Racing to 60

Strawberries and Cigarettes

Donghyuck POV

*from the party*

Why did I let my brother talk me into going to this stupid party? I’ve been here a half hour and I’m so done. I don’t know anybody here besides my brother and his friends. The whole house smells of teenage hormones! Everybody is grinding up against one another. Bodies against bodies everywhere! I’m talking everywhere! In the kitchen, in the living room, outside! Everywhere! I need air.

I’m making my way past all the mass of clustered bodies in this tiny kitchen hallway. I’m just bumping into everyone. I’m now fighting my way out the back door. And I’m finally free. Yay! I look around for a minute and see a little bench on the patio and go to sit. Its nice out here. The stars are amazing. The night is breathtaking. I have to say; this party couldn’t have been planned better.

Its now past midnight and I seriously must pee. Time to go fight my way back inside. Or I could just go outsi- No! That’s not gonna happen. I’ll just go find a bathroom.

Going back inside was a mistake. Why are people more flirtatious and obnoxious when drunk? I don’t understand. That’s why I’m not even touching the stuff. Messes with your head. Messes up the thing in your brain that helps you think and go against stupid decisions. Makes you do things you’ll regret and I’m not up for that tonight. Finally made it to the kitchen. I notice there is a back door in kitchen. I’m using that door.

The first thing I see is that someone has taken my patio. He’s making himself comfy by the railing. This was my spot! There isn’t no sharing up in this ! If you think I’m leaving you are wrong. I make my way out the door. He doesn’t turn around or even notices I’m here. I take my spot on the bench again.

It’s been five minutes and he still doesn’t know I’m here. I don’t know about you, but I feel awkward just sitting here. What if he turns around and sees me. He’ll think I’m creepy and that I’m just staring at him. He’s moving. He dug into his pocket and is now going to smoke. Great, first he takes my patio and now he’s polluting my air! What’s next? The guy is struggling to light his cigarette.

I can’t believe I’m doing this. I’m gonna talk to him. Wait. The stranger with the unlit cigarette in his mouth looks oddly familiar. Oh no. It’s the guy from school. Mark. The one I fell on top of. I approach him. “Must be a sign of fate to quit smoking then.” I say to him. He looks somewhat relived to see me. Huh? “Hmph, maybe it is. But you wouldn’t happen to have a light on you would ya?” “Guess it’s a different kind of fate, I do” I do have one. Only bought it because it looked cool. “Light my cigarette?” I flick it on and lit it for him. Wow, he looks hot. Like Dylan Sprouse hot. Why did I say that? “Here why don’t you keep it. You need it more than me I guess” He takes it and looks at it for a minute. “Thanks” “Don’t mention it. Consider us even for me falling on you the other day.” Why did I bring that up? “Alright, we’re even.” He smiles at me I feel all weird, but I smile back.

My names Mark by the way.” “I know, I remember.” I look out at the yard. “And my names Donghyuck. In case you forgot.” Still not looking at him. “Donghyuck. That has a nice ring to it. But I gotta say, Hyuck sounds like duck.” Now I’m looking him. “I was actually waiting for you to say that. Because everyone does.” I laugh lightly.

Silence went by for a few moments. He kinda just stared at me. I’d be lying if I said I didn’t look either. He looked great tonight. He had on a leather jacket that fit him so well. He speaks up dragging me out of thought. “Can I call you Duckie? It’s just you look like a duckie to me” “That’s a new one, sure why not I like it.” The pet name made me smile. Duckie huh, I like it. I’m getting kinda nervous around him. “Normally people say I resemble the sun. My friends call me Haechan which means full sun. I never really got why they compared me to the sun. The sun is just a giant ball of gas, the only thing special about it, it gives light, makes people sweaty, and makes plants grow. And I for one am none of the above. I’m afraid of getting electrocuted, so I can’t change a light bulb, I am 99 percent sure I’d kill a garden, and I don’t think I make people sweaty, it’s the other way around.” He’s laughing me. See when I’m nervous I talk too much. “Don’t laugh at me. It’s the truth. When I meet someone new it ends up with me needing and inhaler and deodorant.” I’m not lying about that last part. He’s doing things to me. His smile when he laughs is just, enthrall. I just can’t help but laugh too.

“You maybe wanna grab a drink and dance a little?” “I’d like too yeah.” I told myself I wasn’t gonna drink, yet here I am. Drinking. You know I now see why people like this stuff. Makes you feel calm and you just wanna have fun. I ‘m no where near drunk but my head feels a bit hazy. I end up sitting on the couch first and Mark joins me. We sit for a little bit. This music is getting to much for me. I want to leave but I can’t just leave Mark. “You wanna go somewhere else?” I turn to him and ask, “Like where?” “I know a place, come on.” I grabbed him writ and drugged him out the front door. I don’t why but I ran. I ran while hold Marks writs. I just have this feeling of adrenaline rushing in my veins. I look back at him. “Don’t worry it’s not to far from here.”

