Fingers walked in my hand

Strawberries and Cigarettes

Marks POV


My Duckie: Hey, Mork, did you do the Economics homework?

Me: Yeah, why?

My Duckie: Because.

Me: You didn’t do it did you?

My Duckie: You know me so well 😊 Mind if I copy off you?

I breathe a deep sigh. Now, I have to get from laying on my comfy bed. This is the seventh time he hasn’t done the homework.

Me: Remember when I told you the last time I let you copy off me was the last time?

Me: I meant it this time Hyuck. Either do it yourself or your out of luck.

My Duckie: Cmon man! I thought we was friends! I cant ask anyone else. I asked Lucas but he didn’t do it either.

I’m not really going to let him suffer. But doesn’t mean I’m not going make him work for it.

My Duckie: You and I both know I at economics.

My duckie: Pleaseeeeeeeeeeeee I’ll be your best friend!

My Duckie: I wont roast you for a week

My Duckie: I’ll buy you food.

My Duckie: I’m desperate.

The boy is relentless. How cute.

Me: Fine, but you have to come over to my house. You actually have to do the work. But I’ll help you.

My Duckie: So, like a study date?

Me: Yeah

My Duckie: YAAAAAAASSSSSS I’ll be there in about 30 give or take. I’m still at work but I’ll get Jaemin to cover for me.

I smile down at my phone. Such a dork.

Me: Better bring me food as payment

I guess I should probably pick up my room a bit before he comes.

Donghyuck just texted me he’s on his way. I head back up to my room and grab my backpack to pull out my notes and text book. I head back down stairs to grab us drinks because I forgot them. While I was in kitchen making juice the doorbell rings. He better have my food. I mean I could have gone out and gotten it myself. But I just couldn’t be bothered.

“Did you bring me the food?” “Panda?” He holds up a carry out bag. “Chow mein, and honey shrimp?” “As always.” “Yay! I’ll pay you back.” “Don’t worry about it.” “You always say that.” “Friends don’t let other friends starve.” “Friend ship goals!”

We just finished eating and head upstairs to actually start studying. “You did bring your things, right?” “A study date would be pointless if I didn’t” “Well get your notes then”


“This is pointless! I don’t understand a thing Mark.” Donghyuck groans in frustration. “Can we please just quit?” He asks with pleading eyes. “We’ve only been at this for what? forty minutes. And only answered three questions.” “But I just don’t get it! I feel stupid. No, I am stupid. It should be easy” He buries his face in hands It hurt me to see him put himself down like that. “You are not stupid, don’t ever call yourself that. I’m here to help you remember?” I say to hi gently trying to ease his mind. He looks at me with his big dough eyes. I couldn’t help but to melt a bit inside. “Okay, lets finish.”

“Okay, so Inflation and Stagflation are what?” “Inflation is a sustained incretion in prices of goods.” “And?” “Stagflation occurs when an economy...” He takes a second to think. “Can I look at my notes?” “No, you gotta remember Hyuck.” “UGHHHH!” He gets frustrated fast. “Hyuckie Stagflation is when an economy is experiencing a damaging rate of inflation.” “I’m never going to get this” “You will, it just takes time. Just breathe and take your time thinking, don’t pressure yourself.” “Now, can tell me how high inflation effects economy?” “Banks grant fewer loans, interest rises, unemployment rises.” “See! You’re getting it.”

“One last time, I promise.” “You said that an hour ago.” “This time I mean it. Tell me about Stagflation?” I look at him patiently waiting. He takes his time to think. “When an economy is experiencing high inflation” “You did! I told, you could. Now we can quit.” I say to him smiling as he smiles back. My heart races. “Thank you for being patient with me, and not getting mad when I didn’t understand.” “What kind of person would I be if lost my temper just because you have trouble getting a lesson. And you’re welcome, I can help you any time you need it.” “Wanna play a round of Mario Kart Mark?” “Hell yeah, I call first player!”


“OH, THAT’S A CHEAP SHOT YOU LITTLE- WHAT THE FUCCCCCCCKKK!?” “WHY WOULD YOU USE THE LIGHTNING BOLT? WE BOTH AGREEED IT WAS BANNED” “LISTEN YANKEE DANKY DOODLE I WILL NOT HESITA-” Hyuck keeps shouting because he is currently in 8th place whilst I am in 5th. “I hate cpu players. They aren’t nothing but dirty cheats” I laugh at the way he tugs his hair when he comes in at 7th. “Maybe we should play something else. This game is too ragey for you. Perhaps Mortal Kombat or maybe Gears of war?” “Your on”

After what felt like hours of playing video games both our eyes start to hurt from staring intently at the tv and we both call it quits for the night. We sat in a comfortable silence just laying on my bed mindlessly scrolling through our phones. Occasionally showing each other a meme every now and then. I got bored and turned my phone off and I stared at the ceiling for a while.

I took a deep breathe in and sighed. I looked over at Donghyuck who was still on his phone laughing to himself. I stared at him. He didn’t seem to notice me staring. I noticed how beautiful he was. The way his eyes would crinkle when he laughed, how his lips curled a bit at the sides. Took my breathe away. He always seemed to know how to dress too. What ever he wore, he pulled off well. He could wear a literal trash bag and I’d still find him breath taking. He had on blue jeans, a white shirt with some red graphic design, and red jacket that he had slightly hanging off one shoulder. I could feel my mouth getting dry again, how my stomach would feel weird like when you’re driving, and you go into a dip and your belly does a thing. That’s exactly how I feel. My heart is fluttering. I think I may have feelings for him. All ever seem to think about is him. am in no way complaining. Who wouldn’t want to have Donghyuck on their mind all day.

