut butter sandwich. When the whole bar is surrounded by desperate college students Sooyoung has no choice but to what she does best.

Moving behind the guy that was hogging up most of the line she yells loud enough for him to hear since the lunch room was booming with numerous voices, “Yo, fatass!” He slowly turns around and Sooyoung scoffs when she sees at least three sandwiches in his hands. “Can you like off? You’re hogging all the grub.” He shakes a little and Sooyoung can see the glossy eyes as he pushes past her. She wobbles forward and grabs three sandwiches herself.

Scanning the room she looks for a familiar blonde, smiling when she spots her in one of the corners with huge headphones on playing a pink DS with various stickers on it she makes her way over. Plopping her stuff and herself down she flicks the girl on the forehead. Sooyoung laughs when the girl groans and hits her back with a little too much force.

Rubbing her arm that was just assaulted as her friend disregards the oversized headphone she smiles when the girl finally looks at her, “ that hurt.” Sooyoung just laughs at the tiny being shaking in rage. Reaching forward she ruffles the blonde locks for a greeting, “there’s my favorite loser!” Her hand is slapped off and Sooyoung feigns hurt but laughs it off while picking up her first sandwich.

Jung Chaewon, Sooyoung’s closest friend for many years, well she was friends with her and all her sisters. Chaewon was a part of the family now…unlike her sister. Sooyoung didn’t dislike everyone. There were some people she genuinely enjoyed, like Chaewon and most of her teammates and of course her sisters.

The blonde was a great match for Sooyoung. Chaewon didn’t mind her iness since the girl always had something sassier to throw back. She knows when Sooyoung needed for things to be quiet and she knew when she needed to be talkative. Also, the girl was weird…like really weird but the kinda weird that was entertaining and Sooyoung was thankful for her friend.

As Sooyoung had stuffed with food she starts to speak out as Chaewon looks at her with disgust, “soumf I mafed-.” Her sentence is interrupted by a little slap to making her choke out. After numerous pats to the back and a few drinks of milk, she whines out to her friend in protest. “Why did you do that I could have died!”  

Chaewon shrugs and munches on a fry, “you shouldn’t talk when you eat, it’s gross.” Sooyoung rolls her eyes and shoves another sandwich half in . She makes sure to swallow it before speaking again, “Anyways I made someone cry today.” The blonde raises one brow and puts back down the fry that was making its way to .


“I told him, well kinda told him that he gives me the heebie-jeebies.” Chaewon laughs at that, growing into a little crooked smile, displaying her silver tooth. The high-pitched giggles die out soon and Chaewon tries to become serious. The blonde clears and folds her fists on the table, “and why did you say that to him.” 

Sooyoung shrugs and answers before taking another big bite, “asked me on a date and I was grossed out.” Chaewon shakes her head and wipes a tear from her eye. “Sooyoung what did I say about being mean to people.”

Wiping the crumbs off onto her jeans she smacks on the peanut butter and throws her hands up, “that I should start being nice or it’s all going to come back on me.” Sooyoung didn’t care if people were mean to her, it never hurt her feelings. She’s been called every word in the book and she even has her own bullies. She just was thick-skinned. “Bullying people is fun though.” Chaewon deflates and crosses her arms.

Her friend has never supported her way of…handling people, she’d always make up excuses up. That they wouldn’t leave her alone, Chaewon would always say something back though. I think there’s something else. What else could it be? There was no deep meaning to her bullying. She just did it to be doing it. “Of course it’s fun isn’t it.” Her friend’s sarcastic tone makes her frown. 

“Sooyoung…you’re a great person I don’t know why you don’t want people to see that.” Chaewon’s words are confusing to her. Of course, she didn’t want people to see it. Her non-y side was reserved for the people she liked. But even then she’s not that great…

After that it’s silent for a few moments, “you wanna get high this weekend.” Sooyoung perks up at the suggestion. Even though she had finals she thinks that maybe she can unwind or something. “Yes please.” Chaewon nods her head at that, raising her fist for a bump and of course Sooyoung accepts it flipping her wrist so they can do their signature handshake. 

Finishing with spirit fingers Sooyoung goes to pull mp3 player and headphones out. She and Chaewon would usually chill at lunch until their next classes. Sooyoung takes this time to think about her friend's words. You’re a great person. It was familiar, although she hasn’t heard a compliment like that in a long time. She’s built a horrible reputation for herself. All due to her smart mouth. 

Chaewon seems to notice something and starts smiling widely. Sooyoung watches the girl raise up in her seat waving excitedly. Following her gaze she rolls over the faces in the cafeteria, the crowd was gone now so it wasn’t hard to find who Chaewon was waving at. Since she was the one that brightened the whole area up despite the sun shining through the windows.

If there was anyone that Sooyoung hated, it had to be Jung Jinsoul.

Most people got on her nerves because they talked too loud or fast. Jinsoul talked slow and quiet and it took a lot of concentration to listen to her. Sooyoung hated stupid laughs, but Jinsoul’s was the worst. It was bright and cheery, sometimes the blonde would even scream for no reason and her manner of speaking would go from awe she’s shy to damn this is loud.  Fake smiles made her cringe but Jinsoul had the most genuine and prettiest smile she had ever seen.  

Everything Jinsoul did was nice, she was friendly and passionate. The girl was selfless and caring to those around her no matter what. Sooyoung could admit Jung Jinsoul was the first perfect person she had ever met. If they even existed. 

