Chapter 14

A Hunter's Secret

Taehyun had told Yedam what he had told Kangmin, to make sure he knew of any visitors before they showed up. It wasn't like he minded visitors, it was quite the opposite, but Yoonsan was the most temperamental out of all of them. Timotheo and Junhyuk didn't mind having Kangmin around but Yedam being around set everyone off. No one was used to his presence.

"Why is everyone so afraid of you?" Asked Kangmin. "I don't know," said Yedam. "I think it's because of the fact that I'm the first werewolf," he said. "I do give off that kind of vibe," he said. "I must be the only person in the world who doesn't think that," said Kangmin. "Well, werewolves, turned or pure bloods, in general are more calm around me," said Yedam. I bring a calming presence within a pack," he said.

"So when do you want to start the meditating?" Asked Yedam as he tilted his head to the side. "Tonight," said Kangmin. "I want to finally be able to be in touch with my wolf again," he said. "I don't want to get used to that silence, it's a constant reminder that I'll most likely end up alone," he said.

"Oi," said Yedam. "Don't ever think that," he said. "You are never alone in this world, got it?" He asked. "You have more people that are here for you than you think," he said. Kangmin hummed in response.

"But," said Yedam. "I understand the way you think," he said. "I haven't led a pack in who knows how long," he said. "The only person I have left is myself, and my wolf," he said. "Is there anyone else from your first pack still alive?" Asked Kangmin. "One person," said Yedam. "But I haven't been in contact with them for years now," he said. "The only person who knows they're still alive is Moonbin, who gets emails from them every few months," he said. "He of course forwards the emails to me after seeing if there's a message for me but," he said, shrugging. "Lately there hasn't been anything for me so I'm out of contact with them," he said.

"Couldn't you just contact that email?" Asked Kangmin. "I tried once," said Yedam. "But they said not to contact them anymore," he said. "To keep the emails between them and Moonbin," he added. "Hm," said Kangmin.

"Oi," said Junhyuk as he knocked on the door. "Unexpected visitor again," he called. "How many times do I have to say that if they're unexpected I don't know they're coming either?" Asked Kangmin as he went to open the door to see Junhyuk standing there with someone new. "I honestly didn't expect anyone either," said Yedam as he came to the door. "Oh, Mashiho," he said. "What brings you here?" He asked.

"I did say that I'd come over, I even let Taehyun know," said Mashiho as he scratched the back of his head. "But I guess no one checks their emails," he said. "And I'm here because Taeseon thinks he can get back permission to enter Detroit," he said. "With an apology at that," he added.

"No," said Kangmin. "A formal apology won't due for something like this," he said. "Who are you anyway?" He asked. "I'm the top dog of the vampire hunting association, Mashiho," said Mashiho. "That would explain why you're here," said Junhyuk. "Who's faction are you in?" He asked. "My own," said Mashiho. "I'll let Taehyun know you're here then," said Junhyuk. Mashiho nodded and Junhyuk left.

"So why would a vampire be running the vampire hunting association?" Asked Kangmin. "The same reason the werewolf hunting association would be run by a werewolf," said Yedam.

"Also," said Kangmin. "Why do they think they can get me to let them take missions in Detroit again when it's not my call on it?" He asked. "Taehyun owns the territory," he said. "He thinks getting on your good side will give him a chance to talk to Taehyun," said Mashiho.

"No offense to Taehyun but," said Kangmin. "He has no vampire hunters in his pack," he said. "He never gave me the offer of joining his pack, I'm just here until he decides to kick me out," he said. "But I'm also working until I can move out," he said. "As much as I appreciate him letting me stay around I know it's not permanent," he said.

"So erm," said Kangmin. "What do you... Hunt?" He asked. "Me? Animals," said Mashiho. "I used to hunt humans, but since I have a reputation to keep as the top dog in the vampire hunting association, I changed my diet," he said.

"Is there a difference between being top dog and top vampire hunting team?" Asked Kangmin. "What kind of question is that?" Asked Mashiho. "All vampire hunters answer to me, I run the association," he said. "However," he added. "I don't interfere when a new top team gets announced," he said. "I leave that to the factions to decide," he said. "All of the more famous factions, like Chanyeol's, Yongguk's, Kyuhyun's and Nickhun's factions, are branched down from my own," he said. "I let them decide the next top team," he said.

"I think the current top team is not as good now since what happened," said Yedam as he walked over with some food. "I'm reconsidering stepping in and choosing the next top team myself," said Mashiho. "That decision put a thorn in my side and I don't even want to deal with those consequences," he said.

"Don't punish everyone," said Kangmin. "It was Taeseon and Hayoung that were really against it, those who weren't on my side only went to Taeseon because they waited on his decision," he said. "Unfortunately, that isn't my call," said Mashiho. "I can recommend not doing anything serious, however those who weren't really in the wrong would have to leave Taeseon's faction and team to not get punished as severely as Taeseon and Hayoung," he said.

"Could I make my own faction and invite the others?" Asked Kangmin. "It's possible," said Mashiho. "But even then they'd have to agree to joining your faction," he said. Kangmin hummed in response.

"Well," said Yedam. "Let's get to meditating then," he said. Kangmin nodded and went to sit and relax, closing his eyes. "Just listen to the sound of my voice," said Yedam before walking Kangmin through to get to a point where he was in his mindscape.

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Chapter 3: This needs more attention wtf it's so good
Chapter 19: Its the end :(
Chapter 17: Yeayyy new chapterrrrrr
Chapter 9: Its so good!! Good job ♡
Chapter 7: So good!! ♡