Chapter 2

A Hunter's Secret

The first person for Kangmin to come out to happened to be the oldest in the team himself, Jihun. Jihun had dragged Kangmin out shopping, saying he needed to get out of the house more. Kangmin only relented when he was allowed to bring someone from the pack next door with him, and after asking, Jungwoo had come with them. With Kangmin's permission Jeno told the pack, and everyone had agreed to help him. Granted, the only people in the pack that didn't know of Kangmin's preferences were Kihyun who hadn't returned from his trip with Jisung yet and Jeongin, who was busy with school.

"I'll need to be dropped off at work a bit later but," said Jungwoo as he sat in the backseat with Kangmin in the passenger seat as Jihun drove. "That's alright, what time do you need to work?" Asked Jihun. "Three," said Jungwoo. "It's 10 am, yeah we got a few hours," said Jihun. "We won't go far then," he said. "I work at the shopping center, we can go hang out there," said Jungwoo.

"Actually," said Kangmin. "Can we go to the park near the shopping center?" He asked. "Oh, sure," said Jungwoo. "It's a perfect spot to chill for the morning until lunch time," he said. "I guess," said Jihun as he started driving to the park. Kangmin gave a small smile in relief that they both managed to go with the idea. It was private enough to at least get some alone time for a while and let Kangmin get what he needed to say said.

When they got there Kangmin found a spot under a tree to chill for a bit, sitting against the tree with Jihun and Jungwoo on either side of him. "So what's up? You never asked to bring anyone from the pack next door along before," said Jihun. "It was always you going to the lake with someone from the pack next door," he said. "Ah," said Kangmin as he scratched the back of his head. "I figured why not spend more time with my pack," he said, shrugging. "I'm home too much, and stuff," he said.

"You have been home a lot lately," said Jihun. "When did you last have a mission?" He asked. "A week after I got home," said Kangmin. "Then I got one just a few days ago," he said. "All local," he added. "Been a lot of vampire activity nearby it seems," hummed Jungwoo as he tilted his head to the side. "Well I mean," said Kangmin as he shrugged. "Our Asian team and U.S. team are out at the moment," he said. "Right, it's just Taeseon, Hayoung and I home with you right now," agreed Jihun. "And of course, Hohyeon is finishing school and Jisung and Kihyun are on their way back," he added.

"But," said Kangmin as he sighed. "I'm not Jisung," he said. "As much as I spend most of my days in solitude I don't enjoy it," he said. "That was his thing," agreed Jihun. "But the going out to the lake thing was also always his thing," he said. "Well," said Kangmin. "He did leave it to someone to take over for him while he was out," he said. "Back when we'd be home for the weekend Hohyeon and I always headed out to the lake, even during the summer," he said.

"What do you even do out there?" Asked Jihun. "Talk," said Kangmin as he shrugged. "Most of the time we sat in comfortable silence though," he said. "I think since it was more Jisung's thing and he left it to us it was always us two going out," he said. "Occasionally we'd stop next door to see if Jeongin or someone would join," he said. "Like we're doing now apparently," he added, checking his phone for the time.

"Kangmin," said Jungwoo. "Wasn't there something you wanted to discuss with me?" He asked. "Ah, right," said Kangmin. "How does your kind find their mate?" He asked. "I'd say like anyone else would," said Jungwoo as he shrugged. "Well, I mean like any human would," he added. "But I'm sure you've seen my kind around with other species," he said. "Yeah, with Jaemin and Chani, and Minho and Mingyu," said Kangmin. "Also there's Wonwoo and Dowoon," he added. "Just to name a few," he said.

"What do you think of it?" Jungwoo asked Jihun. "Eh," said Jihun. "I've kept an open mind about it," he said. "I've watched how Jisung and Kihyun's relationship formed for a while before they left on their missions," he said. "I think I'm the only one who was all for their relationship in general but everyone came around to it after Jisung became more outgoing," he said. "He was always the introvert," said Kangmin as he chuckled some.