But she was sure they were, because when Jinsoul turned around three times…a whole 360 degrees, the action making Sooyoung scream internally, and found them sitting in the corner of the area all she did was break out into a wide smile that made Sooyoung’s body warm up. No one ever made her feel this way except Jung Jinsoul.

 She hated it.

There wasn’t a single annoying thing about Jinsoul, except:

  1. She didn’t like Sooyoung. Actually, she was sure the girl hated her.
  2. Her friends were the worst group of people on this planet. 

So Sooyoung convinced herself to find everything annoying about Jinsoul, from the way she awkwardly stumbles out words and moved about. How she would make cute noises when she was excited. The fact she was a literal genius but still continued to be the biggest ever. And the misfortune for Sooyoung’s hormones…being incredibly attractive. To the point where Sooyoung would fantasize about certain things, like if they didn’t hate each other. If they felt the opposite for each other.

The Jung sisters were pretty popular. They were drop dead gorgeous, one was hilarious while the other thought she was, one was intelligent while the other acted like she was, and both of them had actual unique personalities. Not the kind of personalities if someone were to ask you to describe yourself in one word you’d reply I’m indescribable baby no their answer was, “boong boong drr? Um maybe wah? Oh wait no epic, I’m epic assa.” and “I think…dumb.” 

They were similar, oddly similar, but so different at the same time. Being two years apart the sisters shared the fact that they was pretty and weird and having their own set of default noises. Though Jinsoul was popular, she was friends with popular people. Mostly other jocks. People were smitten with her the same they was with Sooyoung. But Jinsoul had the personality that made them fall even harder while Sooyoung left them pissed and heartbroken. Chaewon was not popular and instead of excelling in school and athletics she had mad skills when it came to gaming.

Sooyoung knew that because the girl stayed over at her house often and would have to do homework with the younger girl cussing out her twin sisters when they weren’t pressing a button right. Sooyoung loved Chaewon though, but she hated her sister. It didn’t make much sense right? How could she hate someone resembling her best friend, someone who she could consider perfect? 

Well when Jinsoul locked eyes with her, the bright smile she was displaying for her sister falls. Along with Sooyoung’s stomach when the smile turns into a sad frown. With that it all made sense, the reason she hated Jinsoul. Is because the girl hated her. Packing up her things she rushes when Chaewon calls out in that scratchy voice of hers. Sooyoung didn’t want to be within five feet of the other blonde.  

When she stands up Chaewon protests, “hey where are you going?” Sooyoung ignores her slings her bag up on her back. Turning around she gasps when she’s face to face with a literal angel, doe eyes staring straight into hers. Sooyoung curses herself when the blonde makes her blush from the intense gaze. Her heart rate speeding back up and her palms becoming sweaty as she clutches onto the straps of her backpack. 



They stare at each other for a little longer, Jinsoul’s features are completely stone while Sooyoung’s are scrunched up in frustration. Rolling her eyes she shoves past the blonde a little too forcibly and stomps her way out of the cafeteria and into the blistering sun. Her shoulder is still tingling from the way she bumped into Jinsoul, and her tummy is still twisting in knots. She convinces herself that it’s because just looking at Jinsoul pisses her off. And every time they lock eyes there’s a bitter taste of wild strawberries filling . Not because she wants to lose herself in Jinsoul, not because her heart clenches every time the blonde frowns at her.

Wiping at her face she tries to find a secluded and shaded area to take a quick nap, she would need the energy for tonight. For volleyball practice, where she was in the same area with Jinsoul for over two hours.

Yeah, …she really was gonna need the energy, especially after that little moment in the cafeteria.

Sooyoung was sweating a tad bit, well no she was completely drenched. The sun was starting to get hotter and practicing became much more painful. After every evening she would go home sore, exhausted and extremely sticky. At least her tan was coming along nicely. The practice was almost over though and the sun was setting. Now she and her partner were just running drills with each other as a cool down before the last half hour of just scrimmaging with the other players.

Jungeun would set it to her and she would slam down onto the ball for the other girl to receive it, Sooyoung would do the same thing for her. Set it and then receive. It was a pretty basic drill but it helped a lot with control over the ball and build a sense of teamwork. They’ve been going at it for a while now and the ball hasn’t dropped but a few times. The repetition was easy, and Sooyoung knew she and Jungeun were pretty in sync.

Kim Jungeun had been her partner since the start those two years ago, this would be her third season of beach volleyball. This tournament was the start of it, determining the seeding for all the teams participating. Sooyoung hopes their team ranks pretty high. They should because most of them were pretty ruthless players. The volleyball league had three leaders, herself, Jungeun, and some girl named Haseul. They were a small team but with lacking numbers, they were packing skills.

While most of them had played indoor volleyball in high school and only played outdoors in the summers, they all had specific talents. Her sister Hyunjin was unstoppable at the nets. Her hands where large and she could jump so high off the ground that a good bit of hits even the hardest ones wouldn’t break through. Her partner was some girl named Jiwoo who also had talented hands. In…many ways but Sooyoung liked to forget the little fling they had since Jiwoo and Jungeun were a thing now. 

Haseul and Jungeun played at the same high school. While the girl with the bob cut was a setter, who could make the worst passes into a perfect set up for an attack, Jungeun was a defensive specialist, Sooyoung had kept her around because the girl was quick and agile, and it was rare for a ball to drop around her. She and Jungeun were probably the most aggressive players and best at defense. They were the ones always getting band-aids and icepacks since they liked to go hard.

