Give my heart a holiday

Strawberries and Cigarettes

*The following Monday*

Donghyuck woke up to the sound of his alarm bouncing off the corners of his room. With a groan he slowly reached his hand out from the under the covers and slammed it down on the clock. He planted his face in his pillow once more before deciding it was time to get up.

He turned the shower on and let it warm up before grabbing his toothbrush and deciding it was hot enough temperature and stepped in. He stood under the steamy water for a while letting it relax him.


Donghyuck grabbed a few granola bars and walked out his house and headed to his car. He drove off to Jaemins house.

“We need to pick up renjun, Chenle and Jisung today.” “Jaemin stated as he climbed into the front seat. “Why does renjun need a ride?” “His car has a flat he’s gonna fix it after school.” “Great, now I have four knuckle heads in the car with me instead of one.” Donghyuck lightly joked, earning a small smack to his arm.

“So, guys, I was doing some internet last night, and I found a book on satanic rituals.” “Chenle, what would you need a book on that for?” Jaemin asks. “In case of an emergency. Where as in Jisung dies and I need to sell my soul for him and then end up being crush by him which ends up being the best mistake of my life and I end up falling for a better man” Everyone is now staring at Chenle. “Petition to throw Chenle out the car?” “Jisung!”


“Mark was at my house last night” Jeno whispers to his friends while Donghyuck has left the table. “He was probably just hanging out with Jaehyung hyung.” “Well yes and no, they were both talking about Haechan, I couldn’t exactly understand what they were saying but I know it had something to do with him, Mark kept repeating his name and saying ‘Donghyuck can off’ ” Renjun furrows his brows. “What do you mean by that?” “I don’t know. But lets not go jumping to conclusions so soon just because they haven’t talked in a while.” “Too late, I’m gonna kill him with my bare hands” “We’re not killing anybody Jaemin” Jisung tells the older. “But nobody hurts our friend and gets away with it! We had to sit back and watch Donghyuck fall apart once and I’ll be damned if we’re gonna let that happen again with some-” Jaemin stops mid-sentence when Hyuck returns to the table with his lunch bag. Looking at his friends. “What were you guys talking about?” He looks directly at Chenle who cannot for his life keep his mouth shut. “We were talking about M-” Jisung had kicked Chenle under the table. “Sahna!” chenle finished with a hiss and glare towards the younger. Donghyucks gaze falters a little “Why would you be talking about him?” “Because, you’ve been kinda off recently and we thought maybe it might have something to do with him.” I haven’t seen nor talked to him in months and I appreciate your concern but I’m fine.” “Are you sure?” Renjun asks. “Why wouldn’t I be?”


It was sometime after the end of the day and Mark was heading to his car. It was late and had gotten dark there was only a few students cars left in the lot. He backed out and drove away. He was going to head home but decided against it. He drove to the park. He sat in his car for bit. He got out and headed straight for that one spot.

Mark looked up at the night sky and looked to the stars. Every time he looked up and saw those stars, he would think about Peter Pan. How amazing it would feel to fly in them. Looking at those stars he started to notice how they resembled a pair of eyes he grew so fond to look at.

“You really like him, don’t you?” he had said to himself. Mark had already climbed up the ramp. “Why didn’t you kiss him?” “Why are you so scared?” He thought to himself. He stood leaning over the metal bars. Looking over to river He thought about how those eyes resembled the sun. Whether it be evening or morning, he thought about how those eyes made him feel at peace with himself. Because whenever Mark looked up to see the stars and sunset Donghyuck would be right there. He never noticed how when they were out there, Mark would look over to his favorite star.

Mark had decided it was time for him to head home. As he made his way over to his car he was greeted by a couple of kids around his grade. “Well if it isn’t one of the brigade. How’s your boyfriend?” “No wait I’m sorry how’s all your boyfriends considering you only hang out with ers” They all laughed whilst making obscene gestures and noises. “Bet you love receiving it at all angles, huh pretty boy?” He grew more irritated by the second. They were all blocking his car. He decided to just ignore them and walk the opposite exit and circle back around. Maybe they’d leave. “Aye! Where you going!? We were just talking” “Aww did we hurt the little fags feelings” He kept ignoring them. “Don’t leave us so soon, we wanted to have some fun” They started to chase after him. Mark ran.

He ran as far as his lungs could take him. He ran into a starbucks. He waited there 20 minutes to make sure they were gone. As he headed out someone approached the door before he did and offered to hold it for him. ‘” Hey, are you Mark Lee?” Mark looked at the tall boy in front of him. “Sorry, I’m Sanha, Donghyuck’s friend.” Sanha holds his hand for mark to take. Mark slowly accepts and keeps walking. “Yeah, I’m Mark why?” “Well, I’m his boyfriend and was kindly wondering if you could maybe back off.” Sanha says with a smile. Mark was slightly taken back. He looks to Sahna. “What?” “I said, Back. Off. Of. Donghyuck.” Mark furrows his brows and lightly shakes his head. “Look, Donghyuck and I are just friends. So, don’t go getting the wrong idea.” They reached his car. Mark goes to get in his car. Feeling a slight irritation from almost being getting jumped to dealing with someone’s hostile boyfriend “Well I wouldn’t hope so because that would be shameful on your part. And it would be a shame if something happened to that pretty boy face of yours because you’re actually pretty decent to look at, and now I see why Hyuck would be so fond of a pretty boy like yourself.” Mark looks at Sanha. “I’m sorry, what?” Mark asks with annoyance evident in his tone. “If you go near Donghyuck, I’ll kill you.” Sanha walks away. Mark stood there and watch as Sanha walked away. He got in his and slammed his door shut. All he wanted to do was go home.

A/N: It's me ya girl, ya ! I'm alive. Heres a small update for you guys. I know its been like 200 yeras since my last update but I'll try to be updating more. Love ya! Joey :) 

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Mvptofu #1
Chapter 14: I love this story so much... thank you... can't wait for the next update \^○^/
Chapter 14: it might be weird but with that chapter i'm starting to ship renjun and donghyuck
2Min4CheckingUOut #3
Chapter 4: Sunny duckie you're the one who makes Mark's heart pound with immeasurable joy
2Min4CheckingUOut #4
Chapter 3: If "light my cigarette" doesn't catch on as a pickup line I'll be oddly disappointed. This story is really cute. I love the use of sarcasm
Chapter 14: Woah that was a lot to process but now I know what happened in that relationship. I really hope Renjun confronts Mark and finds out that its all a misunderstanding!!!
Chapter 13: I only found this story today and I love the direction you are taking it in. Keep it up!!
Chapter 13: oh gosh..justgot here and already addicted!
Mvptofu #8
Chapter 13: Thankyou for the update ❤
Mvptofu #9
Chapter 11: I just found your story and i'm so excited for the next chapter

And hope you get better soon ❤
Chapter 11: Oh no... Mark showed up at the wrong time, but didn't stick around long enough to understand the situation. I hope he doesn't pull away from Donghyuck after this. If he wants him, he needs to man up. I have a feeling Sanha is gonna be hanging around more, causing trouble. I hope he doesn't hurt Hyuck.

Hope you feel better soon.