Chapter 3

A Hunter's Secret

It would be a few weeks before Kangmin had a chance to come out to someone else, as Taeseon, Hayoung and Jihun were sent out on missions and it didn't look like anyone else was returning anytime soon. Kangmin mostly hung out with the pack, hating being alone. He found himself in the company of Jungwoo most of the time, when he wasn't at work anyway.

"Why not just move in if they're gone so much?" Asked Changkhyun as he opened the door to find Kangmin standing there with a bag slung over his shoulder. "It's only for tonight, someone should be back tomorrow," said Kangmin. Changkhyun sighed, nodding and letting him in. Kangmin walked into the house, putting his bag on the couch before sitting on the couch with a sigh.

"You're here again?" Asked Youngjae as he walked out of the kitchen. "Yeah," said Kangmin. "Sorry for being clingy," he said. "It's okay," said Changkhyun. "It's hard to be alone for most of the year when you're used to being with someone," he said. "I think it's a werewolf thing," said Kangmin. "The need to be near the pack anyway," he added.

"I guess you can be in Jungwoo's room for the night," said Changkhyun. "Okay," said Kangmin. "I think the kids will be back tomorrow or tonight," said Youngjae. "Ah, Hohyeon and Jeongin? I thought they were studying for midterms," said Changkhyun. "Hohyeon wanted to see me, and Jeongin ended up agreeing to come over for the weekend," said Kangmin as he shrugged.

"Where's everyone else?" He asked. "Missions, the usual," said Changkhyun. "Though Hyunjin, Hobi and Doyoung are around somewhere, I think they went to get Jeno and Jungwoo from work," he said. "Jungkook went out on a mission? That's rare," remarked Kangmin. "Well, he only went because Jeno said it was okay for him to," said Changkhyun as he scratched the back of his head. "He ended up going with Jooheon," he said. "I see," said Kangmin.

"Cory, Sunggyu and Jisung out too?" He asked. "Yeah," said Changkhyun as he scratched the back of his head. "Well, that's fine," said Kangmin as he scratched the back of his head. "I was just making sure, because I don't want to take an occupied bed so," he said, shrugging. "I'm just a guest, technically speaking so," he added.

"Don't think that," said Changkhyun. "You're a part of this pack, even if there's a bed occupied we have other places for you to sleep, not just the couch," he said. "Sorry," said Kangmin. “It’s okay,” said Changkhyun. “You’re not used to how packs work it’s okay,” he said. "Well, that and I'm not used to being babied, if that makes any sense," said Kangmin. "It does," said Changkhyun. "You grew up too soon, it's understandable," he said. Kangmin scratched the back of his head.

When Hyunjin and the others returned with Jeno and Jungwoo Kangmin was helping Youngjae with dinner while Changkhyun was doing something in his room.

"Welcome back guys," said Kangmin as Hyunjin walked into the kitchen. "Hey," said Hyunjin. "Dinner should be ready in a bit," said Youngjae as he went to the stove to check on dinner. "Hoseok, go get Changkhyun," he called into the livingroom. Hoseok went to do so, coming back into the kitchen with Changkhyun following behind him.

Everyone sat around the kitchen table making small talk and enjoying everyone's company. Mostly everyone was doing their best to make the atmosphere cheery for Kangmin who seemed to be in his own thoughts that evening.

After dinner the door opened and Hohyeon and Jeongin yelled that they were home. "Hey guys," said Kangmin as he walked out of the kitchen. "Did we miss dinner?" Asked Jeongin. "Yep," said Kangmin as he scratched the back of his head. "Well damn it," said Hohyeon. "I told you we should've left earlier," he said. "We saved some food for you so go get it," said Kangmin.

Hohyeon and Jeongin ran into the kitchen to get their dinner and Kangmin chuckled some, shaking his head before heading out the back door to go to the lake, shouting that he was heading to the lake. Once there he dropped off flowers at the graveyard before going to sit on the boulder and be in his thoughts before someone decided to join him.

Hohyeon and Jeongin joined him an hour later, going to pay their respects before going to join Kangmin on the boulder. "It's good to be back here again," said Hohyeon as he leaned back on his hands. "Yeah," said Jeongin. Kangmin hummed in agreement.

"You know, Jihun finally asked me why we come out here so much when it was Jisung's thing," said Kangmin as he chuckled some. Hohyeon laughs. "They don't really understand it do they?" He asked. "I guess not," said Kangmin as he shook his head. "We made a promise to come out here while he was gone, I guess they still didn't get the message," he said. "I don't think we should stop, even when he comes back," said Jeongin. "We gotta continue the tradition, now with him again," he said. A comfortable silence filled the clearing for a while, the three friends just enjoying each other's company.

"We've come a long way," said Kangmin. "We have," said Jeongin. "Yeah," said Hohyeon. "I still can't believe we made it to top team so quickly," said Kangmin. "We were only second year hunters right? When we got it," said Hohyeon. "Yeah," said Kangmin. "That's quite the burden for you guys to carry," said Jeongin.

"Not all burdens are as big as some people's though," said Kangmin. "You're a newly turned werewolf, yeah," said Hohyeon. "Must be hard to keep your temper in check sometimes," he said. "I haven't had much problem with it, honestly," said Kangmin. "Then again no one has really tried to provoke me," he said. Hohyeon and Jeongin nod.