Jung Jinsoul, on the other hand, didn’t go very hard. Sooyoung and Jinsoul were easily the best players on the team, both having perfect forms whenever they spiked and Jinsoul being a great setter while Sooyoung was good with handling attacks from the other team. They were both quick and athletic but their attitudes were night and day.

Sooyoung was aggressive and competitive. She hated losing and often would get on her teammate's nerves with her leadership. The girl just thought she was ambitious, she was passionate about the game after all. Every practice, every game, there was sweat and tears, even sometimes blood. Jinsoul, on the other hand, didn’t take it seriously. If they lost she would shrug and say at least we're having fun and laugh it off. She didn’t work hard enough for Sooyoung. She hated how careless the girl was, how nonchalant she played. How she was graceful while Sooyoung played dirty.

Coach V would beg her to pair up with Jinsoul because the woman would always try and persuade her that they would be a perfect team, a perfect balance. But Sooyoung would refuse, how could she ever work with someone that’s not on the same level as her. Jinsoul didn’t meet her passion, so Sooyoung would always reject her coach, even when she would tell Sooyoung that Jinsoul had agreed.  

Catching the ball instead of hitting it she gestures to her partner that she’s a little thirsty and tosses the ball down. Making her way over to the water coolers she freezes when she notices familiar golden brown hair. It’s pulled back in a loose bun and it’s just a bit darker than her skin. Sooyoung always liked the color of her hair. Like a bronze color, not really brown or blonde. 

Continuing her walk she lets her eyes drift down from the wavy locks to a different kinda curve. Sooyoung often thought about these curves, late at night, in the comfort of her own bed, with the radio on to muffle out the sounds of her heavy breathing and long sighs. The girl has the clench her jaw tightly and blow out of her nose when she catches how Jinsoul’s light blue spandex has ridden up on her . Leaving very little to the imagination for Sooyoung. 

How she would kill to…not right now Sooyoung, please not right now when she’s right in front of her.

Sooyoung didn’t like the fact that her best friend’s sister made her insides turn into goo whenever the blonde would bite her lip in concentration or whenever she arched her back when resting from an unsuccessful dig or how she made receiving a volleyball so seductive. Sooyoung thought she was crazy with how she got just by watching Jinsoul play a pretty tame sport.

You’re not supposed to be this attracted to a person you hate right?  

But here she was almost drooling at how the sand was sticking to Jinsoul’s sweaty skin. Coming directly behind her where they’re almost touching Sooyoung leans over and grabs the water cup out of Jinsoul’s hands, “thanks pinhead.” Sooyoung’s skin is on fire because when she reached over the girl’s shoulders their bodies slightly grazed upon each other. She can’t stop thinking about how soft Jinsoul’s skin is.

The blonde turns around as Sooyoung starts to gulp down the cool liquid, some of it trailing down from her sloppiness. Jinsoul pouts and forms her eyebrows into an interesting shape. “Who you calling pinhead?”

Sooyoung almost chokes on the water from Jinsoul’s expression that is entirely too cute for her liking. Jinsoul doesn’t only make her want to throw her coochie out the window because of the annoying aching from all the eye candy she receives on the daily but also her heart. Because Sooyoung doesn’t like the way her it melts and how everything is feather light in her chest. She doesn’t like how Jinsoul almost makes her break out into a goofy smile, because the blonde makes her so giddy.

You’re not supposed to feel this way about someone you hate.  

But you’ve always felt this way, haven’t you Sooyoung?

Clearing and coughing out all the butterflies that erupted in her tummy she blames it on the fact that Jinsoul is actually giving her some attention. And she’s itching to receive it all. “You have a wedgie by the way probably because of that fat ing .” 

When she thought of Jinsoul’s it was more of a dream, a fantasy really, one of her biggest ones was to have both cheeks in her hands while Jinsoul was sitting on her…yeah and maybe having it arch into her as she was…doing something to her from behind, Sooyoung definitely wouldn’t mind having a hand full of it, giving it a little…okay, stop. But the tone of her voice made it seem like none of those thoughts were true and that it was a nightmare.

The only nightmare, was how much she objectified Jinsoul’s body, but she wasn’t a good person, to begin with, was she. 

“Maybe you should get one of those caution stickers that say wide load so people will know to get out the way when you’re moving around.” Jinsoul flares her nostrils up at that and opens up to say something but nothing comes out. She just clamps it back closed with tears filling her eyes. There’s an incredible amount of tension between them and Sooyoung can feel the anger radiate from Jinsoul’s body. There’s something else too, something that’s not so easy to deal with, disappointment. 

Sooyoung feels sick every time she’s mean to Jinsoul, deep down she still doesn’t know why she does it. She has a hunch for the reasoning but she thinks it would be pathetic for it to be actually true. Jinsoul deserves the world and more, but yet here Sooyoung was, giving her hell just to spite her. For unknown reasons to everyone, except for to the both of them. And they’re both too stubborn to face it.

So Sooyoung continues to hate herself for making Jinsoul upset, and Jinsoul continues to not stand up for herself because her guilty conscious holds herself back. 

