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Strawberries and Cigarettes

The day of Prom

Donghyucks POV

I’m at work and Jaemin has been in quite a great mood today. “Nana?” Jaemin who is currently wiping down booths looks over at me “Yeah?” “What’s gotten you into a good mood?” “Jeno asked me to prom.” “After you accused him of cheating? I mean I don’t blame you.” “Don’t remind me, I already feel like a .” “I told you could trust him. Now I want every detail on how he asked you”

*A few hours before prom*

We’re all gathered at Chenles house. We agreed to met here so we could get ready in one place. And Chenle has huge bathroom so its perfect for us. Mark agreed to meet us here later for pictures.


“Can’t you get dressed somewhere else!?” Jisung shouts as Chenle steps out of the bathroom and drops the towel from his waist. “We’re all guys here, calm your ” “I don’t want to see that!” “Chenle, have you no decency?” “UGH fine” He steps back into the bathroom. “I often find myself asking, ‘Why him Jisung?’” “Because you love him.” Renjun tells him. “, you right.”


Its 8 pm and Mark should be on his way. I’m riding with him, to prom while I reluctantly agreed to let Jaeno use my car.

“Go get the door Jeno!” “I’m putting my pants on! Why don’t you get it?” I hope he’s joking. “You should’ve had them on an hour ago!” He comes down stairs. “I split kool aid on them, I had to wash them in the sink, then used Chenles hair dryer.” “First off, why didn’t you put them in the actual dryer? Second, you do realize you rented that tux.” He has a pained look on his face. “I’m aware.” The doorbell won’t stop ringing. I went to open it and its Mark. I’m glad I opened the door. He looks amazing. I feel like a trash bag compared to him.

“MOVE, I’m gay.” In comes my hyung and his boyfriend pushing Mark out of the way. “My baby! Look at you!” “What are you guys doing here?!” I whisper shout at Taeil and Doyoung. “Mom wanted me to take pictures of you and your boyfriend. Also Doyoungie, wanted to see his favorite dongsaengs first prom together.” He looks over at Mark and he looks embarrassed. “H-he’s not my boyfriend.” “Well not yet.” “What?” ‘‘What? I didn’t say anything” Taeil mumbles. “Come on my precious children! Get together lets take some pictures!” Doyoung shouts. “You too Milgrette get in the photo”.

After what seemed like hours of photos they finally let us leave. But first. I want my own personal picture of Mark. “Mark wait, go stand on the staircase for me please?” “Why?” “Don’t ask questions, just go, Milgrette.” “I hate you” “You love me” He goes and stands on the staircase and I am loving this angel! I snap a few photos until I get a good one. I take a few through a filter. Oh my, I’m so gonna use this as my wallpaper.


We drove in silence, well between Mark and I there was silence. The back seat, was another story. Chenles dolphin laugh could be heard from out side the car.

We arrived.

“Did I ever tell you that you look, great tonight?” Mark says to me. We were over at the table. “Oh, thank you. You look amazing too.”

“Come dance with me Duckie?” I look over to him. “I promised you a dance remember?” “You did.” He got up and held his hand out to me. I took it. We walked out the dance floor. The first few dances were a bit awkward, because you haven’t gotten used it yet. I don’t remember being this awkward at the party? Because I wasn’t exactly sober. The song switches to Red Velvets Russian Roulette. Will I be able to contain myself? No.

“I didn’t know you could dance to so many songs” We sat back at the table. Meeting up with the others. “Haechan spends a majority of his free time learning choreos.” “He doesn’t even major in dance but he’s excellent.” “Maybe you could teach me sometime?” Mark asks me. “I wouldn’t mind.”


It’s getting further into the night and things are starting to loosen up a bit. Everyone has gone off and doing their own things spending their own time with each other.

I’m currently on my way to the back from the bathroom and to find Mark. I lost him in the crowd. I’m looking around for him. The host of prom announces the slow dances of the night and I still can’t find him.

I bump into someone. Renjun. “Hey Hyuck.” He greets with a smile. “Hey. You haven’t seen Mark have you?” He shakes his head. “I can’t find him. And I’m not gonna lie. I’m a little upset. I was hoping to get to dance with him. You don’t think he would leave, would you?” “Why would he do that? And if he did, I’d kick his for standing you up like that. I’m sure he’s around. Want me to help you look?” “I couldn’t ask you to that. I’d be taking you away from having fun.” He furrows his brows. “Nonsense. I came dateless anyway. Let’s go find yours.”

The first two songs have passed, and I still can’t find him.