I’m taking him to the skate park. I always come here with my friends. Its almost never busy there. We made it. “Why here?” Marks asks through breaths. “I come here a lot and its never really busy. Maybe just a few kids sometimes. But looks empty to me.” “It’s peaceful, I see why you’d like it here.” “Nice to come too when you need a break from people.” “Come on Mark, let’s sit at the top of one of these.” We struggled a bit. Mainly because of the alcohol in our system. “It beautiful right?” I noticed Mark looking at the lake. “Yeah, it is.”

We were laying down. Silence. It was comforting. “Hey Duckie, why’d you join school so late in the year?” It was nice while it lasted. “Well, all of my friends go there, and I missed them.” “Oh.” Back to the comforting silence.

I look at my phone a notice its almost three in the morning. I was supposed to be back by 1:30. Moms gonna kill me. “I gotta get home. I’ll see you at school Mark.” “Oh, okay then.” I hurriedly make my way to the edge. “Hey! Wait a sec. Let me give you my number.” Not without his number of course. “Sure, what is it” “*** *** ****” I type fast. “Well see ya Mark.” “Bye” I ran home.

*The next day*

I’m late for work! I knew going to that party was a bad idea. Now I’m running late. If I get fired I’m so gonna kill Taeil.

I get to work, and I quickly put on my work hat and apron. I get to the counter and I notice Jaemin. My bestest friend. “You’re so lucky I love you, ‘cause I covered for you. Why are you and hour late?” “I went to that party that my brother wanted to go to. He told me I had to ‘meet new people.’” “Interesting, tell me more?” “What’s there to tell you, not much happened.” I instantly start to recall last night’s events. The stranger with the unlit cigarette. Mark. I feel my face getting hot. “I see right through your lies. You met someone. Donghyuck, if you met someone be careful, it’ll kill me to see you get hurt again.” “Its been months Nana, I’m fine I promise.” I reassure him with a bitter smile. “So, you did meet someone! and you think it’s okay to just keep it from me!” I contemplate on telling him, on the account of his big mouth. He’ll tell Jeno and Jeno will tell Renjun. Renjun wouldn’t tell anybody, he’ll just use it against you though. But Jaemin will then tell Jisung and Jisung will tell Chenle. And Chenle will tell many, many people. “No, I’m not telling you.”

“Oh, come Hyuck, tell me! Tell your best friend of six years what happened at the party last night.” Its been two hours at work and he won’t leave me be about the party. Do you think I could drown him out by stuffing frozen yogurt in my ears? “Why do you want to know so badly?” “I’m a curious person Hyuck. You know that. NOW TELL ME!” “People are staring.” “Let them stare.” I was about to yell at him until I noticed Mark outside the shop talking to someone. My heart starts racing fast in my chest. Like its going 60 down a high way fast. Why am I feeling like this? I barley met the guy a few days ago. “What are you even looking at?” “Do you know a Mark?” “Why?” I point to the said boy outside. “That’s the boy I met at the party last night. I’m also in his class.” “You mean Mark Lee?” “I guess.” “I don’t know much. I just know he hangs out with Jenos brother a lot. Must ask Jeno about him. Heard he’s nice. Also heard about his smoking addiction. Jenos hyung tries to get him to quit but no such luck.”

*To later that night*

I haven’t texted Mark yet today. Oh no, what if he thinks I’m fake. I’m not fake. I was just busy at work. I should text him now. Why am I nervous? It’s not like I’m talking to him face to face. It’s just a text. What should I say? Why am I over thinking this? Just text him ‘Hey its Donghyuck.’ That’s too boring.

I still haven’t texted him yet. But I kind of don’t want to text him. I want to see him. I know what I’ll text.

To Pretty boy: Meet me at the park in an hour. ~Duckie

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Mvptofu #1
Chapter 14: I love this story so much... thank you... can't wait for the next update \^○^/
Chapter 14: it might be weird but with that chapter i'm starting to ship renjun and donghyuck
2Min4CheckingUOut #3
Chapter 4: Sunny duckie you're the one who makes Mark's heart pound with immeasurable joy
2Min4CheckingUOut #4
Chapter 3: If "light my cigarette" doesn't catch on as a pickup line I'll be oddly disappointed. This story is really cute. I love the use of sarcasm
Chapter 14: Woah that was a lot to process but now I know what happened in that relationship. I really hope Renjun confronts Mark and finds out that its all a misunderstanding!!!
Chapter 13: I only found this story today and I love the direction you are taking it in. Keep it up!!
Chapter 13: oh gosh..justgot here and already addicted!
Mvptofu #8
Chapter 13: Thankyou for the update ❤
Mvptofu #9
Chapter 11: I just found your story and i'm so excited for the next chapter

And hope you get better soon ❤
Chapter 11: Oh no... Mark showed up at the wrong time, but didn't stick around long enough to understand the situation. I hope he doesn't pull away from Donghyuck after this. If he wants him, he needs to man up. I have a feeling Sanha is gonna be hanging around more, causing trouble. I hope he doesn't hurt Hyuck.

Hope you feel better soon.