She laughs at herself when Jinsoul starts to back away, Sooyoung lets her walk off while making beeping noises, mocking the blonde who stomps off. And the lowlife she is, she stills tilts her head to watch Jinsoul’s , she swears it jiggles since her steps are aggressive. “You know…she was about to cry, do you really think it’s appropriate to be eye ing her?” Turning to her teammate she scoffs at Jungeun who is giving her an awful look. 

She and Jungeun weren’t exactly friends despite working very well together. If they had one thing in common it was the love for the game and nothing more. Jungeun was scary and too serious for Sooyoung. The girl was also bat- crazy. Sooyoung never dared to say anything to her and often would receive these terrifying looks whenever she made fun of Jiwoo’s bangs. Even though they weren’t close at all they still seemed to understand each other.

“I don’t understand why you give her so much when you clearly have a thing for her.” Sooyoung slaps the cup out of Jungeun’s hand that was being filled with water. Sooyoung keeps her eyes on Jungeun’s face while the latter is staring at her cup in the sand with a blank expression, “I don’t have a thing for her.”

“Yeah sure okay and I like putting grape jelly in-between my toes.” 


“Oh sorry, I thought we were playing who could say the stupidest .”

Sooyoung is bewildered for a moment before Jungeun lays a firm hand on her shoulder. “I have been your teammate for two years now, I know we do not talk often but,” Jungeun takes her other hand to point two fingers between their heads, “we are in sync, we can communicate like that.” Sooyoung is a little scared from how intense Jungeun’s glare is but continues to listen. “Every practice…from day one, you stare at her with this weird softness in your eyes and then you find a reason to talk to her.”

The girl sighs before shaking her head, “then you insult her by either calling her stupid or fat and you end up looking like a kicked puppy when she walks off pissed.”

“If you would compliment her like a NORMAL person with an attraction would then maybe she would actually like you.” Sooyoung furrows her brows, Jungeun thinks that she’s stupid. She doesn’t really know her all that too well after all. No matter what Sooyoung would do Jinsoul still wouldn’t like her. No one seemed to understand that but her.

Jungeun then spits on the ground between them and Sooyoung actually gags at the disgusting action, “why did you do that?”  

“Because where I’m from that means that some real was just said.” Sooyoung gives her an even more confused look and the shorter girl just smirks. Something very out of the ordinary from her usually stoic face. Sooyoung receives a punch to the chest that makes her huff out and Jungeun then walks away. She wishes the girl was right though, but she was sure if she was to stop being such an nothing would change. She would rather have the nauseous feeling in her stomach rather than the empty one.

Sooyoung fills the cup she stole off Jinsoul back up and drinks it back down again. She wonders if Jinsoul was thirsty and if she was the reason the blonde wasn’t over her drinking right now. Because thinking back she never has seen the girl take a sip. A part of her wants to fill it up and take it to Jinsoul herself. But that would be too awkward and Jinsoul would probably decline it anyway.

“Ha get over here now we’re starting!” With the sound of her name from her coaches, she tosses the cup down and starts to sprint back to the nets. Jungeun was waiting for her already in position with a serious expression on her face. Looking at the other side she frowns when she sees Jinsoul and Haseul standing, with Haseul ready to serve. Sooyoung rolls her eyes and steps into position. She would hopefully be the one to receive the serve so she’d be the one to hit.

Haseul tosses the ball up along with her body for the jump serve and the ball comes hurtling over. Jungeun is the one to receive it so Sooyoung hurries to the net to set it up for the shorter girl and she ends up rolling it over. She stays at the net while Jungeun falls back and they watch as the other two girls do the same as they did, but Sooyoung follows the blonde hair and Jumps a little after she does blocking her spike and sending it back over.

She smiles when she hears a frustrated groan as Jinsoul bumps it back into the air for Haseul to set it. The second time she hits it Sooyoung’s too late and she only tips the ball in the air but Jungeun manages to control it, putting it right where Sooyoung wants it. It was like clockwork now the way she approaches the net and leaps in the air to smack the ball right down in between the offending players. Hopping a bit when she lands she lets herself smirk. 

The defeated looks on the girl’s faces were priceless. Stepping away from the net she bends over and gives Jungeun a signal hidden from the other players. She focuses on one of them, the one in the front and how her eyebrows are knotted in concentration. When Sooyoung spends too long staring she jumps a tad when Jinsoul flicks her eyes towards her. Usually, Jinsoul never looked at her during practice, actively avoiding her. 

Right now Jinsoul was staring a hole through her and Sooyoung couldn’t bring herself to look away. Not with the way her breath was hitching right now. The sound of the ball being slapped breaks their little staring contest and Sooyoung gets ready to block but she’s way too late so she quickly falls back. Jinsoul jumps up and slams down on the ball pile driving it right into Sooyoung’s chest. It flies off somewhere and Sooyoung just winces at the sharp pain.

Standing back up she raises a brow and huffs out, her chest was stinging for the hit and she knows that Jinsoul must have done it on purpose. It proves her right when her gaze gravitates to the girl and she’s met with a smirk and dark eyes. Jinsoul hasn’t smiled at her in a long time and even though this one is probably out of pure anger with a hint of challenge she can’t help but feel the hairs stand up on her neck. Sooyoung smiles back and gets down ready to take whatever Jinsoul gives her.

