
Sakura Fever



" Nah Nah Sakura!! "

The three things happen almost in unison. And the next thing she knows is that the soup ia poured  to her almost colorless shirt. Her chest is wet with the soup which is not that hot and the bowl which is now broken into pieces as it is thrown towards the wall.

" Wh- Wh- What am I doing wrong? "

Sakura asks and Hitomi frowns.

" What did you do wrong? You dare to ask me back? "

" No. NO. I am just- "

Sakura seems so afraid of her stepsister and all her words are lost.

" What is happening here? "

Another sister enters the brand new noodle shop and she asks. She is wearing clothes like she is coming back from a party.

" Onni-chan, this baka Sakura doesn't want to treat me good! "

Hitomi pouts and she tells her sister about Sakura. Sakura widens her eyes and she tries to explain.

" No, Nako-chan. It's not like this. Please believe me."

" Nani? "

Hitomi asks and she stands up from her chair.

" Now you are trying to say that I am lying? "

" I- I- I didn't mean like this. I am just trying to explain."

" Shut up!!! "

Nako shouts and she moves closer to Sakura as the poor girl is now pushing her back against the wall.

" Don't try to talk back to my Hii-chan."

She shouts and Sakura doesn't dare to say even a word anymore.

" You are brave today as you don't have good lessons these days? Huh? "

Poor Sakura is shaking her head and begging with the puppy eyes.

" No. No. Nako-chan. Please."

At that time, the door suddenly opens and a woman of around 40, enters, glaring three of them with flaming eyes.


" Okaa-san, we are sorry. We are just playing."

" What! This is a new shop and we haven't opened yet! See. You just broke my bowl and make dirty on the floor."

The three girls are now shaking, knowing their mistake. Being the eldest one, Sakura dares to speak to the furious mother.

" Okaa-san, as you know, my dream is to become the voice actress in Anime. And I am going to attend the final year of high school. After that, i want to follow my dream. So, I ask Nako-chan and Hii-chan for help to practise. Gomen-nasai! "

" We are sorry!!!!!! "

The three girls said in unison as they are now bowing 90°. The woman sighs as she knows she can't be mad at them for long. They are her daughters.

" Okay. I'll let you pass this time. Now, clean the shop and no more mess again. I have to go to supermarket for a few minutes. I want to see the clean and tidy shop when I come back. Alright? "

" Hai!!! "

Miyawaki Sakura is the stepdaughter of this woman. Sakura's father remarried when she was 8. The stepmother has two daughters named Nako Yabuki amd Hitomi Yabuki. The mother is a good woman and she looks after Sakura as her own daughter. Even after Sakura's father death three years ago.

Their mother met a Korean man last year. He seems to good to her and the three girls let their mother follow her love again. So, she married to Mr.Kim and the family had to move to Seoul.

The mother decided to run a Japan style noodle shop and they are helping their mother before their school reopen next month.

" Can we come in? "

The three sisters look at the door and found two girls, wntering the shop.

" The shop has not opened yet."

" Hmm. You are not a Korean."

" Yes. Sorry for my poor accent. We are currently learning Korean. So- Gomen! "

" Nae. It's ok. Ah, by the way, we came here for the job application. We found that you need two waiters so- Here, our CV forms."

Sakura takes the forms from her hand and she reads their names.

" Kwon-Eunbi. Jo-Yuri. Okay. Nice to meet you. I am Miyawaki Sakura. They are my sisters."

" Yes. I am Nako Yabuki. And this is Hitomi Yabuki."

" Nae. Nice to meet you too."

Sakura smiles and she puts the forms on the counter. She then gives the broomstick in her hand to Eunbi.

" You are working starting from today. Clean the shop."

" What? "

" You are our waitresses now. Go on. Go on."

Hitomi follows Sakura leads and the two Korean girls start to clean the shop awkwardly. Nako pushes Sakura and Hitomi to the kitchen and the three of them laugh together.

" HaHa. That's so funny and we are so lucky."

" Yeah. By the way, the Korean girls are so beautiful."

" Yes. They are so cute."

" I wonder what kinds of girls we will meet at school. I think they all will be beautiful and cute. Unlike us. They will make fun of me as my legs are so short."

" Nah. Nako-chan. It's not like this. You are beautiful. You are cute. That's all you need. You are perfect in my eyes."

Sakura said and Nako smiles. She then claps and says excitingly.

" I have bought a new make-up set. Wanna try? "

" Yes! "

" No. I want to take rest."

Sakura said and the Yabuki sisters up to Nako's room upstair. Sakura also comes back to her room amd she lies down on the bed.

She is thinking that her life is not that much unlucky. She has lost both of her parents but the stepmother is good to her. The stepsisters became her best friends. 

" But I am a Japanese girl and now I have to go to Korean school. What if they will laugh at my wrong pronunciation words? What if they will laugh at my not-so-cool fashions? Pheww. I don't want to go to school."

Sakura is thinking and she is now looking outside from the little window of her room.

" i wish I can find a Prince saving me from all the problem at school like in Anime."

She whispers and drags her pillow to hug before she falls asleep. Little did she knows. The God seems to hear her wish.

What if she will meet her Prince? And what if the Prince is not only one? What will she do?


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Ztklinyl #1
Chapter 15: Unexpected things are always happened !!
Ztklinyl #2
Why I feel Chaeyeon and sakura will go date on valentine day! .... my poor kwangbae :'(
VickyWen #4
Chapter 14: Hyewon is so cute .... I can't resist her cute romance ^^
ILS1020 #5
Chapter 13: Hoping for hyekura
violentsushi #6
Eunsaku ftw. ;)