“its no use Renjun. I’ll just wait for him at the table.” “Wait, don’t go getting the wrong idea, but the songs not over and I may not be Mark, but maybe we could dance? It’ll hurt me to see you sitting at the table sulking. So why not?” I shrug my shoulders. It beats just sitting there. “Okay, why not.”


Renjun has his hands placed on my hips. He may not be Mark, but I’m still enjoying my time. The next song starts playing.

I feel someone one tapping my shoulder. Mark.

“Mind if I cut in?” He looks at Renjun. “Go ahead. He’s your date after all.” Renjun Walks away. "I was looking for you everywhere Duckie" "Yeah, so was I" He looks down. "Well like i said before. I promied you a hand in hand dance right?" "Yeah." "Would you like to dance?" I smile at him. "I'd love too." Mark grabs my hand and leads me out of the crowded bodies around us and to the outside of the dance floor.  He places my hands on his shoulders and placed his on my hips. I don’t want this moment to ever end.

The song ends and just my luck that was the final slow song of the night. But Mark is till holding me. We just look at each other. Neither of us knowing what to say. My heart is pounding in my chest. I’m looking at him and all I can think of is how amazing he is. I haven’t felt this way before. This feeling in my stomach, the way my head feels light, how my hands get cold, or even the way my breathing picks up. I’ve dated before and have had crushes. None however had made me feel the way I do with Mark. It feels real. No strings attached. He’s not staring at my eyes anymore. He’s looking at my lips. I get a feeling. We slowly lean in a bit. A bit more. More. He moves away. He lets go of me. Crushed.

I pull back a bit letting go of him. “I, I’m gonna go get a drink.” I walk away with a slight pace in my step.

I’m an idiot. How could I ever think he’d like me? I mean, look at me. He could do better anyway.

“Hey Bear.” I froze slightly hearing that voice. I turn. “Sanha? What are you doing here? You don’t go here.” I look at him. “Rocky, invited me.” “Oh.” “Can we please talk?” “Why, what’s there to talk about?” He pulls me away from the mass of people as far as we could get. “I want to make it up to you. I messed up. I realized that. I miss you.” Please believe me.” “They say the best part of believe is the lie.” I say adding emphasis on the lie. ” Please give me one more chance?” He has pleading eyes. “I’m sorry. But I’m done. I’ve been done. I gave you a second chance and you proved me wrong. Its been over a year. Move on.” I go to walk away. He grabs my wrist. Déjà vu. “How many times to do I have to say I’m sorry?” He raises his voice a little. “You can apologize a million times for all I care. But you lied to me.” “And I’m sorry. I still love you.” I scuff at him. “Love me? You never loved me. You where in love with the thought of me. You loved how you could hurt me, manipulate me, belittle me and I was too stupid to realize that what you were doing was wasn’t love. I was blinded by you Sanha. You let me believe you that could do no wrong.” He looks at me with anger. “This isn’t something to take lightly. I gave you everything. My heart includes that. You took it and broke it in ways I never thought possible. That isn’t like a hoodie that you lend to someone. You took my trust, my time, and my heart. You can’t just give it back. You can’t just walk up to me and expect me to forgive you just as easily as you hurt me.” “Well look who’s finally standing up for themselves.” ” leave me alone.” I turn to walk away. “You can’t just walk away like this. You don’t think I cared about you? Who kept you from getting beat up every day? Who was the one that protected you?” His grip gets tighter. “I made you feel safe, remember? I was the one who gave you everything. ME!” He looks at me up and down. “Oh, I know what’s going on, you’re with someone else.” “No I’m-” “Don’t ing lie to me Donghyuck! I know about you and that senior guy here. You’re dating him, aren’t you?” I jump slightly. He asks with harshness lacing his voice. I try to keep a straight face. “Let go of me” I manage to get my wrist out of hold. “Stay away from me.” I turn to walk away. He grabs my shoulder. I look at him with fright. “I tried to be civil about this Donghyuck. But you’re making it hard for me.” He has a grip on me. My heart starts racing. “Look at you, like you really think you’re doing better by being with him. Take a good look at yourself Donghyuck. I’m the best you’re ever gonna get. No one will love you like me.” His every word laced with venom. “You belong to me! You’re mine remember!? I’m just gonna have show you how much you need me.” He kisses me. I put my hands on his chest and push him hard. “Get off me!” I push him away. “Stay the hell away from me!”


No ones POV

Mark went to find Donghyuck dancing with Renjun. He started to feel a faint feeling in his chest. Like a tightness. Its faint. But its there.