And boy does she give it to her. This is probably the hardest scrimmage Sooyoung has ever had. She’s never seen Jinsoul go this hard. The girl is aggressive, very aggressive. From how hard she slams onto the ball and the desperation of her digs the other two get their asses handed to them despite being the pairing with the best stats. Jinsoul is trying to prove to everyone that she is the all-star of the team, not Ha Sooyoung. Who was gasping for air since she hasn’t played defense like this in forever.

Damn, maybe I shouldn’t smoke weed this weekend.         

One rally seems to go on forever. Both teams putting everything they got into getting that ball to hit the ground on the opposing side. Sooyoung hears grunts from the blonde when she hits and she’s panting from how much she’s working, usually, she’s quiet when she plays. The weirdest part though is the look she gives Sooyoung after every rally. Something fierce in the way Jinsoul’s nostrils are flared, something passionate about burning behind her eyes.

It scared Sooyoung, seeing a change in Jinsoul’s demeanor. It also gave her adrenaline. She hasn’t had this much fun in a long time. 

Sooyoung is backtracking to get into defense while Jungeun goes up to the net to block. The next thing she knows is that she’s diving towards the ground and she perfectly digs Jinsoul’s attack sending it up to Jungeun. Except for the ball drops and so does Jungeun. Sooyoung doesn’t waste a second sprinting to her teammate when she hears the blood-curdling scream. The girl is face down in the sand holding her knee with one hand while the other pounds down. 

She’s never seen Jungeun show this much emotion. Coach V comes running over with a phone in hand already calling for help. Sooyoung and Jiwoo are the ones to lift Jungeun cringing when she cries out again. The rest of the team follow behind them as they go sit Jungeun in a better area for some medics to arrive. Coach V waves her hand away for them to give the girl some space, they all step back and watch the girl on the bench wailing as their coach talks to her.

Hyunjin comes up to wrap an arm around Sooyoung, they’re all clearly shaken from their teammate’s injury, especially Sooyoung and Jiwoo.  Sooyoung was worried, this was only the beginning of the season, what if Jungeun wasn’t going to be okay? As the girl felt the anxiousness settle within her chest she didn’t notice the soft eyes staring at her back. The same ones that were flaming into her own just moments ago. Hyunjin comforts her as she mouths to Jiwoo that’s going to be okay. Soon enough the medics arrive and carry Jungeun off, with Jiwoo following. Sooyoung’s chest is tight and her mind is whirling with bombarding thoughts.

Coach V rakes a hand through her hair in frustration and dismisses them all, except for her and Jinsoul. Sooyoung freezes at her name and her sister gives her a lingering look before patting her on the back to leave. Sooyoung trudges over, letting her feet drag across the sand hoping that with one step she’ll get stuck and she won’t have to go talk to her coach. 

Unfortunately it doesn’t happen and now she’s standing a couple of feet away from Jinsoul and Coach V. The woman scratches at her head before sadly slumping her shoulders, the pressure of being a college athletes coach must be hard but Coach V has always been pretty strong, Sooyoung has never seen her look weaker than in this moment though. She and Jungeun were the starters, they were the ones that played the most games. And by the way Jungeun was acting, that was no minor injury.

“I’m sure that Jungeun won’t be with us for a while.” Sooyoung nods and remembers the girl next to her when she scoots closers. Sooyoung just takes another step sideways. Coach V narrows her eyes at the both of them, hesitant to what she’s about to say. One scenario is for the both of them to be mature, the other being only one of them being mature, and worst case is them both being stubborn babies. “I need you two to be a pair.” Sooyoung doesn’t flinch but Jinsoul does and that’s what makes her decision.

She can feel Jinsoul’s eyes roll over to her. Sooyoung hates how concerned the girl is right now, “O-okay.” Her voice is quiet and shaky. Jinsoul must have been torn up from the injury too. Then they stare at Sooyoung, who had closed her eyes when Jinsoul spoke, “I…can’t.” Coach V groans and Sooyoung feels a fist drop down on her head.

“But you will because I said so!” Sooyoung rubs at the tub of her head while whining at the scolding. She’s a grown woman, she can make the call if she wants to play or not and she doesn’t want to, when Jungeun can’t. “If Jungeun can’t play then I don’t want to, imagine how she’ll feel to see me still playing while she’s hurt. It’s not fair.” Coach V’s stare softens at that, Sooyoung hates the way she assumes things. After what Jinsoul’s showed today, the energy she had on the nets today. Sooyoung wouldn’t mind playing with her since they were on the same level.

But she didn’t want to play without Jungeun. She didn’t want to play if she couldn’t.

“Sooyoung don’t be so stubborn.” 

“I’m not I’m trying to be respectful.” 

They both are going head to head, Sooyoung and Coach V always didn’t agree on things and often they argued. Coach V getting pissed when things didn’t go her way and Sooyoung making sure that things never went her way. Sooyoung could admit she was annoying, just like she was right now. But their little spout is interrupted by a softer voice, “why don’t you play for her?” 

Sooyoung turns to the blonde and watches as eyes that were glued to the side of her head jerk down to the sand. She watches as the blonde nervously twists her feet with her hands behind her back, she thinks it might be the cutest thing she’s ever seen. “I don’t know why we’re talking about this while Jungeun is not here.” Jinsoul was right, Jungeun could be one of those people that were like respect my legacy by playing for me or something, and it could embarrass her if Sooyoung were to sit out. As if she was holding the other girl back by getting hurt. 

