Lighters and Candy

Strawberries and Cigarettes

“Light my cigarette?” He flicks the lighter on and puts it to the cigarette. “Here why don’t you keep it. You need it more than me I guess” I take the lighter. I look at for a moment. Its black and has a hollow graphic cassette tape on it. “Thanks” “Don’t mention it. Consider us even for me falling on you the other day.” “Alright, we’re even.” I smile at him. He smiles back. His smile makes me feel some kind of way.

“My names Mark by the way.” “I know, I remember.” He looks out at the yard. “And my names Donghyuck. In case you forgot.” I didn’t forget. “Donghyuck. That has a nice ring to it. But I gotta say, Hyuck sounds like duck.” “I was actually waiting for you to say that. Because everyone does.” He laughs lightly. I couldn’t help but look at him. He had on black jeans that were ripped at the knees with a black t shirt and red flannel that hung open and were rolled up at the almost to his elbows. He looked ethereal. I suddenly felt a bit insecure. I didn’t think I looked bad when I left house earlier, now I’m rethinking every fashion decision I made. What I have on isn’t too bad is it? Blue jeans with a white shirt and my favorite leather jacket plus my hair is red. I look like a mess compared to him.

“Can I call you Duckie? Its just you look like a duckie to me” “That’s a new one, sure why not I like it.” He gives a big smile. “Normally people say I resemble the sun. My friends call me Haechan which means full sun. I never really got why they compared me to the sun. The sun is just a giant ball of gas, the only thing special about it, it gives light, makes people sweaty, and makes plants grow. And I for one am none of the above. I’m afraid of getting electrocuted, so I can’t change a light bulb, I am 99 percent sure I’d kill a garden, and I don’t think I make people sweaty, it’s the other way around.” I couldn’t help but laugh at him rant on about him and the sun. “Don’t laugh at me. It’s the truth. When I meet someone new it ends up with me needing and inhaler and deodorant.” I was in a pit of laughter my face hurt and my sides felt as if they were gonna burst. I guess laughing so hard made him join.

When we both finally calmed down I couldn’t help but ask “You maybe wanna grab a drink and dance a little?” “I’d like too yeah.” That little turned into a lot. We both just got lost in the moment. We both had a little over are limit of drinks. Not enough to had made us full on drunk but enough to stumble here and there. We found ourselves on the couch worn out from dancing. “You wanna go somewhere else?” He asked me. “Like where?” “I know a place, come on.” He grabbed my wrist and lead me out the front door. I found myself running. The wind hit my face and look at Donghyuck he still has hold of my wrist. He looks at me and smiles. The way his skin glowed in the street lights as he smiled at me made me understand why he resembled the sun. “Don’t worry its not too far from here.”

We were at a skate park. “Why here?” I said catching my breathe. “I come here a lot and its never really busy. Maybe just a few kids sometimes. But looks empty to me.” “Its peaceful, I see why you’d like it here.” “Nice to come too when you need a break from people.” “Come on Mark, lets sit at the top of one of these.” We make our way up by doing a running start, took us a few tries but we made it. When we got to the top I noticed on the other side of the park was a lake. How the moon illuminated the water was a sight to see. “It beautiful right?” “Yeah, it is.”

We found ourselves laying down on the ramp and looking to the sky. “Hey Duckie, why’d you join school so late in the year?” “Well, all of friends that go there, and I missed them.” “Oh.” They continued to look at the sky.

It was now nearing 3 am and Donghyuck had to get home. He was already past his curfew. He sists up. “I gotta get home. I’ll see you at school Mark.” “Oh, okay then.” Why am I feeling sad that he’s leaving? Donghyuck is already getting redy to slide down the ramp. “Hey! Wait a sec. Let me give you my number.” “Sure, what is it” “*** *** ****” He pounds the numbers in. “Well see ya Mark.” “Bye.” He’s down the ramp before I could finish saying bye. In the wind I could smell is his sent. Strawberries.

A/N: Yall aint got no idea how long it took me to edit this chapter. First the text kept coming out blue, and had this red flag thing, no idea what that was about. Then the text kept shrinking and looking all wonky.  Aff hates me sometimes. Ya girl been through a lot. Oh well i fixed it. Toodles ~ Joey :) 

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Mvptofu #1
Chapter 14: I love this story so much... thank you... can't wait for the next update \^○^/
Chapter 14: it might be weird but with that chapter i'm starting to ship renjun and donghyuck
2Min4CheckingUOut #3
Chapter 4: Sunny duckie you're the one who makes Mark's heart pound with immeasurable joy
2Min4CheckingUOut #4
Chapter 3: If "light my cigarette" doesn't catch on as a pickup line I'll be oddly disappointed. This story is really cute. I love the use of sarcasm
Chapter 14: Woah that was a lot to process but now I know what happened in that relationship. I really hope Renjun confronts Mark and finds out that its all a misunderstanding!!!
Chapter 13: I only found this story today and I love the direction you are taking it in. Keep it up!!
Chapter 13: oh gosh..justgot here and already addicted!
Mvptofu #8
Chapter 13: Thankyou for the update ❤
Mvptofu #9
Chapter 11: I just found your story and i'm so excited for the next chapter

And hope you get better soon ❤
Chapter 11: Oh no... Mark showed up at the wrong time, but didn't stick around long enough to understand the situation. I hope he doesn't pull away from Donghyuck after this. If he wants him, he needs to man up. I have a feeling Sanha is gonna be hanging around more, causing trouble. I hope he doesn't hurt Hyuck.

Hope you feel better soon.