"I carry another burden though," said Kangmin as he looked out at the water. "Eh?" Asked Jeongin. "You're not dying are you?" Asked Hohyeon. "Um, no," said Kangmin as he scratched the back of his head. "I guess I can see why you came to that conclusion quickly but," he said, laughing awkwardly as he shook his head.

"Then what's the big secret?" Asked Jeongin. "Well," said Kangmin. "I'm not like everyone else," he said. "How so?" Asked Hohyeon. "Before I tell you," said Kangmin. "Can you promise me one thing?" He asked. "Sure," said Jeongin. Hohyeon nodded in agreement. "Don't tell the others in the team yet?" Asked Kangmin. "I want to tell them myself," he said. "The pack already knows," he added. "Well, except Kihyun since he's not back yet but," he said, shrugging. "I just hope you accept me like they have, after telling you this," he said. "Okay," said Hohyeon. Jeongin nodded in agreement. "We'll keep quiet, besides we'll be busy with school anyway," he said. "Right, it's your last year right?" Asked Kangmin. "Yeah," said Jeongin. "Good luck then," said Kangmin.

"Well, back to the main topic," said Hohyeon. "What was it that you wanted to talk about?" He asked. "Well," said Kangmin. "I'm not normal when it comes to my... Preferences?" He asked. "Like finding a mate?" Asked Jeongin. "Or a boyfriend/girlfriend in human terms?" He added. Kangmin nodded.

"Ah," said Hohyeon. "I remember Kino saying something about this," he said. "He couldn't figure out what you were into, I guess," he said. "But he told me that you'd tell us eventually," he said. "You remember something that happened like 3-4 years ago?" Asked Jeongin. "And yet you don't remember your assignments from yesterday? The hell?" He asked. "Oi," said Hohyeon. "I can remember some parts from the assignments, but I have selective memory, or whatever," he said.

"I think I'm into guys and girls," said Kangmin. "But," he added. "I'm aromantic," he said. "So you're biual, but you don't feel a desire to form romantic relationships?" Asked Jeongin. Kangmin nodded. "Well, it's more like I don't want to be in any sort of relationship at all, except platonic ones," he said. "I see," said Hohyeon. "So you're not sure if you're into guys or girls, because you don't feel a desire to be in a relationship with anyone?" He asked. Kangmin nodded.

"I'm okay with this," said Hohyeon. "Me too," said Jeongin. "I can't believe it took you that long to tell us though," said Hohyeon. "I was sure you were into at least one of us," he said. Kangmin chuckled some. "No," he said. "But, at least you know that I was oblivious to your advances for a reason now," he said. "I guess," said Hohyeon.

"We should get back to the house then," said Kangmin as he got up, stretching and hopping down from the boulder. Hohyeon and Jeongin hopped down and they headed back to the house.

"How'd it go?" Asked Jungwoo when Kangmin entered the room. "They accepted it," said Kangmin. "I was relieved to be honest," he said. "Well yeah, they're your best friends," said Jungwoo. "It'd be stupid for them to not accept you for what you are," he said. Kangmin nodded and went to take a shower before coming back and going to see if Chan or Kino were available. "Can I be in the call this time?" Asked Jungwoo. "Sure," said Kangmin as he went to sit beside Jungwoo with his laptop in his lap.

When they both got back to him saying they were available Kangmin started the call. "Sorry to bother the both of you this late but," said Kangmin as he scratched the back of his head. "It's fine," said Kino as he sat down at the desk. "It's not too late here, I'm only like an hour ahead," he said. "I was up watching a movie with the guys anyway," said Chan. "I was about to go to sleep," he said.

"So who's this?" Asked Chan. "I'm Jungwoo, I'm with the pack next door," said Jungwoo. "Ah, I see," said Kino. "I remember you, your brother is Jaemin right?" He asked. Jungwoo nodded. "I haven't been able to talk to him much but," he said, shrugging.

"Who'd you talk to?" Asked Kino. "Jeongin and Hohyeon," said Kangmin. "Jeongin was the only person other than Kihyun from the pack next door to not know so I had to tell him too," he said. "How'd that go?" Asked Chan. "They accepted it," said Kangmin. "I tried to hint to Hohyeon about it but I guess he didn't get it til now eh?" Asked Kino as he chuckled some. Kangmin laughs. "I guess," he said.

"Now there's 7 people left," said Chan. "Who are you coming out to next?" He asked. "I don't know," said Kangmin. "Depends on who comes back from missions first I guess," he said. "Well your American team is in Detroit I think, Taehyun mentioned that they were coming from Detroit so," said Kino. "To Chicago?" Asked Kangmin. Kino nodded. "Okay," said Kangmin. "Good luck then, we'll let you sleep Chan," said Kino. "Yeah, goodnight," said Chan. "Goodnight," said Kangmin before he hung up.

"That went well," said Jungwoo. "I'm not surprised," said Kangmin. "Though I wouldn't put it passed them to come storming over if someone from the team doesn't accept me," he said. "Well, let's get to sleep then," he said, getting up and going to the other bed with his laptop. "Goodnight," said Jungwoo as he nodded. "Goodnight," said Kangmin.

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Chapter 3: This needs more attention wtf it's so good
Chapter 19: Its the end :(
Chapter 17: Yeayyy new chapterrrrrr
Chapter 9: Its so good!! Good job ♡
Chapter 7: So good!! ♡