Coach V nods and puts a hand on the both of them, “If I ask Jungeun what she wants, then you two will do it right?” Sooyoung smiles and Jinsoul only whisper out a yes. As soon as the woman lets go Sooyoung darts off. Jinsoul was going to say something to her by the way was opening and closing like a fish out of water and Sooyoung wasn’t really in the mood to talk to her.  

Grabbing her bag and throwing on a t-shirt she catches up with her sister. Who was waiting for her before they went to the bus stop. Hyunjin is flipping her phone around when she notices Sooyoung and clicks off of it to greet her. “What up Sandy Cheeks?” Sooyoung slaps her head at the name. Her sisters always liked to call her the character do to her teeth and it annoyed her to no end. She regrets the assault because her sister reacts by putting her in a headlock all the way to the bus stop.

Sooyoung sighs in relief when her head is finally free and apologizes to the stronger one. Hyunjin just rolls her eyes and sits on the bench patting it for the older one to sit down. Sooyoung starts to tell her the plan that Coach V had just come up with and her sister tentatively listens. Usually, it was Yerim that she talked about these things with because Hyunjin was too blunt and Hyejoo just straight up zoned her out.

But she needed to let it out right now or she was gonna go crazy, thoughts of Jungeun not being able to play and thoughts of having to play with Jinsoul was making her nerves go haywire. Turning at a pungent smell she gasps when her sister has a whole rotisserie chicken in her lap. She informs Sooyoung that she’s still listening and even offers the chicken to her. Sooyoung accepts and grabs a leg and Hyunjin closes the container. 

Sooyoung devours the leg still talking, “and like I don’t know why she wants me….wow this is so good, I don’t know if Jinsoul and I would be a good pair.”

She goes silent then, she didn’t want to hold Jinsoul back because they couldn’t get along. It was all her fault anyway, why they hated each other. “I think you will be surprised. Jungeun was holding you back you know…she’s not a very good blocker or hitter.” Sooyoung wants to defend her friend but she knows her sister is right. Jungeun did lack in skills that Jinsoul had. The bus soon rolls up and they hop on for the short ride to their home.

Sooyoung wraps her arm around Hyunjin as they walk through the door, meeting warm air and a sweet smell. “We’re home!” Sooyoung hears one welcome back and makes her way to the kitchen while her sister heads upstairs. Throwing her bag down she smiles when she sees her Granma holding her other sister’s hostage at the dining table. “And that’s why I would let Denzel Washington turn me inside out- oh there’s my Soo!” She makes her way across the table receiving a fist bump from Hyejoo a kiss from her Granma and a hug from Yerim.

Her younger sister hugs her a little too long and whispers into her ear, “help us please.” Sooyoung laughs and pushes her off snorting at the fearful expression Yerim is giving her. Turning around she makes her way to the counter where a woman is cutting up some vegetables to stir fry. “Hey, auntie.” Sooyoung receives a smile and a head nudge, “your mom is working late again.” Sooyoung nods her head at the woman’s sad tone and makes her way back to where the stairs were.

Living in a house full of women with only one working shower was a challenge. It was also more of a challenge to feed seven mouths especially when two of them we’re growing girls and two more were athletes. Granma was the oldest, clearly and usually was sat at the kitchen table or recliner talking nonsense. Then her auntie and mom was only a few years apart. Sooyoung was the oldest sibling and then Hyunjin was in the middle preparing to become a college student, while the youngest, the twins were still in High school.

It was a hectic house. But Sooyoung loved every second of it especially when Chaewon would come over and the five of them would pile into the twin's rooms and play games and gossip. Sooyoung liked her home a lot unlike her blonde friend, who always came up with excuses to come over. Closing the door to her and Hyunjin’s room she wipes off the sweat and sand with a towel before throwing herself on the bed.

Looking up at the glow in the dark star stickers on the ceiling that were put up years ago by…someone, she thinks about the day’s events and what comes tomorrow. Sighing out, she first silently hopes that Jungeun is okay, and then she prays she’ll be able to handle Jinsoul at tomorrows practice. She thinks about the tears in the blonde’s eyes earlier today and how nervous she was when standing beside her. Deep down Sooyoung knew they weren’t going to work well together and that thought killed her.

“Goddamn it.” 

Rolling over she shoves her face into a pillow, maybe a quick nap would make her forget about today.

Maybe she would forget about how she’ll always disappoint Jinsoul.

Sooyoung was taking her sweet time eating this apple because as soon as she was done with it she had to start practice. Unfortunately, Jungeun had torn her ACL and would be out for the whole season, and she had begged Coach V to pair Jinsoul and Sooyoung up god only knows why. She knew her former partner would throw her under the bus like that and now she was going to have the worst summer of her life. 

Summers were meant to be fun for Sooyoung, from staying up all night with Chae and her sisters. To playing beach volleyball and leading the university’s dance club. But most of all just finally getting some alone time. Sooyoung loved to smoke something and just roam at night or even during the day, anywhere or everywhere. From the isolated beaches to the city park, to those creepy alleyways with graffiti.  

Her summer was soiled though and the culprit was standing right in front of her blocking the sun. Sooyoung was lounging on the sand with one arm propping her up and the other fiddling with the apple in front of her face. Looking up with one eye open she stares at the site of Jinsoul frowning down on her. Despite the scrunched up features and the way she’s hunched over like an overweight man Sooyoung can’t help but compare her to an angel. Or better yet compare angels to her.

