Chapter 9

A Hunter's Secret

The American team returned with Chan and Jinwoo, and Kino and Chan finally got to meet in person. "You're more different in person than I thought," said Chan. "I say the same thing," said Kino as he scratched the back of his head. "We'll get along I hope," said Chan. "We will, we're friends with Kangmin after all," Kino said with a chuckle, earning a slap on the shoulder from Kangmin. "Oi," said Kangmin as he pouted.

"Behave Jinwoo," said Chan as Jinwoo looked around the house. "I'm behaving," said Jinwoo as he shrugged. "I'm just checking out the place, it's out of habit," he said. "That's just your excuse for looking for trouble," Kangmin said with a teasing grin. "Oi!" Said Jinwoo as he lightly punched Kangmin in the shoulder. "Don't tell them that! It'll ruin my reputation!" He said, causing everyone to laugh.

"Welcome back Siwoo, Hakmin," said Kangmin as Siwoo and Hakmin entered the livingroom after they unpacked. "Hey Kangmin," said Hakmin. Siwoo nodded in greeting. "The European team was leaving Berlin when we left," said Jinwoo as he scratched the back of his head. "So they should be here within a few days, if they feel like coming back this soon anyway," he said.

"So what brings you along Jinwoo?" Asked Hakmin. "He's here because I asked Chan and Kino to be here for when Taeseon gets back and I eventually get to telling him and Hayoung," said Kangmin. "It involved a hunter so," said Jinwoo as he shrugged. "I see," said Hakmin. "Everyone knows by this point right?" Asked Siwoo. Kangmin nodded. "Except Hayoung and Taeseon," he said.

"What do you think about it then?" Asked Hakmin as he looked at Chan and Kino. "Well," said Kino as he shrugged. "The fact that you guys are keeping judgement until Taeseon says something shows how much you trust Kangmin," he said. "Not that it's a bad thing," he said. "Kangmin's a good kid," said Chan.

"You've become close with Kangmin," said Hakmin. "Well," said Kangmin. "Kino's like me, and Chan was going to be a doctor like I was going to be so," he said, shrugging. "I have my mate," said Kino as he deadpanned. "And Jinwoo is my mate," said Chan. "We're just friends," he said.

"And up until today Chan and I never met in person," said Kino. "We've heard of each other, through Kangmin and others," he said. "We've chatted through video calls but it's different, meeting in person," he said.

"So what's your first impression of me?" Asked Chan as he turned to Kino. "Hm," said Kino as he tilted his head to the side. "You're as energetic as Kangmin, you were meant to be a werewolf hunter, and you're a medic of some sorts," he said. "Nailed it," said Chan. "But I never became a werewolf hunter," he said. "So sure," he said. "I am considered the medic, and no, I'm not as hyper as Kangmin can be," he said, laughing some.

"What's your first impressions of me?" Asked Kino. "Well," said Chan as he tilted his head to the side. "You're suffering," he started. "But you're hiding it well," he said. "Your pride is keeping you from asking for some sort of help that might end it," he said. "You're perceptive as hell, and I think that's it," he said. Kino tilted his head to the side. "Spot on," he said, scratching the back of his head. Chan scratched the back of his head. "I mean, I am a tracker too, but I'm more needed as a medic in the pack," he said.

"Come on," said Kangmin. "It's my turn to make dinner and I'm going to go crazy if I'm doing it alone with all the people in the house," he said, grabbing Chan and Kino and dragging them into the kitchen.



When Taeseon, Jihun and Hayoung got back to the house a few days later Kino was starting to transition into the bad days. Kino would push through it, needing to be there for Kangmin through the last two people in his team. Kangmin told Kino not to worry about it, but he also had Chan keep an eye on him, when Shinwon wasn't by his side anyway.

"I think I can manage talking to Hayoung by myself," said Kangmin as he sat in his room with Kino and Chan. "Just focus on trying to stay strong alright?" He asked. "If something goes wrong, you can bet my life that I will go and tear him apart," growled Kino. "He just gives off some standoffish vibe and I already don't like him," he spat.

"Just be careful," said Chan as he looked at Kangmin. "He's your leader's right hand man right? Something doesn't seem right about him," he said. Kangmin nodded. "I'll be careful," he said.

"Chan," said Jinwoo as he opened the door. "What's up?" Asked Chan as he looked at Jinwoo. "The pack next door wants to meet you, so they don't think you're a lone wolf or anything," said Jinwoo. "Ah, right I'll be right over," said Chan as he got up. "Going to be okay by yourselves?" He asked, turning to Kino and Kangmin. "Yeah, no worries," said Kangmin. "I'll be alright," said Kino. "Shinwon's downstairs if I need him," he said. Chan nodded and left with Jinwoo.

"Kangmin!" Said Hohyeon as he entered the room. "Hey Hohyeon," said Kangmin as Hohyeon tackled him. "I passed my exams!" Said Hohyeon. "Yay!" Said Kangmin as he grinned. "So did Jeongin! One more semester to go!" Said Hohyeon. Kino chuckled from his spot on Hohyeon's bed. "Congrats kid," he said. "Thank you," said Hohyeon. "Hey Kino," he said, grinning as he turned to Kino. "Hello," said Kino as he scratched the back of his head. 

"So how'd everything go?" Asked Hohyeon. Kangmin explained what had happened with the others. "Ah, Hayoung next huh?" Asked Hohyeon as he tilted his head to the side. "Well, we'll see what happens I guess," he said. Kangmin hummed in response as he nodded. "We'll be sharing beds again huh?" Asked Hohyeon. "Unless you're spending the night with the pack," he said. "No," said Kangmin. "I guess we're sharing beds tonight," he said.

After dinner Kangmin dressed warm, noticing how cold it was getting and invited Hayoung along for the evening trip out to the lake. To say that Kangmin was nervous was an understatement. He was nervous as all hell. This was Hayoung, Taeseon's right hand man, or beta as Chan had put it.

"How was missions?" Asked Kangmin as they went to sit by the shore. "It went okay," said Hayoung. "It's good to be home though," he said. "Yeah," said Kangmin.

"So," said Hayoung. "Hm?" Asked Kangmin. "Are you seeing anyone right now?" He asked. "Everyone has asked me that by now," said Kangmin as he scratched the back of his head. "But no, I'm not seeing anyone," he said.

"Hm," said Hayoung. "You're not gay are you?" He asked. "I don't know what I am," said Kangmin. "I just don't feel the need to be in those kinds of relationships," he said.

"So Jihun was right then," said Hayoung. "He told you?" Asked Kangmin. "Might've let it slip on accident," said Hayoung. "He was reminiscing about the team on our way back but Taeseon didn't hear it," he said. "Oh," said Kangmin as he let out a relieved breath.

"It doesn't mean that I'm for it," said Hayoung. "What?" Asked Kangmin. "I'm going to try and break you free of whatever the hell this is," said Hayoung as he brought out a syringe and stabbed Kangmin in the arm with it. "W-what?" Asked Kangmin as he felt himself start to fade into unconsciousness. "Shhh... Just let me fix you," was the last thing Kangmin heard before his mind went blank.

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Chapter 3: This needs more attention wtf it's so good
Chapter 19: Its the end :(
Chapter 17: Yeayyy new chapterrrrrr
Chapter 9: Its so good!! Good job ♡
Chapter 7: So good!! ♡