Its now almost 9 pm and Hyuck and I started to watch the live action Peter Pan. The one with Jeremy Sumpter. We’re at the part where Peter is coxing Wendy to run away with him. I start mindlessly quoting the movie to myself. ‘Forget them Wendy, forget them all. Come with me and you’ll never ever have to worry about grown up things again.’ ‘Never is an awfully long time’ I found myself looking at Hyuck again. We reached the part in the movie where Wendy is about to give Peter a Thimble. I found myself looking at Donghyucks lips. He was too invested into the movie to seem to notice. I turn back to the movie. I slowly start to inch my hand towards him. Slowly. My pinky lightly brushes his. His hand is ice cold. I do it again. I slightly glance at him. I can see his eyes darting from my had to the tv. I can feel my heart pumping. Our hands are intertwined. Right as Wendy says to peter ‘This belongs to you, and always will’.

Donghyucks POV

I could feel Marks eyes on me. I tried to play it off as cool. I kept my attention on the tv. He looks away finally. I release a breath I didn’t know I had held. I, felt his hand slightly brush against mine. It was just a coincidence. He does it again. This time he leaves his pinky slightly on mine. I look at it for a second. Oh god, stay calm. He is holding my hand. This is real, this is happening. A million thoughts are running through my mind. Yet the only thing I can think about is Mark Lee is holding my hand.

*Two days before prom*

“How did your date with Mark go last night Haechan?” I turn to look at Jeno. “It wasn’t a date. It was a study session.” “Sure, it was.” He wiggles his eyebrows at me. I still have yet to them all about the other night, and how he held my hand. We’re just friends. So why does it matter?

*To later that day*

Pretty Boy: I already picked up my tux for prom, It’s basic black. I’m so excited! Have you picked yours up yet?

Panic arises in me. I have not. What am I gonna do? I don’t have enough time!

Me: Yeah! I did. Its basic black too. And same!! Its gonna be so much fun! I can’t wait to see you in it.

I just lied to him! I’m an idiot! SHIIIIIIIT

“Haechan hyung, you okay? You look frazzled” I look up to see Jisung. Who has chenle wrapped around him. We were all currently at his house having a day together. “You haven’t happened to have already gotten your outfit to prom, have you?” “I was actually going to pick it up later today why?” I sighed slightly in relief. “Can I go with you. I kinda have a last-minute thing going on.” He raises his eyebrows at me. “So, your saying you have date then?” Chenle looks over at me with that look. Don’t do it. “GUYS, HAECHAN HYUNG HAS A PROM DATE. HE’S KEEPING SECRETS AGAIN.” He shouts what that loud dolphin voice. Everyone looks over at me. Then comes Jaemin speed walking towards me. If I cold bury my self in the couch I would. “I can not believe you would have the audacity, to hide this from me! I feel betrayed and hurt!” Really? He’s gonna fake cry. “Hey, I wanted to tell you, but I just thought Mark wanted to keep it a casual thing-“ . “Mark!? Oh my god, who asked who?” I have no choice but to come clean. “He did.” Everyone in the room seemed to get all excited. “You owe me twenty bucks Chenle!” Renjun shouts. “Goddamn it!” “Markhyuck is sailing!” What are they on about.


We are now pilled in my car and on are way to the mall. Jaemin is of course is in shotgun still not talking to Jeno. “How long ago did he ask you?” “About a week.” “Now I have two people lying to me.” “I did not lie to you.” “You not telling me is a form of lying.” “No its not.” “Whatever, did anything else happen between you two?” I contemplate telling him about the night at his house. “He may have held my hand.” “YOU TWO HELD HANDS!”


I spent over an hour looking and trying on tuxes and none of them look right. “How about this one?” Renjun brings one over to me. “We’re shopping for prom here, not a cocktail party!” *Picture Haechans sorry sorry outfit* “It’s all they have left, last minute.” “I’m not wearing that” He rolls his eyes and goes looking again

“We’ve been here three hours, Donghyuck Please, tell me you like this one?” Renjun hands me an all-black suit. I scrunch my face “Black on black?” Everyone looks so done with my “OH MY GOD! IF YOU DON’T-““Fineeee I’ll get it. It’s better than the cocktail outfit, and especially better than the sparkly black suit Chenle picked out” “Hey, I thought it looked great on you”


A/N: Did I dig out my old econ notes form high school just for that one part? Yes. I knew keeping them would be beneficial. I also want to point out that I whole heartedly was listening to Crush by David Archuleta while I wrote this chapter. Love ya! ~ Joey 😊

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Mvptofu #1
Chapter 14: I love this story so much... thank you... can't wait for the next update \^○^/
Chapter 14: it might be weird but with that chapter i'm starting to ship renjun and donghyuck
2Min4CheckingUOut #3
Chapter 4: Sunny duckie you're the one who makes Mark's heart pound with immeasurable joy
2Min4CheckingUOut #4
Chapter 3: If "light my cigarette" doesn't catch on as a pickup line I'll be oddly disappointed. This story is really cute. I love the use of sarcasm
Chapter 14: Woah that was a lot to process but now I know what happened in that relationship. I really hope Renjun confronts Mark and finds out that its all a misunderstanding!!!
Chapter 13: I only found this story today and I love the direction you are taking it in. Keep it up!!
Chapter 13: oh gosh..justgot here and already addicted!
Mvptofu #8
Chapter 13: Thankyou for the update ❤
Mvptofu #9
Chapter 11: I just found your story and i'm so excited for the next chapter

And hope you get better soon ❤
Chapter 11: Oh no... Mark showed up at the wrong time, but didn't stick around long enough to understand the situation. I hope he doesn't pull away from Donghyuck after this. If he wants him, he needs to man up. I have a feeling Sanha is gonna be hanging around more, causing trouble. I hope he doesn't hurt Hyuck.

Hope you feel better soon.