Sooyoung huffs and tosses the apple behind her, she’ll pick it up later but right now she wants to look cool in front of Jinsoul. “Is there something you need Humpty dumpty?” Jinsoul furrows her brows up more and holds a hand above them. “Are you ready to practice?” Jinsoul ignores her insult per usual and just gives her an unamused glare. Sooyoung leans back onto both her hands and takes her time checking Jinsoul out.

She notices the girl is wearing larger track shorts today, wedgie-proof. She still has just a bra on though so Sooyoung lets her gaze linger on a slightly tone tummy. The shorts also take away from Jinsoul’s hips, Sooyoung is pretty out of luck today. Sooyoung however, always wore a sports bikini since that’s what their game outfits were anyways so might as well get used to them. After an ample amount of time going googly eyes on Jinsoul, disappointed the girl is not doing the same to her she shakes her head, “not with you.” 

Jinsoul sighs and brings down her hand to look off into the distance, “do you really hate the thought of playing with me that much?” Sooyoung doesn’t say anything, she just continues to watch how the girl’s jaw clenches. Jinsoul always had a nice side profile. Thinking of nothing she stands up to maneuver around the blonde. She was mostly just going solo today until the scrimmage. She couldn’t stand being around her for that long.

The rest of the practice is her doing exercise drills besides volleyball. Core strength and legs, some arms. She was doing practice blocks on the dummy net when the blonde finally comes to speak with her. She had been practicing with Haseul the whole time, “we’re about to scrimmage and Coach V wants us together.” 

“Duh, I know that dip.” Jinsoul groans but keeps shut. Sooyoung wonders how much it would take to break Jinsoul. To finally push her to the point where she couldn’t take it anymore. Catching her breath she walks over to the nets leaving Jinsoul fuming back at the practice ones. Sooyoung waves at her sister and Jiwoo before getting in position. Jinsoul waddles over clearly pissed as she goes to the back to serve.

Sooyoung doesn’t give her a signal for where she should put the ball, she just picks at her nose. The ball goes flying over and Sooyoung gets ready to block. Her sister jumps up in the air to smack down on it and Sooyoung manages to slow it down for Jinsoul to set it up, only for the ball to go right between her hands. It hits her in the face and bounces down onto the ground. The others stifle their laughs because the blonde is embarrassed by the silly mistake but Sooyoung is dying, even hunched over as she makes fun of Jinsoul.

Picking up the ball she throws it to her sister before commenting, “nice set Jinsnot.” She doesn’t even look at Sooyoung only at the ground as her whole face is red and tears are close to pouring out of her eyes. Sooyoung gets ready to receive the serve and gets down in position. It comes flowing over and she calls out to receive it maneuvering her arms in place. It’s about to come down until a body and another set of arms bump into her. The ball goes flying off to the side near Coach V who has her face in her hands.

“S-sorry…” Sooyoung rolls her eyes at the quiet voice and turns to the blonde. “Are you deaf? Or is there too much wax in your ears, moron, I obviously called that.” Jinsoul is crying now, silently there are tears falling down her face and Sooyoung’s never been so annoyed. This was exactly the reason she always refused to pair up with Jinsoul.

Jinsoul waves her hands about in a stupid manner, “I know but-.”

“No buts just stay out of my way.” Sooyoung snaps and gets back into defense ignoring the small sniffles. Jinsoul stays out of her way this time and Sooyoung gives her a decent bump but when Jinsoul goes to set it she accidentally sets it straight up. Sooyoung has to change her course and sprint to the middle but even then she can’t even hit it because Jinsoul is frozen right to the spot. Sooyoung pushes her a little before catching the ball since it was coming right towards the blonde’s head.

This time she doesn’t even say anything and curses when she throws the ball under the net. The next serve Jinsoul receives it and Sooyoung gives her a set to the outside. Everything looks good except for the finish. Since the ball goes into the net. Sooyoung is so frustrated she doesn’t notice how nervous Jinsoul is. The scrimmage continues to be a disaster with every set going opposite directions and attacks going out of bounds and into nets. Sooyoung has almost had enough.

She’s kept shut from the beginning. But it’s too much when Sooyoung goes up to block when Jinsoul does too. They bump into each other and Sooyoung falls down to the ground. She spots her sister in shock. Jinsoul holds a hand out to her for support but Sooyoung slaps it away and stands up getting right in the girl’s face. She’s definitely had enough at this point.

This isn’t just Sooyoung being mean, this is Sooyoung being actually pissed because how can someone be so, “Stupid! You are so ing stupid Jinsoul!” This is the first time in years she’s said the girl’s name without some rude play on it. “How can you take the simplest of directions and still up!” Sooyoung is referring to the stay out my way part, since the entire time Jinsoul has blocked her path somehow. 

Everyone is watching as she continues to belittle Jinsoul. Grabbing the ball she puts it right in Jinsoul’s face, “look idiot it’s simple you hit this not me…now is that so hard?” Throwing the ball down she bends down to look into Jinsoul’s eyes which are bloodshot. “Is that so ing hard Jinsoul?” The blonde keeps her gaze on the ground. “No.”

“Apparently it is! Since you can’t seem to do it! I thought you were good at this game but really you just don’t you?” Jinsoul’s face is contorting into anger but Sooyoung doesn’t care because she’s just as angry. She’s angry that Jungeun is hurt and she has no one to play with. She’s angry because Jinsoul is not playing like she did yesterday.