"So what brought this on?" Asked Jihun. "Well, I wanted to confess something," said Kangmin as he looked down. "I wanted to tell you that I'm not like the others," he said. "Can you promise me something?" He asked. "Of course," said Jihun. “Can you not tell the others what I’m about to tell you?” Asked Kangmin.

“Okay, you’re scaring me a bit here,” said Jihun as he tilted his head to the side. “It’s nothing bad,” said Kangmin. “Well, I hope not anyway,” he added. "I guess it depends on how you react to it," he said. Jihun hummed in response.

"I-I'm aromantic," Kangmin blurted out of the blue, causing Jihun to blink, being caught off guard. "Oh," said Jihun. "Well that explains a lot actually," he said. "Because of the amount of times Jeongin and Hohyeon had tried to flirt with you to no avail," he added, causing Kangmin to chuckle in embarrassment. "Yeah, that fell on deaf ears," mumbled Kangmin, looking away.

"So, what does it mean exactly?" Asked Jihun. "I have no real desire to form romantic relationships," explained Kangmin. "All relationships I'm in are considered platonic, and frankly I'm not really looking to be in one," he said. "I see," said Jihun. "That explains why you never really cared about Jisung and Kihyun coming out," he said.

"Well, it wasn't like that I didn't care," said Kangmin. "It's more like I'm indifferent about it," he said. "I am happy for them, don't get me wrong," he said. "You just don't see yourself in that kind of relationship?" Asked Jihun. Kangmin nodded. "That makes more sense," said Jihun.

"Sorry if it seemed that I was shallow about it," said Kangmin as he scratched the back of his head. "No no," said Jihun. "It's fine," he said. "Now I know the reasoning behind it," he said. Kangmin nodded. "Do you mind me being different?" He asked. "Not at all," said Jihun. "You're still you regardless," he said. Kangmin smiled in relief. "Thank you," he said.

"Well," said Jungwoo as he got up, stretching. "I guess it's time to get lunch," he said. "And you two can go shopping, I'll get someone from the pack to get me after work," he said. They went to the jeep, with Jihun driving over to the shopping center and going to get lunch.

Kangmin felt a sense of relief when Jihun said that he was okay with it. He didn't know what he would do if the oldest was against him for his preferences. He was able to relax more during the day, just spending time with the oldest in their team.

When they got home Kangmin excused himself to his room, immediately going to see if Chan and Kino were available. Kangmin sat at his desk and waited for an answer, browsing the internet for a bit on his laptop. When they both got back saying they were available Kangmin started the call, putting on some headphones to make the conversation more private.

"Who'd you come out to first?" Kino asked as he sat on the bed, putting the laptop on the bed in front of him with Changgu sleeping beside him. "Straight to the point?" Asked Kangmin as he chuckled. "It was Jihun," he said. "The oldest in the team? How'd he take it?" Asked Chan. Kangmin explained what had happened.

"One down, 8 more people to go," said Kino when Kangmin finished explaining. "It's good that the oldest is okay with it, normally that's not the case," said Chan. "Yeah," said Kangmin. "Who are you coming out to next?" Asked Kino. "I don't know yet," said Kangmin. "I guess we'll see what happens," he said. "Just be careful, you don't want to come out to your leader until you're sure that the others have your back," said Kino. "Right," said Kangmin.

After finishing the Skype call Kangmin headed out to the lake after grabbing some food and a drink, going alone to gather his thoughts. He wasn't expecting anyone tonight, having gone with the intention that he was going alone but he wouldn't mind company.

Much to his surprise it was Hyunjin that decided to join him a couple hours later, apparently having just returned from a mission with Hoseok and Doyoung. "I wasn't expecting anyone out here," said Hyunjin as he went to sit next to Kangmin who sat on a blanket near the shore. "Yeah I wasn't either," said Kangmin as he scratched the back of his head. They sat in silence, listening to the sounds of the night and enjoying each other's company.

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Chapter 3: This needs more attention wtf it's so good
Chapter 19: Its the end :(
Chapter 17: Yeayyy new chapterrrrrr
Chapter 9: Its so good!! Good job ♡
Chapter 7: So good!! ♡