“Mind if I cut in?” He taps Donghyucks Shoulder whilst looking at Renjun. “He’s your date after all.”

“I was looking for you everywhere Duckie.” “Yeah, so was I” That feeling he had fades, He’s starting get nervous again. “Well, like I said before. I promised you a hand in hand dance, right?” “Yeah.” “Would you like to dance?” “I’d love too.” Mark grabbed his without hesitation and lead him over to the edge of the crowd. He placed his hand on his shoulder. All they do is look at one another.

I'd never dreamed that I'd meet somebody like you

And I'd never dreamed that I'd lose somebody like you

And I don’t want to fall in love.

What a wicked game you played to make me feel this way

What a wicked thing to do to let me dream of you

What a wicked thing to say you never felt this way

What a wicked thing to do to make me dream of you

And I don’t want to fall in love

Mark wouldn’t admit, nor realized how hard he had fallen for Lee Donghyuck.

The song is over, but they didn’t want to let go of each other.

Mark wants to hold him in his arms forever.

He leans to him.

He pulled back.

Marks breathing becomes slightly erratic. He couldn’t do this.

Donghyuck just looks at him. “I, I’m gonna go get a drink.” Before he can even say anything. He leaves. ‘I’m an idiot.’


He went back to the table. ‘I’m an idiot.’ He puts his head on the table. ‘Idiot, idiot, idiot, idiot, idiot, idiot.’ With every light bang of his head to the table.

‘I like him, right? That’s why I was gonna kiss him. Then why didn’t I?’ He groans to himself.

He looks at his phone and noticed Prom is almost over. He heads back to his car and decided to wait for Donghyuck there.

He sees Jeno and the others coming. Donghyuck is not with them. “Where’s Donghyuck?” “We assumed he was with you. Did he leave to the bathroom again? I swear that boy has the bladder of a two-year-old.” Jeno says. “I’ll go look for him.” “Hey, do you mind if we head back? We’ll meet you guys at my house?” Chenle says. “Yeah that’s fine, but if you see Hyuck before you leave text me. And be safe getting back.” “alright. You guys drive safe too.”

He heads back inside and look around.

Mark found him. Not in the way he wanted to.

He’s kissing someone. The boy from the park.

Mark has that feeling again. The tightness in his chest. But this time its worse. Like a cloth wrapped around him and pulled so tight he couldn’t breathe. He develops this feeling in his throat. A painful feeling.

‘I guess it was better that I didn’t kiss him. He has someone else.’

He heads back to the car.

Donghyuck shows up. He puts on a smile.

They drove in silence all the way back to Chenle’s

A/N:  AnGsT! I'm sick af you guys I have a fever and my stomach is killing me. I can't keep nothing down. Hope you guy enjoyed this chapter. The song used is Wicked games by Chris Isaak in case you wanted to know. Also, I went and tried to reply to all of your comments you guys leave but my replies weren't showing up and in a way i felt bad for not ever replying because i do appreciate you all so much. So i have to give you a BIG THANK YOU!! I sencerily appreciate all the love this story is getting. I hope you all are having a wonderful day/night. Love ya! ~ Joey :) 

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Mvptofu #1
Chapter 14: I love this story so much... thank you... can't wait for the next update \^○^/
Chapter 14: it might be weird but with that chapter i'm starting to ship renjun and donghyuck
2Min4CheckingUOut #3
Chapter 4: Sunny duckie you're the one who makes Mark's heart pound with immeasurable joy
2Min4CheckingUOut #4
Chapter 3: If "light my cigarette" doesn't catch on as a pickup line I'll be oddly disappointed. This story is really cute. I love the use of sarcasm
Chapter 14: Woah that was a lot to process but now I know what happened in that relationship. I really hope Renjun confronts Mark and finds out that its all a misunderstanding!!!
Chapter 13: I only found this story today and I love the direction you are taking it in. Keep it up!!
Chapter 13: oh gosh..justgot here and already addicted!
Mvptofu #8
Chapter 13: Thankyou for the update ❤
Mvptofu #9
Chapter 11: I just found your story and i'm so excited for the next chapter

And hope you get better soon ❤
Chapter 11: Oh no... Mark showed up at the wrong time, but didn't stick around long enough to understand the situation. I hope he doesn't pull away from Donghyuck after this. If he wants him, he needs to man up. I have a feeling Sanha is gonna be hanging around more, causing trouble. I hope he doesn't hurt Hyuck.

Hope you feel better soon.