She’s angry because she knows her and Jinsoul will never work out. As a pair, as teammates, as anything.

Not even simply as friends.

“Maybe you just don’t give a .” Jinsoul’s eyes finally meet her own and there’s something there that Sooyoung can’t figure out. She knew Jinsoul, she knew what her eyes meant most of the time but right now she’s never seen this. “You don’t give a about this team or about Jungeun.” Jinsoul is breathing hard now and Sooyoung stands up to look her straight into her eyes. “I do care Sooyoung.” 

“No you don’t, or you would playing without your head stuck up your . Face it Jinsoul, you’re not a team player, you’ve always played for yourself!” Jung Jinsoul never played for the team and today and yesterday proved it. Yesterday she played hard just to get back at Sooyoung, today she was too scared of playing because of Sooyoung. She was only worried about herself. 

The team is watching them in silence and Coach V has her fingers split open to observe the exchange. Sooyoung stares at the now sobbing blonde, she doesn’t feel nauseous this time, she’s completely void of any feeling. What she doesn’t expect is the fist flying towards her face, right into her nose. She falls back onto the sand holding her nose that’s squirting out blood, “you’re the selfish one Sooyoung!”

About to get up and stop Jinsoul the blonde crawls on top of her and starts to pound her fists into Sooyoung’s face. The girl could only defend herself by shielding it with her arms. There’s blood flowing into and she can’t breathe. The metallic seeping onto her taste buds.  Whenever she looked at Jinsoul, the bitter taste of wild strawberries invaded .

But from now on when she would look at the blonde, all she would be reminded of was today, and how the blood had a stronger taste than the fruit.

Her ears are ringing but she can still hear her teammates yelling, trying to pull the raging girl of off Sooyoung. She doesn’t move though and lets Jinsoul take out her anger on her. Sooyoung knows she’s broken her. The girl finally pushed Jinsoul to her limits. And this was the consequence. A broken nose, a mouth full of blood and a swollen cheek. And all Sooyoung could think of.

Is how she deserved every hit.


If you have any expectations for this…then don’t 

Jinsoul and Yves are complicated characters and maybe you’ll dislike them, especially Jinsoul after a few chapters. But for now just enjoy this little introduction! Anyways goodbye and hope you enjoy :D XOXO

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Is there any continuation for this fic? Do i hv to live my whole live knowing that jinsoul were tear apart from yves bc of mrs jung evil plan? author nim plssssssssssssssssssss continue this fic. I NEED A CLOSURE PLS!!! I SPENT MY WHOLE WEEK JUST TO FINISH THIS FIC BUT I DONT EXPECT THIS KIND OF ENDING
d3skitsjustadesk #2
Chapter 31: Is this the end or??
locksmith-soshi #3
Chapter 31: hahahahaha hahahahaha TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT
Jinves #4
Binged this masterpiece in 2 days. So angsty and frustrating... LOVE IT.

- Totally did not see the storyline between Sooyoung and Jinsoul's parents coming. Good reminder that there are toxic losers out there that just want to watch the world burn. Gotta avoid ppl like Kwon, Mrs J, and Doyeon. Can't forget that crazy drug dealer too.
- I don't know who's a bigger - Haseul or Doyeon... Of course Mrs. Jung takes the cake as numero uno, but I'd love a happy ending where Haseul and Doyeon somehow end up getting shipped off to Japan and married to some old fat billionaire.
- 2jin hilarious.
- Chuulip is great too. I'm 50/50 on Coach Vivi.
- Chaewon as a supporting role is amazinggggg. A total bad in her own right.
- Love the family dynamic between Yerim and Olivia within the family. Not to mention how the Aunt and Grandma help out the singer mother.
- For some reason I kept thinking Nana, Jackson, Lucas, Yeri, and Joy were going to redeem themselves somehow. Maybe they still can?
- Never really got into fanfics before, but Yvesoul are my biases and I love a good every now and then. Hands down the best I've read so far.

PS - I also binged Blue Betta, Blue Betta remix. I made an account just to leave this comment. You're an awesome writer. I wish you nothing, but good health and happiness. Whether or not this story gets updated, I'm thankful for the 300,000+ words I've read this past week. It's got me back into reading after watching too much TV/movies during quarantine. Thank you!
justme09 #5
Chapter 29: well ouch. just ing ouch. i like angst but damn, this just made me freaking cry. the breaking of my heaet– I hear it! thank youuuuuuuuuu soooooo muchhhhhhh for always writing with sooooo much emotion. thank you! keep safe :)
cchoteyung #6
Chapter 28: mrs jung lmao and poor sooyoung she so sensitive... :( i love the character development throughout the story
justme09 #7
Chapter 28: It would. And I'll be sticking in here till it's over. The emotional ride this has been? Goddd, I would love to prolong it moreeee. But man am I scared shtless. Mrs. Jung. KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK. Sht. Kwon sht, should've spoken earlier *deep sighs* thank you, as always, for writing these. I love your stories, I hope you have millions of passion to continue writing so ? thank you againnnnnnn.

But man, Mrs. Jung is evil as . Papa Jung, where are you??
Chapter 27: ohmygodi'mscared, these two seconds of yvesoul happiness where too shorttt. And please, don't cut some of the story! Even if it's long that is one of the things that makes this special. amazing work as always! ily!